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Everything posted by monoking

  1. monoking

    Low/Weird Fps

    Arma 2 does not benefit from more then 2 cores. 4770k here and game will not go above 50% HT off. This game is very CPU intensive and will only benefit from high IPC "Instructions per Cycle" . Amd fails in this area compared to intel so if you want a better FPS get an i5 atleast since this game is very CPU dependent. And overclock it to the MAX. You fell into their fake 8 core marketing wich is actually 2 cores packed in 1 module sharing one floating point unit. If you really want to know if your cpu is bottlenecking your gpu. Download msi afterburner or evga precision tool to measure ur GPU usage. If it's not fully using up to 100-95% then you have a huge CPU bottleneck.
  2. monoking

    Need help on increasing my fps

    Theres no way for you to get better fps. If you want a reasonable FPS. Get a better a graphic card and a CPU. Atleast an I5 i would say. Stay away from AMD since their IPC are horrible compared to intel.
  3. monoking

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Far from Ultra. U can run it on Med/Low with 40-60 fps in cities. The card is even equal/a bit slower then a 7850. What people often forget to tell here is on what resolution they play. High resolution also put lots of strain on the cpu and gpu.
  4. monoking

    good build?

    If you are gonna get a 4670k. Don't forget that you have to invest some money too in a good CPU cooler to make a good use out of it. Ivy's get pretty really hot when overclocked compared to sandy, and not worth ur extra money if you are not gonna overclock it. For dayz GTX 760 is enough. My cpu is bottlenecking the card at 4.5GHZ i7 4770k.
  5. monoking

    Dayz freezing to Black Screen

    I get the same symptons when i overclock my gpu too much. You probably have a faulty card. They can take a beating around 105C. When they overheat too much they just throttle back to get the temp down. Try popping one card,one by one to check out if it happens with one card too.
  6. monoking

    Trying to get higher fps.

    I would go for a midrange gpu. Don't go for a high end like 780 or titan. I'm on a 4770k 4.5ghz and the game is already bottlenecking my cpu on gtx 760.
  7. This is better then killing yourself on purpose at spawn over and over to spawn right where you want. It would only make it easier for people that want to group up or get better spawn without spending some time killing ur self over. If you want to avoid PVP on busy spawn. Just don't spawn there. It's already filled with bambi snipers. And if i want to respawn where i want i would just walk up to a zombie and kill myself until i respawn there.
  8. monoking

    Some Q's

    Better be a bandit. I'm a hero and people just shoot me without hesitation most of the time. Maybe a 760gtx is a better choice for you. Getting 50-60FPS on very high solid in cities on a 4770k clocked to 4.5ghz.
  9. monoking

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    And other way around the cpu is also bottlenecking. You are gonna shoot ur self in the foot since the game won't use more then 2 cores effectively.% Game never uses more then 50% on my 4770k 4.5ghz. When you are gonna play BF3 or crysis3 on an amd 8 core then you would see it shine. swap 3770k for a 3570k and get a 7870 or 660ti instead. No point in getting in I7 either over i5. I switched and i see no difference in performance at all from HT and 2mb larger cache. Pretty useless since this game doesn't use all threads at all. the larger cache might be beneficial but in this game it's not that noticable. Overclocking the i5 is the way to go for dayz since every settings no matter what effects cpu usage -__- for me.
  10. monoking


    it uses abit of your cpu power and could possibly slowdown your FPS. Back in the days it was somewhat cpu heavy, like 16% on my dual amd 4200+ x2 :P don't think its that cpu heavy anymore on modern cpu's.
  11. monoking

    Frame Rate Issue!

    Try to overclock your CPU, This will minimalize the bottleneck alot and increase the FPS. Try to play with lower resolution, The game is also badly optimized that the resolution also effects the CPU. I'm using 4770k Here and i have to use to lower resolution then 1920/1080 to get playable framerates. Turn down your settings. Very odd that some of them like Anti-Aliasing also effects cpu alot and my gpu stays at 60% usage.
  12. monoking

    DayZ + Arma Lag/Stutter?

    It could be possible that your gpu or cpu is throttling due to overheating, so it slows down alot to get the temperature lower. use msi afterburner and some cpu temperature tool to check it out, on My laptop it used to throttle too so i cleaned up the fan/inside and it stopped doing that.
  13. monoking

    Frames 30 and below pls HELP =(

    This game is very CPU hungry. You won't get a good performance on your 3.6ghz 6 c0re as this game only utilize 2 cores fully. The game doesn't use more then 50% without HT and 25% with HT on my 4770k. This game relies on heavy IPC so ghz won't say much, Amd have known to have poor IPC compared to intels i3/i5/i7 so they will perform alot worse. I have a 760GTX as well now. and i have jumped from Q9550 to 2500k, recently got 4770k and i noticed only huge difference in performances by then. I overclocked it to 4.5GHZ and i see the 760gtx is only using 65% of its full capacity on very high. My frame rates are capped by the cpu bottleneck, i can increase the resolutions etc until my gpu capacity is used up completely until it starts to drop framerate. If you want a better performance, get a new CPU. Atleast an I5 to get reasonable performance. Jumping from Q9550 to 2500k made a big difference in the game for me ;).
  14. I'm trying to find servers to join and 80% of the servers that i manage to join without getting kicked for having a hero suit, script restrictions.... are suffering from hacker attacks.. they changed the server spawn points to some hills on the middle of nowhere and all the bodies and vehicles destroyed are teleported to there.. Theres no way to play on a public servers like this with the damage from hackers..I don't really care if they kill me with god mode on but screwing up every servers like this makes all the public server worthless. So everyone is forced to play on private servers because they are getting neglected so much?
  15. monoking

    Public Servers, Hacker Rampage.

    I have tried your server it works fine there. Just having issues with many german servers and some euro servers. I guess many eu server hosters didn't properly supply their clients with proper updates. What strange is that when i spawn in debug plains is that there are many dead bodies there, sometimes with good loot. Everyone shooting each other head off? Nvm. Thanks for the clarification!
  16. monoking

    Public Servers, Hacker Rampage.

    Maybe it's not true for you, I experience it different and i'm playing this game for almost a year already with some stops. This cr4p just happens from time to time. Everyone is suggesting me US servers, well i play generally on EU servers, latency would be too big. And it seems these GER/FR servers with low pop are mostly effected with this hacker crap...Sometimes it's like some game for them to screw up every server they can find like this. I'm looking for low pop servers around 1-10. Who knows maybe i should try higher pop servers. I came across these servers 3x in a row.. sometimes my chars just got resetted by just being there. And i can't find many servers because BE kicks me out due to my hero suit.
  17. monoking

    Low FPS ? - things to check

    Arma 2 is extremely cpu dependant, an i5 or i7 clocked around 5.0ghz will get u acceptable frames on med only. BF3 doesn't stress the cpu much as arma 2 and atleast uses all cores/threads properly.
  18. monoking

    60+ fps in Cherno. How?

    If you want more FPS, intel does a better job. This game thread/core scaling is horrible, the devs neglected this on arma 3 too. If this game would only support proper multithreading, the fps would skyrocket for sure and wouldn't bottleneck much on CPU. Many people are complaining about the poor cpu usage here as well. http://forums.bistud...-issues/page208 This game runs horrible on my 2500k on 5.0ghz. My gpu usage was always around 70%/80% and my cpu never exceeds 50%... on my I7, it would only go up to 25% due to hyperthreading, does this game even detects hyperthreading properly? So if your gonna go amd 8 core, your performance is gonna get even worse due to the horrible cpu scaling. theres no point in getting 6 or 8 cores as this game doesn't even use more then 50% on my i5 ....
  19. monoking

    Are these two products compatibile

    i3 will yield allot more performance then fx4300 in dayz as it's known not to be very multithreaded friendly. Still Fx4300 isn't a true quad core due to its module configuration. 4 integer/2fpu units. i3 2 core still wins against fx4300 so called 4 core. In dayz i3 will give you more fps as i notice this game doesn't really use more then 2 cores. Add some money and go for an i5. You will never go wrong with it.
  20. monoking

    Updated Chopper Spawn List ! / ?

    Theres a serious bug that doesn't allow them to spawn in Skalisty Island. I had to restart the server 3/4x times for it to spawn there. As i searched everywhere and i eventually looked on the server logs where it was. Was on public. You may try this. But if it's not your server. It might be usually taken.
  21. monoking

    What settings do you play on?

    I have a 2500k oc'ed to 4.5ghz with 570gtx. I keep it on low to keep the FPS steady. but on medium its laggy and averagely around 40-50fps and 30-50fps in towns. I have no clue what you need to run it on everything maxed. 690gtx perhaps?
  22. monoking

    Hoarding vehicles

    When i used to have my own public server. It used to do the same after some crashes or restarts. There seems to be some delay in saving or skipping that cause it to spawn in old spot.
  23. monoking

    DayZ/ArmA 2 SLOW frames 7-15

    I think it's time to upgrade your CPU. The game is pretty CPU intensive.I played dayz on my gf's pc with amd x4 960t and a 8800gts. It could run fine on low. i got an average fps of 40 in cities and 60 outdoor.
  24. I don't recommend anyone to use their service. I just had one of the worst experience here. Ticket's that get ignored or answered 1 week later. Staff doesn't speak english at all or barely, lazy to fix issues or doesn't know how to but claim to. in the end i had to fix the mess my self. I had a question regarding logs due to hackers, all what they said was look at commands here. but it had no relations at all to 'logs' Server panels are extremely slow and don't work most of the times and it's a mess. Everything is in german. There is an english language but it leaves half of the things untranslated. I cancelled my server through their annoying printed form. it turns out i had to do it 1 week before the last invoice? i guess i have to pay for another month wich will get cancelled right away It was written in their so called ABG but its all in german. So i pay for thin air. If you dig abit in this topic, you'll see that the representative said that there will be no 'cancellation' anymore. guess what its still not here after these many months.
  25. monoking

    Just how bad are hackers?

    BattlEye doesn't do much, they stop only those minor hacks and most of the major hacks are private. In my experience, It's really bad now. This game is now officially ruined by them. Theres no way to avoid them anymore. Everytime we have good geas and vehicles, they come and kill us with super fast floating speed. It wasn't bad way back before but now, everyday a hacker ruins our public server.