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Everything posted by WOLFGEIST


    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Hope they're just more rare. DayZ should be mostly civilian weapons. Slow combat is more intense and fun.

    Experimental Update 1.0150627

    If only it was feasible to release huge patches every week. RDR2 Online has been out for over an entire season and has had 0 major patches.

    Goodbye Legacy Branch 0.62!

    Don't quote me on this but i'm pretty sure that's what they're doing.

    Stable Update 0.63.149415

    FYI - When a magazine is stuck in a gun, try dragging it to one of the far right blank grey areas in the inventory. The mag should then go into the inventory and the weapon will function again (or at least it did in earlier versions).

    Exp Update 0.63.148815

    Man, i've seen some videos of this stuff but i've been playing 100 player PVP servers and haven't had it happen at all after shooting hundreds of dudes and being shot by hundreds of dudes. I wonder why some people are experiencing this and others aren't.

    Server files release update

    Don't be sorry guys! You made it very clear that this could be delayed if unexpected issues popped up and, well, unexpected issues popped up. We know you guys are working hard. Thank you so much and keep up the good work!
  7. I was just discussing melee with some people on Reddit and someone suggested I share this idea, so here I am! Currently, killing zombies with melee is too easy, there's little incentive to shoot zombies, and I find the heavy attack to be a little too bland (it stuns the enemy and does slightly more damage for a small amount of stamina). Here's a possible solution to these issues (as well as making the map feel smaller by making players shoot guns to give away position and making melee more interesting in general) - Standard melee attack can only temporarily knock zombies down after several hits. To kill them, you must use a heavy attack multiple times to the head or a single shot to the head from a firearm. The heavy attack should cause more damage and use a larger amount of stamina, maybe 1/2 (or adjusted along with damage for each melee weapon). This would strongly encourage players to use the more reliable bullet to kill the zombies rather than risk being caught without stamina to coup de grâce them via melee. This would require additional balancing of melee for pvp. In pvp, light attack should do a short stun (which can be broken with sidestep). Blocking a light attack should take a little stamina and give the defender a small amount of shock damage, adjusted for each weapon. Blocking a heavy attack should take a significant amount of stamina and more shock damage (adjusted for each weapon, some weapons should be better at blocking than others) - dodging an attack should be far more rewarding than blocking, especially against a heavy weapon. This would make strong attacks more useful in pvp and would give them a higher risk to reward ratio and would raise the skill ceiling in pvp melee. Also, (i'm sure this is being worked on but figured i'd mention it here anyways) we need distinct blocking sounds in melee. Currently when you block an attack it is kind of confusing as to whether the attack was blocked or not. Thanks for reading!

    Food water consumption

    I wouldn't mind longer satiation times as long as food was made more rare. Food should be valuable and precious. I wouldn't mind eating less but also finding less food overall.

    Some Suggestions ( After SCUM )

    The one thing I really want from SCUM is the process of butchering the animal. Skinning it first, then process it into smaller and smaller cuts of meat. That's really cool. I like the idea of tracking but I don't want any neon lines or paw icons popping up on my screen. I want to find physical tracks/blood in the actual world, not icons or HUD elements.

    Beta == 1.0 This year?

    Do you have a source for this? Thanks.

    I know, but be patient.

    Stress test with the new content patch. I like your FO2 avatar :)

    I know, but be patient.

    lol really? Then why the hell are they still coming in from 9 - 5? Why don't they use their millions of dollars to pay someone else to do the dirty work?

    I know, but be patient.

    Cooking pots are in! Stashes are in, haven't tested their persistence. In fact you can bury the cooking pot as a stash.
  14. Great work guys! We believe in you!
  15. I would imagine Monday or Tuesday.
  16. Take this as a great opportunity to see how long and difficult game development can be. This is just the reality of game development, the stuff you're normally oblivious to and might not know unless you had the privilege of early access. Red Dead 2 was stuck in development hell for years, it's been in development for 8 years. The difference is we didn't have access to broken builds, we didn't see the specifics of game developers posting blogs regarding the status of it, etc. This is all very normal, especially when implementing large engine modules and making them playable. It seems most games that come out these days are made on complete engines, that's not so with DayZ. It adds many layers of challenge and time onto development but it will be worth it when we have the DayZ we've all been waiting for.
  17. Thanks guys! We love the updates and communication. Thanks for all of your hard work, can't wait for the patch :)
  18. Idea for an official game mode or mod: This would be different from Survivor GameZ in that it's more of a long term strategy and survival contest rather than a free for all brawl, and could be played by players who are able to log in once every couple days or so. It would make use of all of the features DayZ has and put survivor's total skillset to the test. Basically it's a month long or season long tournament. You would sign up with a server a week/month or so in advance. Then the "season" begins. Anyone who's registered gets one life until the end of the season. If you die, you're out and you can't log back in for that season. The items that initially spawn are the only items available, but they do not decay (or items spawn at a low rate to encourage travel, but seemingly simple items could be extremely valuable). Wood harvested would permanently fell a tree. Bodies would stay visible unless buried with a shovel (doing so would create a grave mound and could still be searched to identify the victim) and apples would be a finite resource set during server launch or non existent. Common actions such as skinning, crafting, chopping wood, etc would have longer, more realistic action times to increase player vulnerability and exposure - or - doing actions would consume varying amounts of calories/water to simulate time spent, or a combination of the two could be implemented. How it would work is your hunger/ thirst is a persistent state that ticks while offline. The specifics can be determined later but let's say if you're completely hydrated/ energized you can log off and you would die of dehydration/ starvation in 48 hours (allowing people to play who aren't able to log in every day). So, you have to log in to get food/ water. Players would spawn in moderately full and hydrated. Hunting would be the most reliable source of food (you'd have to expose yourself to hunt/ skin/ cook meat). Another possible mechanic is something like a sleeping bag indicating the general vicinity where someone is logged (not sure how I feel about that yet but would create potentially interesting strategies and dynamics). At the end of the season you can view various statistics on each participant. Perhaps a log with information such as "May 5th 2018: Joe shot Dave in the left leg from 211 meters away with a trumpet" and stats like "2018 Season 3: Joe survived 13 days, cut down 8 trees, crafted 26 arrows, 3 bows (etc) and achieved 4 kills with 22.6% accuracy and 1 headshot and ate 21,500 calories worth of food and drank 9 gallons of water. Joe was the 28th person to die and took 72nd place out of 100 players", etc. Previous seasons statistics could be viewed online and overall individual statistics would be kept where players could build reputations for various characteristics. A point system could determine ranking - 1 hour spent logged in = 100 points, 1 deer steak eaten = 50 points. 1 player kill = 200 points, 1 zombie killed = 20 points, distance traveled = 10 points per km, being the last person standing = 10,000 points, etc. Perhaps rotating zones could be a mechanic: "Today, additional food can be found in Stary Sobor" accompanied with a few deer spawned in to drive conflict and interaction. These messages could possibly be broadcasted on certain radio channels, making a radio very valuable. Perhaps some sort of prestige reward could be given to winners, such as the ability to spawn with a unique clothing item, or even cash prizes. There could be various server settings on the hunger tick rate such as an ultra hardcore mode in which you would go from fully energized/hydrated to death by starvation/dehydration in 24 hours, and a more casual mode for players who can only log in once per week, where you go from full to dead in 1 week's time. Another option or mode would be Team Seasons (10 teams of 5? 5 teams of 10? Etc.) This could be accompanied by a feature that makes your character persistent while logged in a sleeping animation, vulnerable to attack. Players could then have various roles such as nightwatch and strategies including attacking when the enemy least expects it. Players would have to make hunting trips and perform other jobs and duties such as collecting firewood, gathering, fishing, etc. This mode would lend itself to more of a group focused combat game style whereas the previous mode would be more focused on survival. What do you think?

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    Thanks for the acknowledgement!

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    Funny, most of the critics say that Reddit is a circle jerk. There's plenty of us who truly love DayZ and BIS on Reddit. The trolls mostly come out on the weekends.

    When .63 comes to experimental ?

    They do live in a different universe than you do, that is the universe of Game Development :) Be glad you don't live there.

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    I think the biggest problem with your criticisms such as the bugs in the demo, kiwis being grey, zombies not aggroing perfectly, etc, is that those examples all miss the biggest, most important point. For one, all of the examples of issues in .62 and everything before it are moot. They've been building the new engine for years. Do you read the status reports? They've replaced SQF script with Enforce... This alone is a massive, monumental feat. Enforce is many, many times faster than SQL. What does this mean? Well, for one, it means they have a much higher server bandwidth to operate within. They can implement helicopters without crippling desync, they can enable 100 player servers. YES, of course there are bugs in the demo... It is just that, a DEMO of the FIRST BUILD of DayZ on a brand new engine. The most important point is that the technology - the engine - is in place now. It's all downhill from here. All of the people who've been laboring on the engine for the last 2+ years are now able to work on the GAME. I understand your worries and frustration but my man, it's all gravy from here. From here on out it's a matter of adding models, sounds, fine tuning the scripts, optimizing things, and squashing bugs. Yes, those other games seem to have lightning fast development compared to DayZ. There is a very good reason for this - they started with complete engines! DayZ now has a complete engine, and not only that, it's a CUSTOM engine built for DayZ specifically! Now is not the time to be pessimistic and worried. They already have all of the models, sounds, and textures ready to go! Not to mention the largest, most beautiful, and most realistic map in the genre! You imply that you're pessimistic but ready to be happily surprised. Now is not the time to be pessimistic, but I believe you will be very happily surprised. Take care.

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    You're 100% correct. Original beta was set to launch in 2015. It is now 2017.

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    The "resolution" of the inventory is higher overall. Each container has more slots. Some items have gotten bigger, very small items remain 1 slot. I think in the end you will be able to carry roughly the same but you can carry many more very small items.