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Everything posted by sess130

  1. sess130

    Was thinking about voice communication...

    Good idea, but it wouldn't matter anyway. You forgot to factor in that not everyone is using a mic when playing Dayz and some people might have cool headphones that allows you to mute the mic at any time, like mine (logitech g35). There are enough people that talk to their friends in proxi chat and give away their location as it is lol. What I would like to see fixed soon is the in-game ambient sound. I tire of hearing rustling chainlink fences in the woods, and the random zombie scream with no zed nearby.
  2. Yeah, I think they will remove it and make the mosin the civilian sniper. Here I am, just waiting for the SVD...
  3. sess130

    Anyone Find the Engraved 1911 HandGuns?

    I found one in the huge building in Novo (one of the new cities). On a side note, I found a Longhorn there too.
  4. Agreed. However, the fact that these companies are just now jumping on the bandwagon means Dayz has a decent headstart. The other companies will try to rush their product to beat Dayz's release (much like Warz) and make a shoddy product.
  5. I was just responding to the comment that Dayz uses an old crappy engine, when Arma2 was released after the frostbite engine. I'm just trying to get people to understand. Dayz isn't a game yet, its still an alpha. While bf4 has been released already and when it came out it was barely playable (but it has gotten better). If we were to compare Dayz Alpha vs. Battlefield 4 Alpha, which do you think would have been better? That right there, is the most fair comparison we could have.
  6. Well, bf4 uses the Frostbite engine which has been used since 2008 and Dayz uses the Arma 2 engine which was released in 2009 (both of which were updated/improved for the newer games). Not to mention the fact that bf4 still has terrible tickrate, misaligned hitboxes, broken hit registration, and several other 'core mechanics' bugs...and its been out for several months while Dayz is still in alpha state. So I think its a fair comparison.
  7. Actually I'm just playing HC. So, I guess I have fewer problems because very few people play HC. Sometimes I have to press a key multiple times to get a weapon out, or I get rubberbanded into the building I was just in, but nothing I would say is broken core mechanics.
  8. I don't see how the fundamentals of the game are 'broken'. I can play the game just fine with no lag and minimal rubberbanding. That's more than I can say for BF4, for example. And yes, I'm comparing a 'complete' game to an alpha...but Dayz doesn't have nearly as many bugs/broken aspects as BF4 (and its a RELEASED game).
  9. Guns were developed to cause the human body to bleed to death, not result in instantaneous death (but can still happen). When the human body has adrenaline flowing a person can withstand MANY shots before dying, because adrenaline dulls nerve endings and localizes blood flow to vital organs/muscles. The human body is a lot more durable than some of you give it credit. If you got shot in a non-vital organ, controlled the bleeding, and took antibiotics to fight the possibility of infection you would survive. You wouldn't even need to remove the bullet or undergo surgery (however, your recovery time would be greater without). Considering this, the game isn't actually that far off from reality. Back on subject, the crossbow is definitely a little overpowered but nobody would use it if it did less than rifles (except if it took the place of your melee weapon).
  10. I think he was stating that is his personal preference in weapons, not that they aren't fully operational. I have no problems finding pistol magazines...in fact I have 3 FNX mags on my person right now and my buddy has 3 of EVERY type on him. The reason people don't use the sporter .22 is because of its garbage damage. I often find the magazines to my weapons right NEXT to the weapon I picked up, which is already way too easy. The devs will never spawn the mags with the guns because they are making this an "anti-game", meaning the difficulty of the game SHOULD cause some people to rage and never play the game again (i.e. Dark Souls/Demon Souls). If you expected an easy game where you can just shoot other people, you might want to quit playing now.
  11. No. Once the loot starts respawning, all of this will be pointless. I don't want noobs running around with fully kitted out guns that they got from 2 hours of playing the game. I'm actually hoping they make it harder, imho.
  12. sess130

    Code of the Hunter?

    I agree with most of your 'rules'. My group tends to 'claim' anything they need on a first-come, first-served basis. I always determine the threat level of an enemy before shooting (i.e. If he has an m4 and is moving away from my position, I won't HS them). Definitely don't gloat over your kills!
  13. sess130

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    You'll stomp Dayz. I have a GTX 680 and i7-3930k and don't have issues (except for network latency and generally bugginess). You should be able to rip through pretty much any game on the market.
  14. Rant. Lock the thread mod. Honestly, its a WIP. The zombie movement is easy to predict if you learn to adapt to your environment. I rarely run into problems with the 'new' zombies unless its like 5 of them at once (only using the axe). BI has an entire 40 man team in Slovakia only working on zombie AI and pathfinding so they will be fixed eventually. Just give it some time. And yes, it's an alpha. You gave examples of games that were finished.
  15. sess130

    Berezino new Elektro?

    Yeah, Berezino is getting more attention because of all the new weapon spawns nearby. However, many people still don't know about the ship and still miss important spawn areas. All in all, Berezino is still my favorite spawn point because its kinda hard to get killed there if you know the layout.
  16. Only twice. Once in a normal server, he killed me in one server then followed me to the next and killed me there within 3mins. The second time was waaay back, when people used .pbo hacks and shot through buildings like Supernatural ghosts. Hasn't happened since I started playing HC only...strange coincidence huh? Edit: Skulking around the northern woods is a legit survival mechanic. Even more so when hunting is introduced :P
  17. sess130

    DayZ Best Equipment Checklist

    Mosin - LRS and PU scope with compensator and bipod TTsKO Pants and Shirt DPM camo assault vest and boonie FNX with RDS, suppressor, and pistol flashlight As much ammo, medical supplies, and equipment (handcuffs, protector cases, etc) that I can carry. More medical supplies than anything though, as I like to think of myself as a medic. Honestly, if they're laying in a field they deserve to get shot anyway. Camo is very effective in this game, but you need to pick your position carefully. I have had people look straight at me many times and they didn't even know I was there (think about that next time you play lol). Trees are much better cover, since grass doesn't render at longer distances (500m+).
  18. sess130

    India forum spam.... wtf

    This has been happening a lot recently...They need to implement some captcha for creating an account i think.
  19. sess130

    Why would you even...

    I've had a similar experience and it sucks. I was at NEAF with only one other person in the server. I loot the jail house, and get shot on my way out. So I join another server (empty) and spawn in Berezino. Not 3 mins of looting and I'm ghosted by the same guy from the previous server. Hackers suck and it definitely leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Just remember: if they need to hack to enjoy a video game, they are overcompensating for their tiny penis lol.
  20. sess130

    Regaining blood is way too hard

    I'm fine with the way it is, maybe even making it harder. They are going for realism in this game and IRL a person needs 4-6 weeks to regenerate their RBC, WBC and all other constituents of their blood. I'm personally glad they made saline bags only temporarily replace blood volume, because thats what it does irl too.
  21. sess130

    The reason Zombie clipping isn't fixed.

    They have an entire 40 person team working on only zombie AI and pathfinding in Slovakia...so give it some time. However, I have noticed that some buildings the infected don't clip through like they used to. For example, hangars. They now run all the way around and through the front doors, when they used to clip through the walls.
  22. sess130

    Mosin at 800yrds, Iron sights

    Honestly, everything in the game is a placeholder atm. I really believe that the guns/ballistics will be tweaked quite a bit before release. The mosin will probably be the base-tier sniper at some point and not be as accurate as it is now.
  23. sess130

    What are they?

    The backstory is very similar to 28 Days Later. They are infected people, which is why they die by bodyshots but do not suffer from shock damage. Basically, its the more 'realistic' approach to zombies.
  24. sess130

    Stand alone attachment system = COD

    Your argument is invalid, because the CQB stock already does this by increasing 'dexerity' of the gun, making it faster to shoulder and move. Also, the RIS handguard allows you to add more attachments to your weapon (like the weapon flashlight). These 'magic' properties you speak of are the only way the devs can translate real life differences into a video game. For example: if you use a RIS handguard without a foregrip, it will be extremely uncomfortable to use since the rail system will be digging into your hand. IRL this would make your shot less accurate and this is reflected in game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending their adoption of random dispersion (because that is a terrible idea) but they are making it as real as possible for a video game without making it tedious. Then go play CoD instead. Seriously, this game is a WIP meaning some things work, some don't. ^This. Your character does not have any stats or skills to increase/decrease based on the attachments you use. The only way to make the attachments have an effect on your accuracy is to alter the weapon's stats, since your character has none to modify. If attachments didn't modify the weapon's stats, they would do nothing in the game at all. So why would anyone use attachments at all then?
  25. sess130

    Stand alone attachment system = COD

    I kind of agree in the fact that the weapon accuracy should never change unless affected by exterior forces (precipitation, wind, etc) but first of all they need to remove the random dispersion of the weapons for that to work. If you shoot a pistol at a zombie from 30m, it should never be a gamble if you're looking down the sights and not out of breath. As for the attachments, it would be extremely hard for them to translate the comfortability of an attachment to an increase in accuracy like it would irl, without having the attachment actually increase accuracy (every fps does it because its easy and semi-realistic). But I do believe that the LRS will not be compatible with the mosin once other hunting rifles/military snipers are added.