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Everything posted by sess130

  1. sess130

    Shooting/Aiming through walls..

    I can confirm this issue (and will report the bug, even though EVERYONE has already lol). A buddy and I were chillin in the hangers at Balota Airstrip and one guy clipped through the right wall and headshotted me, then my buddy. I am sure this bug is in the same vein as the zombies clipping through walls and will probably get fixed with the same patch, so I'm not too worried.
  2. sess130

    What I think the night should look like;

    The current Dayz nighttime is a little unrealistic, but they wanted to go for atmosphere so I understand. Still, I would prefer that they brighten night a little bit because the human eye can still see decently well at night (as long as you aren't looking from light to dark quickly). This is due to the rods/cones in the human retina. However, the black/white vision at night is EXTREMELY accurate because that is how our nightvision works.
  3. sess130

    M4 further customization/atachments

    They already have many of these planned, I believe. By checking the game files you can find laser sight, compensator and a couple others. But I would like to see the ACOG changed to make it like a real-life ACOG...meaning it has an illuminated crosshair that works without a battery (has a solar strip on top). Also, a forward grip taking the place of a bipod would be amazing! Also, I am hoping that with the rail-system will allow you to attach 4 different accessories to the grip (flashlight, laser sight, aftermarket sight, and bipod/grip) in addition to the buttstock and barrel attachment. Simply epic, if implemented.
  4. sess130

    Tactical Vest VS UK vest

    They might change in the future. Right now they have the same capacity, so they probably have the same defense too. However, I read a post earlier where someone listed all of the in-game items from the game files and ballistic vest was in that list in addition to the 2 current vest types. I'm assuming that they have yet to be implemented, but probably will at a later date. Would be nice if ballistic vests had less capacity but more defense, and assault vests the opposite.
  5. sess130

    How do i become healthy?

    If you take a wound from a z, ALWAYS disinfect using alcohol or anitbiotics. When I use antibiotics, it doesn't show I'm sick beforehand only after I consume them (bug?), then my wounds become clean and the sickness goes away. So to get the 'healthy' status you need to have full health, blood, hunger, thirst, and not sick, I believe. Best way to accomplish this is to eat a bunch of food, (take antibiotics if wounded or sick) then drink at a well until you get the message 'I am full'. Give it about 1 hour in game and you should get the healthy status. Good luck surviving!
  6. This has happened to me a couple different times (only one being the dev team wipe). Burritobandit has the right idea. I believe that some servers may not save your progress, or desync could cause issues. However, I think that switching servers too frequently (server surfing) may cause some of this too, but whether its a bug or dev implementation I don't know.
  7. sess130

    Saline Bag IV (the proper blood bag?)

    My buddy was unconscious and I used a saline IV on him and it brought him back. Also, another friend was totally grey-screened (low on blood) and he stated that the saline brought color back. Can anyone else confirm that saline IV's work for these occasions?
  8. sess130

    DayZ Blood Type Question?

    Just remember: Saline IV's can be used as a replacement for blood IV's AND saline is much more common than finding a blood test kit/finding someone with the same blood type. I can confirm that saline will cure unconscious/low blood!
  9. So I was a relatively new spawn and just got done looting the military base SW of Pavlovo. I've got some olive tac gear, hunting backpack, and an m4 with a clip. I'm heading north along the road from Pavlovo (silly me) and I hear on voip "Stop right there and drop your weapon!" Seeing as I was at a disadvantage and caught out in the open, I raise my hands in surrender and let them approach. Three guys in full military gear and m4's come out of the woods from three different directions and surround me. I'm totally expecting to be robbed, handcuffed and fed disinfectant or some bs, so I kinda accepted my fate and was very cooperative. They checked my gear and asked me what I had on me, and I told them. I said that I just got done looting the military camp down south, and they told me they did the same in Zelenogorsk. Then they bid me farewell and let me go on my way. Stunned, I was only able to mumble a "Take it easy, guys" before booking it into the woods nearby and letting a heart attack ensue. Needless to say, Chernarus needs more survivors of this caliber running around. P.S. If the group that I met reads this, keep fighting the good fight! And maybe we'll have to group up one day :D
  10. sess130

    Underground structures are possible

    I would LOVE to see military bunkers, sewers, and basements put into the game! This would add a whole new dimension to gameplay. Imagine, hearing gunshots nearby in Cherno as a new spawn and freaking out. So you see a sewer nearby and jump down into it to escape the action without getting KoS'd. Or even using the sewers to get the jump on the gunman. Epic.
  11. sess130

    Ruined items after PvP

    I have to disagree with you completely. There is already WAY too much KoS going on in the alpha. I would actually like to see more features that benefit group play (aside from safety in numbers).
  12. sess130

    Radios/Walkie Talkie Idea + (Pics)

    I really dig this idea! This would add an entirely new layer to single/team gameplay. I really hope that rocket uses implements some of these ideas into the final game.
  13. sess130

    A story... Chaos at Balota airfield

    FYI, you can chamber rounds into the m4 (without a clip), so it stands to reason that you should be able to with the pistol. Hopefully, they'll add that in later. Anyway, you have to maintain a fine line between suspicious and trusting of everyone. It all depends on the situation. If you ask 'friendly' in chat and you don't get an answer, I would beware. Also, if you can find the supplies to make a trip up north you'll find less KOS fags and more realistic survivors.