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Everything posted by ZombieGuy23

  1. I'm looking for a list of games. Fallout 3 (loved this game) DayZ (it's a good game, but right now it's nice to play other games until it starts to roll along a little more into development) Nether (this is a good game and it's in beta I believe at the time, but it has one of those dumb registration feels to the game like EA) Anyone got any others? This has been the hardest type of game to look for in the past. Trying to stick to the end of the world type of games with open worlds that I can travel to any location. Is anyone else a huge fan of this type of gameplay?
  2. ZombieGuy23

    List of games with open world maps.

    I don't even know. space engineers (alpha) - this takes my time for space open world maps. skyrim - this one seems interesting. I should check this game out. the forest - this is kind of what I'm looking for. It's not exactly dayz, but it's alpha as well. starbound wasteland 2 - lured me into one of the most vibrant and amazing games ever to be created then I saw game footage and realized what you said. Looks like another RPG. rust - looked decent, but I feel dayz will fill it's shoes. Didn't exactly see a point to buy rust and dayz. minecraft - space engineers grand theft auto - I buy this every 2 or 3 games, but it's repetitive like COD and BF. runescape - too many 99s. Also got bored of it in 07 ish. Started 01/02 and got about a dozen 99s. others I've seen or played. Thanks for the list.
  3. ZombieGuy23

    Hire people to your Dev team

    Dayz isn't done yet. Who are they going to put in the credits when they aren't completely done? They'd have to update it at multiple times rather than just one time when the game is finally released.
  4. ZombieGuy23

    You guys hate BRAZILAN people/player?

    Could be a guy just trolling to lead you on then just shoot you dead. Unless they think mexico and brazil are right next to each other. I wouldn't be surprised by this many Americans would vote away the bill of rights and/or don't know how to even point to the U.S. on a map. Never know. You would have to find the player and handcuff them to see what they say.
  5. ZombieGuy23

    DayZ's Sales Money

    I would recommend doing some research on business. An answer on here would be difficult to give and many people who give out advice also have specific information from owning their own business in the past or are currently owning. Definitely not always and not all good advice is "good" advice. 34,000,000 is kind of an illusion. Couple examples listed below. Steam takes a cut 30,000,000 (just an even number for now) Expenses 26,000,000 (just a random number) After examples the real number is 26,000,000 (34,000,000 was an illusion of how much they made). That was just the total of sales nothing to do with actual profit. The margin in here can make or break it. This is also a random number which would give it no basis and it could be much lower than that. Future Expenses (one year) 22,000,000 (just a random number) Now investments. Open a route to a new project with the cash earned. 20,000,000 (just a random number) Advertising - Why would this be an investment? You are taking a risk that this advertising company will sell your product to help you see future sales. Choosing the wrong company could mean the difference of millions in many situations. With a single game I would say it wouldn't be so high, but it's possible. BI = business intelligence. This is also an investment in itself. One last area. I always see people get confused a billion in sales does not mean the company made a billion. It means they had a billion in sales. They received a billion for the products that went out the door, but this is where it could be tricky. This could be at a complete loss or just to help the company float in a rough time. Rough example of it all. I am in no way a business expert. I am also not a lawyer. I am also not an astronaut. I did once read an article on how to open a business and with my million dollar idea I will make trillions.
  6. ZombieGuy23


    In a survival situation it could go multiple routes. If you had other people around you and multiple zombies you might band together to kill the zombies because it's kind of common ground, but after the zombies are cleared you realize you might be in a problem soon since your food is low or your ammo. You might choose the option to kill another player due to you seeing them as an easy target as well as an opportunity to help in your own survival. Once you've defeated a greater enemy it might just turn out that you were allies in this problem, but were you truly ever allies? Without the greater enemy around would it still happen as so? Granted there's not a ton of zombies and it's kind of off track to how this game is more aimed, but just trying to give my two cents in a true sense.
  7. I was going to top of a building and it had fallen concrete in the way. As I hit V to get over it my character lunges and almost does a mega jump at the same time right out the window about 5 stories up to instant death. Now the funny part is I'm playing on a friendly server. It's not the players I have to worry about, but the gravity. Gravity is the worst KOS of all. This isn't the first time either and I bet many of you have experienced the same.
  8. ZombieGuy23

    I can't wait until KOS is finally done with.

    I don't know the controls well enough at this time so I had to stand still to figure out what key to press. Can you jump in the game? They will release non-gravity servers? Kind of a satirical post. Gravity wouldn't even give me a chance to argue why it was killing me. Never saw the movie and don't really watch movies often. Why argue about how good or bad a movie was when I can argue for my life in dayz? Come to think of it. Ladders have thrown me 20 feet in the middle of the air and I've dropped then gotten on the ladder. I guess it's the same mechanics at play. I guess I was just an idiot for not thinking of it like that. Might explain why I just have learned not to touch anything in Dayz at this point. Thanks to everyone who showed up, but this topic has gone no where at this point. Have a nice day and this thread can be closed. Took a good dozen posts, but we found the answer. I am now enlightened on how I see most posts.
  9. ZombieGuy23

    I can't wait until KOS is finally done with.

    Isn't gravity about the fact that they have no gravity and it kind of makes it difficult for them to work? Not the fact that gravity rips you out of a building and throws you to the ground mercilessly while at the same time feeding the Earth of your remains.
  10. ZombieGuy23

    How noticable is the flashlight?

    I was playing on a server with four people. Buddy and I were trying to meet up and we were both almost to the NWAF. I had just gotten there and decided to check the hangers. After a couple of minutes my buddy says he's close to the area and he's just on the other side. While I'm standing on the air strip and my buddy is still trying to catch up to me I see a flashlight across the air strip. At first I thought it might of been one of those bugs at night or just one of the lamps not loading (it was a far distance). I started to run closer to it there was a flashlight showing up through the wall and there was someone in the jail house and barracks across from the hangers. When I realized it someone and not the game being alpha or a flickering light I crouched and started to move towards the jail house to check it out. As I was traveling to the jail house I still was watching as the flash light was moving around and in that time I noticed a second light. After seeing the second light I started to move slowly until I was just right outside the wall that encompasses the jailhouse and the barracks. At this point I was about ten feet out in the brush right on the edge of the road, but I thought if I got on the road they might see me since the road is sand. I decided to stop and pull out my Mosin and just wait to see where they were headed. About two minutes later they both were traveling slowly behind the entrance and they decided to stop for a second. This was decision time and with my buddy about to be here it might cause problems so I did what I had to do. I executed one of them in an instant and the other got away from the entrance and went behind the wall I believe. As this slowly came about the second guy started to appear while crouching where the wall ended and the opening began. I was about ten feet from him laying on the edge of the brush. It brings me hope that the guy didn't experience any pain as bullet ripped through his head. I told myself its what had to be done as I wasn't willing to risk an entire scenario going down where my buddy and/or I didn't make it. ----- And that's why flashlights are extremely dangerous.
  11. ZombieGuy23

    FPS issue in Dayz

    I quit dayz for a week or two roughly and when I came back I started to notice FPS issues. I've been looking around for a few days and still no fixes for this. In that time I moved my OS (windows 7) and dayz to a new SSD. I'm getting odd spikes in fps as well. Before I was getting. 30 FPS in many towns 50 FPS outside of towns The game ran smoothly. I came back and even on the lowest settings I was getting 9-12 FPS at times. Right now I got it to managable, but haven't found the fix. 10-20 in many towns 20-35 FPS outside of towns i5-4670k 3.4 - cpu gtx 760 - gpu Card drivers are up to date and I've tried a few other ideas. Could battle eye just be the main issue of this?
  12. ZombieGuy23

    FPS issue in Dayz

    Can't believe it was this. I turned it on/off a couple of times. Lower power adjustments it runs at 20-23 fps while higher it hit 40-45 and 50+ at times. Worked like a charm thanks.
  13. ZombieGuy23

    Extermination (30+ dead?)

    30+ exterminated in the road (99 population server)? http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/883004201965669225/7CD2A948F5A7D2165A36C0FD7CC686C4CAF4A104/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/883004201965672514/571C5DDCA948E111502C013B1255D5ED6229E2CC/
  14. ZombieGuy23

    Extermination (30+ dead?)

    Can you spawn at the same place? Might explain it. Was a bit odd running into it.
  15. ZombieGuy23

    Upon entering server, gear got wiped

    Try joining another server to see if it's still lost or was just the server. It's in alpha at this time. these problems are going to occur. happened to many of us.
  16. ZombieGuy23

    FPS issue in Dayz

    do you know where it's posted?
  17. ZombieGuy23

    FPS issue in Dayz

    Do you know why it would randomly change this way though? It used to run fine for a week or two. Never had problems until I came back again.
  18. Encountered three of them. Tried my best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYpr-zlzHn0
  19. running on a 760 currently and it's difficult to handle this game.
  20. ZombieGuy23

    Anyone having trouble with new graphics?

    i5-4670k 3.4 is my cpu. I figured there was new graphics implemented or something. It used to run just fine before I got my new SSD and re-installed everything (highest settings). Think it has something to do with Battle - eye now. Didn't know they added new sub forums and I haven't played many games with the best graphics, so it kind of threw me off.
  21. I'm standing at the other end of the Balota runway and I can see very well at night time, but when I try to get friends to play with me they can't see the entire runway. They can barely see in front of them. Is this due to the high resolution or the size of my monitor? http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/883003003634618601/B133677BF9513E3B0EFC3C51386182E6D4144E03/
  22. I had been sitting there for 15 minutes moving slightly to new areas hearing the sounds of weapons firing. At one point I saw a few guys get destroyed with no gear on them. I'm still new to dayz and never played the mod, but I gave it a chance. Can anyone tell me what it means when you try to restart the mission? It happens later on in the movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYpr-zlzHn0&feature=youtu.be
  23. ZombieGuy23

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    I'm glad 30 minutes is probably the longest for me and that's without movement mostly or light movement. Trying to drink water in a mask. Screw it I'll die of dehydration.
  24. What does it mean when players near you are trying to restart the mission?
  25. ZombieGuy23

    How do you restart the mission?

    I didn't even know what the mod was until a few days ago and heard of Arma 2 a couple of times. I have video of it.