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Everything posted by HammeredBarnacle

  1. HammeredBarnacle

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    Don't confuse the facts with the issues! :lol:
  2. HammeredBarnacle

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    Good for you. Doesn't mean you need to use your own personal experience to dictate what others should have done, or should be doing. (I had less time off over the holidays than you, yet I don't feel entitled to dictate the schedule of others)
  3. HammeredBarnacle

    yo fix loot!

    I do it all the time in DayZ Mod, and I've done it now in Standalone. Familiar enough with the map to know where I can go to get stuff without having to mess with coastal towns, or worry about starving to death or dying of thirst while en route. Worst case scenario is I get shot by someone on my journey, but I can get shot trying to loot Elektro, too.
  4. HammeredBarnacle

    I'm of the Opinion that KoS will be shorted sight and wasteful....

    These KOS discussions are fun. The presence of KOS has never once bothered me. I don't personally engage in it, but I don't see the need to put down those who do. It's just a difference of playstyles in a sandbox game. Would be a boring place if we all liked to do the same thing.
  5. I've had fun so far. Hadn't played any DayZ for months as I'd grown tired of the Mod (even Epoch). Right now some of the more immersive things which have been added to the survival aspect of the game are quite refreshing. I think I'm going to enjoy the ride while witnessing big changes come through the pipeline as I play.