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Everything posted by Zurvivalist
We all have our little unicorn items , Our Mt Dews ( for those of the mod days ) Mine is the Chain saw. I either can never find it , or when i do , i dont have a camp to store it and get full use of it . 99% of the time when I actually do find one ... Its in a tree stand where I CANT TAKE IT DOWN Actually found 3 up there once... died falling out while trying to get one down ... https://youtu.be/70g5Hn3T3hk BTW , how do i get video to embed ?
Kinda getting bored of scoping out a town , and being able to clear the infected long before i get with in possibly detection range of them . Was thinking.. Why not leave a few silent sleepers inside the houses.. Ones that didn't move or make noise until you ran up on them and caught aggro. And add a lot more of the ones that crawl to high grass areas to sneak up on people maybe a couple just laying dormant in ponds with just their head at the edge of the water.
So I've been offline for about a year.. Since my high end rig died by lighting strike ... Visited a few times on my low end media pc rig.. But all that aside . Im back now.. And I am in need of a new PC . Desires .. VR , Recording, Streaming Restrictions.. Budget ..technical knowledge on new hardware.... I'm in the US ., basically i need suggestions on what DayZ needs now to run well with the new engine.. and ideally maybe a few links pointing me to some good sites to shop on ., ( U.S ) My Budge is currently $500 .. unless you guys know sites that may take payments on a new pc ..with crap credit ..
Im mostly on here while at work .. but i will check into putting TS on my phone so we can defiantly do that
build new one
UHG .. I am so outdated on all this stuff.. trying to use that pcpartpicker.com site suggested.. to piece this thing together .. .
this is what i've put together so far - Intel - Core i7-870 2.93GHz Quad-Core OEM/Tray Processor $168.99 - be quiet! - Pure Rock Slim 35.1 CFM CPU Cooler $23.88 - Biostar - T5 XE ATX LGA1156 Motherboard $108.50 - Corsair - XMS3 12GB (3 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory $93.99 - Corsair - 850W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply $69.99 Total: $465.35
i'll look over that site now.. I think if i budget out a little better i can spend a bit more , and just focus on a barebone i5 or i7 to get me started and add parts over the next few paychecks
sadly no home insurance .. sadly , the storm that produced the lighting that took out my pc , is the same storm that caused lighting to strike my mothers upholstery shop across the street and caused it to burn down.. took us a while to rebuild and recover from all that chaos ..
the original game system ( $2,500 a few years ago) basically is scrap metal now.. everthing but the case pretty much melted or burnt .. could smell it .. pwr supply, HDD , mother board .,.. all of it , even the outlet, batteryback up and surge protector fried.. .. the media center pc i will get specs when i get home since i just havent looked at it in a while.. thank you guys for the offers.. I may take you up on them ..
amazon does not seem to have very good pricing on PCs
media system is a old dual core 2. ghz.. 80 gig hdd , i think 4 gigs ram .. windows 7 .. ( at work so i cant recall all specs) .. one of those compact case .. no extra slot motherboard.. had to chop it all up and take everything apart just to fit a newer vid card .. its a paperweight honestly .. I'll take a pic when i get home.. I would up my budget a little high .. if I could make payments.. might look more into like a OEM rig or something .
Lol screw you guys . I had fun making it .
Hate to be Mr Negative in light of all the awesomeness that is 0.60 . Which is AMAZING Btw .. Good job Devs ! That being said.. I have some issues as it currently stands .. CLE is out of whack again.. Here's a few examples in 59 Nets were too rare .. Last night I found 28 nets before i found a fishing pole ( with netting + steel wire Fishing rod is pointless fyi) Yet Burlap is now as rare as Nets use to be.. or so it seems Apple tree glitch still works.Too much food still spawns And now Chickens are over populated .. Yet Larger animals seem even more uncommon . So yet again. No real point in the whole Hunting/ trapping aspects of game play.. Meet so many people with 500+ hours that have never experienced the need to hunt/ fish/trap for food to survive .. kinda sad really . Hunger / Thirst /Health seems to have been rebalanced.. once green i seem to stay in that condition MUCH too long.. one meal a day ? seems boring ... With the new weather system going .. which I really like .. Making fires from time to time once again is a nice requirement .. Still be nice to get a BiC lighter tossed into the loot for a third teer fire starter option ( make for a nice small torch light option too ) Melee is still pathetic.. It will never be a zombie survival game without proper melee ... Some minor bugs I've encountered.. Still being tested before reporting If you allow yourself to be cornered . Zombies will push you through a wall .. may also follow you through it . Grafix glitch will occasionally Flash a white square over a new player rendering into your field of view.. making people insanely easy to spot from any distance . Possibly exploitable ? Not a pvper .. so will be slow to test this out . Weapons .. reloading ,, jamming ... misfireing ? confusing honestly .. all sound the same and new keys dont always seem to respond properly .. Just the few annoyances I've faced in the few hours I've had a chance to play around
Still no love to the survivalists ?
Zurvivalist replied to Zurvivalist's topic in General Discussion
hunting scopes i find mostly in tree stands. and now in houses on other rifles like the trumpet -
So far from what I have encountered Melee Wood axe is about useless on zombies now so is my trusted pointy stick and spear CR527 Will not 1 shot a cow .. Which btw cost me my dinner TWICE ! Have yet to find a fishing hook for this nice new rod... and for what ever reason cant use the bone hooks ? cause logic ? Large animal spawns seem to have been reduced Where is 308 ammo and winchesters spawning nowadays ?
You know... i might have screwed up on the fishing hook.. too late now since i tossed the pole after finally finding the steel wire to make my fish trap. But I'll go get another one just to check it out.. but your saying a 308 wont 1 shot cattle anymore either ? WTF ... Thats not going to be the same for the bull elk too is it ? getting a 2nd shot into the same cow isnt really a good balance considering most hunting rifles are bolt actions ...or just have slow cycle times between shots .. this is disappointing info... guess I'll have to start looking for a blaze and double fire for a while.. refuse to go with a assault rifle to hunt ... guess they really wanted to make that low recoil M4 a necessity ... FML
Hello guys.. your friendly neighborhood survivalist here once again. Glad to be back. Currently looking for the following .... Assault vest ( prefer that camo one ) Or the green High Cap will be fine too USMC Pants and Jacket ( any condition is fine ) Steel Wire ( I just can't seem to find any ) Burlap straps ( a lot ) Either the Winchester with ammo Or the B95.. Or just a mag for the CR527 would be nice Have to Offer . Magnum & 357 ammo Shot gun ammo 9mm ammo Trumpet with 22 ammo Netting Lots of quality cooked meats and veggies Cr527 (no mag) with ammo
tested . works just fine as before . Snares for me done stand up properly though . they lay flat with the ground
Main noticeable bugs I've encountered .. Seem to get desynced a lot more now than before ... But only really in regards to my Health status not staying up to date after playing for a while.. Example .. I ate too much and drank too much once.. an hour later I relogged .. when I came back in I was vomiting . Only showing Stuffed status at after relog . Staying Healthy , Energized and Hydrated can sometimes seem to last all day no matter the distance traveled.. Chickens respawn timer needs more of a delay or a change to the spawn trigger.. You can typically Kill a chicken at said house .. run around the town a bit , and return to kill a new chicken at the same house with in only a few minutes time . my ghillie suit does not seem to cast a shadow .. And at times will render in last, havent tested for visual distance bugs yet . Bear traps nee higher damage .. a sprained ankle is lame .. although the annoying 20 minutes of sounds from being in pain is nice . Lastly . Rabbit snares do not stand up properly .. as well as frying pans when cooking. I will report these to bug tracker .. if anyone else can take a minute to confirm what I have found .
Thanks for the info I'll head back to that area and scout around. After my initial hunt for food . My primary focus has been finding a improvised leather backpack from the pig skin. The military areas are still too hot to enter just to search for a nice backpack . I prefer to stick to tree stands for my weapons. So I have little need of military . I'm not sure how i feel about the new systems . I seem to stay hydrated and Energized for a much longer amount of time than before . Even Though I am sprinting for miles at a time ... i seem to only need to eat about once a day . Which puts hunting/fishing down to a very low priority .. coupled with the now abundant chicken supplies .. This doesn't really leave you with much to do in the struggle to survive side of the game .
sO FINALLY ABLE TO PLAY EXP loving it . the entire northern map seems to have slightly changed. chickens are abundant now . Easy pickings for us survivalists . Found all my normal gear . with the fun new additions of a fishing rod , bear trap and new USMC camo m65 size jacket ! My question though .... Has anyone seen larger game ? I've yet to spot a hog or deer .
I havent been able to get in yet .. Can anyone tell me if the dual core issue has been resolved ?