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Deadly Walker

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Everything posted by Deadly Walker

  1. Deadly Walker

    About Base building.

    It is to do with collision don't try to build to close to an object or to another player build wall the posts must be free and not touching anything or you can't build the frames.
  2. Deadly Walker

    Any way to fix the desync? Any news on fixing desync?

    desync can be fixed its call fibre optic broadband, since i upgraded i haven't had desync true story!! :D
  3. Deadly Walker

    Recording Tip

    Shadow play is good atm for people with low end machines that can't take any kind of fps drop. The reason it's still not as good as dxtory is because the audio is recorded as the same file as the video not separate so when it comes to editing videos for youtube (as im sure this is what your all thinking) makes it very difficult. Other than that its a great program. (it will dominate when nvidia make the audio separate) :D
  4. Deadly Walker

    DayZ SA 'Time To Survive' Ep2#' Video

    Episode 2 of this serieZ sees me and Russ meeting up with dave and making our way down from up north to the coast seeing if we can find bandits or people that seem like they are up to no good. We have a laugh get some kills and show off how we move through towns and compoundZ So check it out guyZ!! Enjoy the video? Comment/Like/Subscribe all the good stuff See you in the next one.
  5. Deadly Walker

    DayZ SA 'Time To Survive' Ep1#

    The first episode of my first series showing me going from no gear to full gear. joining me in this vid is Russ the guy i spend most of my DayZ time with. This just shows the route we take and the buildings we loot (not worth looting every building ;D) If you enjoy comment/like/subscribe all the good stuff. Check it out!
  6. Deadly Walker

    DayZ SA 'Time To Survive' Ep1#

    Re-edited version due to some issues with youtube :)
  7. First time in Electro for weeks and this is what happens! Cant say im surprised tho WARNING BAD LANGUAGE 18+ ;D
  8. Deadly Walker

    Whats your FPS and rig set up?

    Windows 7 64 bit AMD 8120 8 core (oc 4.0ghz) 16gb corsair vengance ram gigabyte gtx 760 4gb gigabyte 990xa mother board samsung ssd Citys 30-40 FPS Smaller towns 40 FPS Wilderness 50-60 FPS Looking at the sky 100+FPS Running a mix of normal to very high with post process on very low(dont turn this off or you wont know if your health is low)
  9. Deadly Walker

    See your location on your Map question

    Sidewinder im sure you play on FPP servers so why the outburst at people who do not????
  10. Deadly Walker

    T3N RDS vs. M68 CompM2 (Optics)

    The difference between the T3N RDS and the M68 CompM2 is the M68 is compatible with all night vision devices, So once night vision is introduced to the game then this will be the sight of choice for obvious reasons
  11. Deadly Walker

    New models for DayZ--<Enjoy>--!

    Nice to see a few of the up and coming additions tho, Gives us things to look forward to :D
  12. Deadly Walker

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    devs are doing a great job leave it at that
  13. Deadly Walker

    Whats going to be in 0.31.114160

    I'm sorry this is just ridiculous, you bought into an alpha it's that simple you do not work for the team so you have no right to be in the loop of what is coming out and when you also have no right to demand anything, you bought into an alpha an incomplete game that is here for people who want to be active in the development of the game which you obviously don't want to be so just forget dayz till it hits its beta stage then come back. Fed up of people feeling like they are owed something when they are not. Just be happy you got access to a game that probably wouldn't have been released yet if it wasn't for the good nature of the devs.
  14. Deadly Walker

    DayZ Sound Design Test - Part 3 Final Added

    Love the sounds that you have gone for in this. The only thing i would say is the birds while out and out the tweets are too often and not varied enough and there shouldn't be any seagull sounds on the coast as the birds are not actually in the game other than that great ideas :D
  15. Deadly Walker

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Obviously don't know what an alpha is for guessing you haven't even reported these bugs in the correct way on the forums you know like your supposed to during and alpha cos we are public testers if you didn't realise, so yeah take a break we'll see you in a year
  16. Deadly Walker

    Why it isn't in the game?

    Don't be such an ass on the forums, if you have nothing constructive to say then go elsewhere!
  17. Deadly Walker

    You Didn't Fix Spawns You Made Them Worse....

    Spawn location Fixes are ongoing! pointless thread
  18. Deadly Walker


    Again another person who has no clue what it takes to fix problems on this type of engine/game so all your narrow mind can do is blast the devs, How many times do people need telling if you wanted a finished and polished game that is bug free you shouldn't have bought the SA there was so many warning not to buy it because of the bugs yet you still bought it this is your fault not the devs so don't play till beta its that simple!!!!
  19. Deadly Walker

    Should they bring back General chat?

    |Global chat was one of the worst things about the mod so for it to appear in the SA would be a step back, all global did in the mod was allow people to bitch about dying and then announce your position if you was the one that killed them. Radios walkie talkies and direct chat is all we need. :D
  20. Deadly Walker

    Base Buidlind and How it Works?

    The best solution i think is to be able to take over and board up existing buildings mainly because it would add to the emersion of the game and lets face it in RL what would you do have an underground base or board up your house get guns and survive :D
  21. Deadly Walker

    Police Stations

    Just thought i'd put a post on about police stations as they seem to be missing from the game. We have firestations military bases and so on but there is no police stations in all of chernarus just thought it was a bit odd. Anybody else noticed they are missing and think they should be placed in atleast in the major towns/citys :D Love the game so far and the devs are doing a great job can't wait to see where we are at in a few months time :)
  22. Deadly Walker

    Police Stations

    The wiki mentions one been added to or around balota so think they might get added to all the major places with basic loot like handcuffs and stuff maybe a pistol
  23. Deadly Walker

    Pronunciation of DAYZ

    Day-Zee dunno been playing since the early days of the mod and have always said it this way :D
  24. Deadly Walker

    Do you combat log?

    I don't combat log but i can see reason to in certain situations at the minute like people server hopping in right next to you because why should someone who might not be to experienced with the game lose their hard earnt gear to someone who is exploiting the system? and the other instance would be hackers perfect to just leave.