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Everything posted by TangoAlpha

  1. TangoAlpha

    So... can you be that good?

    Just a little bit ago I believe I encountered a hacker for my first time. I left a military base and after running past two more towns, I suddenly got teleported back to just outside the military base. I couldn't move or anything and didn't know what the hell was going on/going to happen so I alt f4'd as quickly as I could, not wanting to die by a hacker. For the record, I never alt F4.. I did not get the 'No message received' either as normally shows when the server restarts. I quickly joined another server though that's for sure. It was one of the US East servers it happened on. Edit: Never mind I believe what I experienced was just a bug.
  2. TangoAlpha

    Spawn changes need to be changed

    I think you may be playing this game at this time for the wrong reasons.
  3. TangoAlpha

    Spawn changes need to be changed

    What i gathered from the post, "I only like being in cherno and rarely explore the map, WHY would you spawn me away from cherno?!". In my honest opinion, gtfo.
  4. TangoAlpha

    How does KOS effect the way you play?? (My story)

    My experience so far is 95% of people I've encountered have KoS. Because of this, I do my best to avoid other players. If I see someone, I tend to go the other way as fast as I can, unless it's a bambi. I'll generally walk past bambis and watch as they take a look at me and try to avoid me and I leave bambis alone unless they are running at me in which case I stop and watch them raise their fist, then I kill them right there (Do they really think they'll be able to take on an M4 with their fist?). I do my best not to KoS and avoid other players who look geared up because of the fact they will most certainly kill me on sight. Most of the players I encounter though don't see me, I see them, but I still go the other way.
  5. TangoAlpha

    Do you patiently to loot each house?

    Most of the time I sit at the tree line for a minute and inspect the town before I move in to be sure no one else is hanging around there. Then I full sprint into town, loot what I need (which mostly takes a good bit of time, gotta be sure I search everywhere) and sprint back to the tree line. If doors are opened I tend to avoid that building depending on which building it is. Sometimes I spend a long time going through every building in town and looking at/through everything. I rarely take it slow in towns (such as hiding behind walls and waiting before moving forward/crouching around - I normally just sprint house to house) unless it is a highly popular place such as the Airfields or Military Bases in which case I take my time and sneak around.
  6. I never get angry when I die.
  7. TangoAlpha

    What are books for?

    Anyone know where War of the Worlds spawns? I've had it before, with the intention of reading it and then I died. Have yet to find it again since.
  8. Ever heard of a game called Socom? It is a third person game with the ability for first person. Socom in its early days (socom 1 and 2) was very much an MLG and competitive third person shooter game.
  9. TangoAlpha

    Possible hacker or just very unlucky ?

    Using your fists can be deadly. I've heard that if you aim for the head while punching, you can take down your target fairly fast. I don't have personal experience with fist fights, but I am pretty sure if you land 1 or 2 hits on someones face, they will drop.
  10. TangoAlpha

    Hunter backpack or Mountain backpack ?

    I go with the green mountain pack for the slots. Those 5 slots can be handy.
  11. TangoAlpha

    cant communicate with direct chat

    Same here. I can type to people and it's obvious they can see it because they react, but I have yet to have someone else type to me (That I can see).
  12. TangoAlpha

    Possible hacker or just very unlucky ?

    Most likely you were just very unlucky. I've had someone spawn in right in front of me. I had just died and re spawned near balota early last week, and as I'm walking I see a guy pop up in front of me, fresh spawn too.
  13. TangoAlpha


    Are you serious? All this time wondering how I'm going to find all the map pieces, and they're laying in vehicles that I walk past all the time. Damn I'm going to pay a lot more attention to cars now.
  14. TangoAlpha

    Dsync really bad?

    I've had some desync issues more recently too whereas I didn't really have them before. I would hit a zombie a few times without the zombie moving, then run off a distance and then the zombie would fall over dead.
  15. I know it was that way in the mod I used to play the mod too. Don't get me wrong, I like playing First Person AND Third Person time to time. The best of both worlds! But since DayZ standalone has dedicated servers, half the servers could be TP only and the other half FP only. Having servers with both FP and TP is cheap in my opinion because of your example, TP has an advantage as it is now since servers are not separated.
  16. I'm not sure if I had the same problem as you, but once, I exited the game and could not do anything on the desktop including not being able to move my mouse but I could still see my desktop. The first time I used task manager to kill DayZ which had still been running after I exited. The second time I just hit alt tab again and selected desktop and all was back to normal. Hasn't happened since.
  17. All this talk of completely removing third person from the game :facepalm:. It doesn't need to be removed completely to force everyone to play with the perspective you like to play with. Simple solution which has been brought up many times in this thread and others, servers can decide whether to be First Person only, Third Person only, or both. I bet this is how it will be the more the game progresses.
  18. TangoAlpha

    How long have you survived?

    Been alive 4 days and counting. This character has been all over the map from kamenka up the coast to the shipwreck, NEAF, NWAF (barely made it out alive), the military base by vybor and zeleno, stary and novy sober, devils castle i think it was called which was empty, all the way back down to the coast near kamenka. Supplies status = good. Health = deteriorating.
  19. TangoAlpha

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    This makes the most sense to me. I found antibiotics for the first time and when I consumed them not a minute later I noticed the sick indicator in the inventory. I proceeded to eat several cans of beans, finish of the antibiotics, take vitamins, and drink lots of water and soda and noticed texts showing over time saying something like my wounds hurt less until eventually it said my wounds have healed. I got infected and sick previously when I was hit by a zombie a few times but until i first took the antibiotics, the indicator was bugged and not showing. I became healthy after that. When I first got attacked, my screen color faded slightly and once 'my wounds have healed' the color of my screen began to return.
  20. The only thing I'm comfortable with is "*Facial hair. Something as simple as a beautiful beard acting as an indicator or trophy of how long you have survived in the harsh world."
  21. TangoAlpha

    One Survivor? (Urgent)

    I don't think anyone knows just yet, but personally I hope it stays at one character. I understand not being able to play while a friend is offline, I have the same problem some times. I feel that if you did have multiple characters, what's stopping you from bringing 2 characters to the same spot, and dropping stuff so you can hop on and pick it back up on the other character. Kind of defeats the purpose of scavenging for items when you could just drop your other character items. It is an inconvenience having to make your way to your friend over and over again, but, I don't know, I feel that having more than one character would be too easy. Keep one character loaded in a 'drop spot' and anytime you die just make your way back to that drop spot, hop on the other character and you're set.
  22. TangoAlpha

    Will there be a windows 8.1 update to dayz

    I'm running windows 8.1 64 bit and everything is working nice and smooth for me.
  23. TangoAlpha

    dayzgame.com survivor count frozen?

    I've noticed its been updating for me. It was 222,000+ earlier this morning, and right now for me it's up to 247,472.
  24. TangoAlpha

    What if? (player zombies)

    No thanks.
  25. TangoAlpha

    Why did I pay for this shit?

    We've all been bamboozled!