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About vitorsa

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. vitorsa

    i THINK i MIGHT BE a bit daft...

    That is a know bug, about people that says that makarov is uselles, well i dont think so, ive managed to kill some people with it, but aways aim to the head.
  2. "My leg is extremely painful" -unknown.
  3. vitorsa

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    some people say that the game should be focused on reality however i think the game should acheive a balance so someone that only have a small portion of the day to play can enjoy all parts of the day( ingame) i think that a cycle with 6 or 4 hours is the ideal.
  4. vitorsa

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    i think the brightness/gamma have to be there so someone can configure the game for his computer, however they should make something that dont permit it to be abused
  5. vitorsa

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    well, my spell check is in PT-Br, if you did not understand what i meant im sorry and i have done my best, and please if you dont care dont come to this post.
  6. vitorsa

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    i understand your point however you get sick and cured in a period of hours what in real life would take a week, so i think for the good for the imersion the cycle should be shorter.
  7. vitorsa

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    Or they could just add a very dim light-radius around your character that's only visible to you, akin to Diablo or Dark Souls. Just bright enough so you could see walls and trees directly in front of you, but still need a flashlight to loot effectively, and you wouldn't be able to see things in the distance well. that sounds nice too
  8. vitorsa

    How about a change in Day/nigth cycle ?

    i really think the nigth is really good, but not only playing in the nigth.