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Everything posted by TangoAlpha

  1. TangoAlpha

    Riddle me this, DayZ vets-

    You can also just click with the scroll wheel to select an option. I hardly ever use F because I can just click the scroll button to open doors / select options from the pop up menu.
  2. TangoAlpha

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    I've decided to check out Experimental for the first time this morning and after updating and launching the game, while I'm selecting a server, every time I hit the connect button, the game instantly freezes. Task manager couldn't close the game either and even task manager wouldn't respond. I ended up hitting control - alt - delete and signing out of windows and back in to end the program. Had to do this all four times I tried so far. I think I'll go back to stable until another time.
  3. I've played the mod (Vanilla, not other mods like Epoch) extensively before the standalone came out, and now I play the standalone.
  4. TangoAlpha

    Would You Help This Person?

    1. Yes 2. Maybe 3. No
  5. TangoAlpha

    How much of the map have you explored?

    I've explored most of the map in SA except for some towns more in the center.
  6. We don't know when they will arrive right now but that they will be in the game.
  7. TangoAlpha

    How many of you can read/write russian?

    I have no idea how to read/write russian, I just remember the roads around / near towns I travel to often so instead of reading street signs I 'read' the environment around me and try to figure out where I am and where I should go. It works most of the time but sometimes I'm walking aimlessly in the woods in a direction (N, E, S, or W) until I eventually come upon a familiar area.
  8. TangoAlpha

    The Unfortunate Tale of the Dumb Bandit

    I see. I think you should always have your weapon out already when searching through a town because you never know who could pop out from where and try to kill you. In this case you did the right thing but your friend was a little too forgiving. I've had bad experiences looting places without having a weapon out and ready.
  9. TangoAlpha

    The Unfortunate Tale of the Dumb Bandit

    I personally would have gotten hit that one time, then painted him full of lead, then go and bandage myself once he's taken care of. That way at least if I die by not bandaging in time, I know he died too and hopefully spawned farther away from the area. I'll be friendly if there is no way to avoid someone but if you attack me you will die no questions asked. Ray ray should have shot to kill when you said he hit you with the axe.
  10. TangoAlpha

    AK 47 or AK 74[POLL]

    MP44 would be so nice B) . I'd like to see the AK-47 added first, and I can only hope the MP44 makes it in at some point.
  11. TangoAlpha

    Updates on Main menu, or a launcher maybe?

    I wouldn't mind seeing a main menu option for 'News' so I can read updates in game, even if I would never use it, but a launcher is a definite no in my book. I just don't like launchers.
  12. TangoAlpha

    Chernarus Survivor Census - the CSC

    "They call me Wolf, Lone-Wolf." :D I like that a lot. You have my beans for a good poll. :beans:
  13. TangoAlpha

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I am pretty positive bandit and hero skins were apart of the vanilla dayz mod. I only played the vanilla mod and distinctly remember the humanity system and hero/bandit skins.
  14. TangoAlpha

    Alt Tab Death

    I've memorized a good portion of the map so for the most part I know where I am at where ever I may be.
  15. TangoAlpha

    How Many Of You Play In A Clan Or A Group

    Just what I was thinking. I play alone and I want to continue playing alone. I can't vote because the option I want is not there. Edit: Thank you for changing the options :)
  16. TangoAlpha

    I Kept Hearing The Faint Noise Of A Little Bird...

    Walking up north on some servers i constantly hear zombie sounds back to back to back very often. On other servers i hear flocks of birds fly off occassionally. The flock of birds is what gets me every single time because if i remember correctly, rocket said that noise means there's a player nearby. No players were nearby. It'll be a good day when the random noises are fixed, but they do keep me on edge a lot.
  17. TangoAlpha

    Reaction On Dying

    My reaction: I don't react, I just hit respawn and move on without worrying about being killed.
  18. TangoAlpha

    What was your most annoying death by another player

    I had something similar happen. I logged out on the second story inside a building in a northern town and when I was logging back in the next day, I sat there waiting for the "Please wait.." to go away for about 30 seconds. Finally I was able to see my surroundings just in time to get a quick 1 second glimpse of a guy directly in front of me aiming an M4 before I saw the "You are dead.." screen. Definitely annoying when that happens.
  19. I used to play both 3rd and 1st servers, but I've been liking 1st way more the more I play those hardcore servers. So much so, I exclusively play 3PP: off / hardcore now. I like the split database.
  20. TangoAlpha

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    I kind of went off topic after the first sentence and stated my thoughts not necessarily in response to your post. I understand what you're saying with The massive influx of new players, but i still don't agree that the standalone should not have been released yet just so yo wouldn't have to worry about them. Let's hope the devs stay on track and don't listen to the ridiculousness some of the new players have been suggesting.
  21. TangoAlpha

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    I think you're one of a very small group who wish it wasn't released. I am thankful I am finally able to play the standalone and be apart of its development AND have gotten it for a lower price than it will be when the full release comes around. Despite it still being early in development, and despite the widespread assholes/uninformed in the community ( in game and on the forums), i am enjoying the game thoroughly so far.
  22. TangoAlpha

    berets instead of berries

    You mean the patch notes? " Action: Players can now collect Berries as food". No berries, but we do have berets. Berries most likely delayed, berets added in as a secret surprise.
  23. There is also a New Zealand beret, found one yesterday :P