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Everything posted by Putts_UK

  1. Zombies, have some cool new movements etc. But still walking through walls, and now it seems hitting you through walls. But mainly still no threat to 99% of players
  2. Putts_UK

    Player is Sick

    Hi Guys, have i been really unlucky? I got sick and managed to get a player to give me saline bag. Then 10 mins later i was sick again? Is this just bad luck or is my current character bugged?
  3. Putts_UK

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Are there any more zeds in this patch? do they behave different? Many thanks
  4. Putts_UK

    Starting weapon

    To easy, and its not hard enough yet. There has to be a starting point with nothing so you can appreciate when you have something!
  5. Putts_UK

    Very is everyone at?

    No the point of the game is to survive. Of course some times you have to kill to survive. Ps I am in Cherno at the moment as had been in the north for too long missed the old towns
  6. Everyone is pretty much a bandit now. And i think the reason is because there is nothing else to do. Its so easy to survive there is food/water in nearly every building. Plus there is still no threat from the zombies. Everyone thinks they are such a bad ass bandit, but sometimes it takes these guys two, three reloads to kill you! even when you are a fresh spawn and can't fire back. I Really believe if there were way less food and drink and we finally had decent zombies in numbers, more people would "play" the game in different roles. Right now just seems like big open deathmatch. dont get me wrong i love a bit of pvp, but I miss the teaming up to survive. I know they are working hard on it, but for me the zombies should have been way further down the line even before release of this alpha. Put the zombies as number one priority then tents/vehicles, everything else can wait. Just hope its not too late by the time they finally get it sorted.
  7. Putts_UK

    Where is the new Deathmatch area?

    Berezino still seems pretty hot
  8. Putts_UK

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    Loads of good points on here. People misunderstand i love bandits, they make the game, but there seems to be so many more now because there is no other threat. If the zombies were the number one threat, and it becomes really really hard to survive by yourself, there would be more teaming/helping eachother. For me that mix was there about a year ago in the mod, and is what sold me on the game, yes you can't trust anyone, but i actually seemed to have more friendly encounters than not, and when i did come across bandits was more like "oh know i got bandited" its a big deal rather than it just being the norm, and thinking oh well thats what happens because theres nothing else to do...
  9. Putts_UK


    Great gameplay in SA and in the mod. He plays the hardest yet most rewarding way with honor!
  10. Hi people, i haven't been on standalone for ages as imo it doesn't offer me anything the mod can not. Have they sorted the zombies yet going through walls etc? Just wouldnt mind a update from people who actually play it. Many thanks ;-)
  11. Thanks for the positive feedback. As to the people with the "search the forums" attitude, i have a life and don't spend my whole time on here, so this was faster and easier for me. Don't know why people take the time to moan about this. Anyway will come back in 6 months......
  12. I love the mod! Especially epoch. The other day i flew chopper down to Elektro, camped on sniper hill for a bit. Saw a guy shoot a fresh spawn for no apparent reason. Took him out at 550 m with my ksvk. I was fully loaded so no need to loot his body, but hey sometimes you just gotta know. So i got back in my chopper landed in on the roof of the hospital where he lay dead and looted his body with the engine running. Heart was pumping as you feel pretty exposed on top of hospital with your chopper blades going full tilt. Oh and many might not agree but i way prefer the graphics in the mod. They are just some how grittier, and more real life, SA looks like a computer game game? lol Only played 30 hours of the SA before got bored. I will come back when it has all the features.... till then its mod all the way for me
  13. I am loving this. All the stand alone crew saying how hard the game is now lol Yeah they need tweaking but for me they are still really easy to kill. If you have played the mod you are used to this. Im just glad they do actually follow you now in numbers and cause problems. Get used to it Noobs they are only going to get more hardcore!
  14. Putts_UK

    Day z Rap Battle lol

    The whole point is Comedy. Its not serious. lol ppl
  15. Putts_UK

    Day z Rap Battle lol

    First moody way to serious gamer award goes to.......... DGEESIO! Well done sir! ;-)
  16. Putts_UK

    Damn 4.3 u scary!

    So Good to see some Zombies in the game. yeah they are glitchy but at least there is some threat now
  17. Putts_UK

    Zombie spawning

    Loving all the standalone discomfort. Get used to it. For me its a peice of piss even if they do come through walls. Obviously that needs to be fixed but at least there are now some zombies in this game now..
  18. Putts_UK

    Zombie spawning

    Oh Really have they finally actually added some zombies like in the mod? knew this would cause The SA only players some discomfort. mIght actually play this again......
  19. Putts_UK

    Wolves, Bears and Wild Boars

    Great Idea
  20. Putts_UK

    Handcuffing people to something

    lol yeah would be frustrating but your freinds would have to come get you out. Or maybe you can wriggle out after say 20 mins.....
  21. Is anybody else getting a little frustrated that with every update there is loads of new loot etc, but still little work on the zombies? The zombies are still zero threat in this game. In a zombie apocalypse game you would think one of the main elements, the "zombies" would be sorted first? In the latest notes there is a massive long list of new weather, new medical, new food, then right at the bottom it says "Zombies aims mainly for chest while attacking". One thing? We need Higher numbers, improvements on how they move, how they react, new animations for how they attack, its all well and good adding new hats and coats and batteries, etc, But at the moment the way to play day z is not influenced at all by the zombies, infact its teaching people bad habits. In the mod you can't just walk down the road in cherno unhindered. For me it adds so much to the game, the panic when 20 zombies pile into a building and you only have limited ammo or whatever. Or a zombies comes out of nowhere punches you so hard you fall over and break your leg. This should be Primary objective! Then the rest of the game can develop around this.
  22. Putts_UK

    How much of the map have you explored?

    Probs 75 %. have always wondered what happens when you reach the edge? Is there invisible wall? Or just steep mountains?
  23. All fair points. But this game was meant to be out a year ago. and yes i know its Alpha.Just seems they have a great pace on everything else but the zombies. As it is Alpha wack the zombies in, and make it work. yeah performance goes down but work like hell to get it right.