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Arthur Dubrovka

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Everything posted by Arthur Dubrovka

  1. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.14

    I like this allot! Years ago we wrote about it in a suggestion thread. Other suggestions about more immersive dynamic events: -if your radio is active, you're able to hear a emergency call of the heli crew to their base Would really immersive and Radios would be a lot more useful! - I would love to see a helicopter in the sky smoking and going down a few kilometers away and the sound of 🚁 in DayZ - I miss it so much!
  2. Arthur Dubrovka

    Update 1.13 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Hey, great changes and update! I wanted to know if any quality of life updates especially for code locks are in the pipeline? For example the open and close mechanic with locks are really a pain in the ... Maybe more like it's handled in mods. The lock stays at the door and if you type one time your code, you can open it up without entering the pin again...?
  3. Arthur Dubrovka

    Base building rebalance | Comprehensive list of suggestions

    As always, great suggestion thread! Thank you very much! Edit: And take a look at the other suggestion threads from @Asmondian
  4. Arthur Dubrovka

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    But that's not the point. Shure, Expansion mod will be great. But what's planned in vanilla? That's the question. I play PC only but want to know, where basebuilding and fortification of buildings is going. That's all, and I don't think it's to much to ask for...
  5. Arthur Dubrovka

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Car issues was termed as longtime goal... devs wrote about it. Complicated task, will last long, official statement was made. No official statement, no roadmap, so a question would be allowed... maybe.
  6. Arthur Dubrovka

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    I boiled water and it worked? Water container would be great!
  7. Arthur Dubrovka

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    These two points really need an official statement. Intended? In the pipeline? No ideas? Just a statement, because basebuilding was introduced as one of the BIG features in 1.0, but is useless right now (besides RP) and never talked about again. PLEASE!
  8. Arthur Dubrovka

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    I like it really to be honest. My loot behavior changed tremendously. If I had to choose between 3 water bottles and a nice and shiny gun, I think you know what I take. If you get a cookingpot, you can get cleaned water by your own. I would prefer a few more streams and ponds. Maybe the possibility to cook water directly in a fireplace (with a pot) or the option to craft a makeshift tripod. And maybe lower the infection rate of ponds and rivers. I was able to cure my infection with charcoal tablets and clean water (cooked in a pot). Then, after reaching Nadbor, refilled my bottles and the pot and I was good to go. After that, there was no problem to reach the southern end of the map...
  9. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.05

    Oh and another question. Will bullet holes (textures) be in-game anytime again? I don't know since when this feature is gone but just want to know...
  10. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.05

    ...and the possibility to play together. If I need 1h to meet my team again after server switch (nighttime, servercrash, etc.) the whole "official server hive" gets redundant. Treat every server as a individual world, like on private severs, would have the same effect.
  11. Arthur Dubrovka

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    I'm shure that's Dolph... Dolph Lindgren!
  12. Arthur Dubrovka

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Is it possible to mention all the other known issues below "known issues" in the 1 post?It seems like only persistence is a known issue and everything else (lightning problems, flying cars, hit reg, etc.) is fine. And please think about short term solution. It's 1.0 not beta.
  13. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Just want the so called "core gameplay" of DayZ working probably. That's what was told and now I want to play it. I want to setup a little camp, searching for a car and hide it in the woods. Right now with Lada/Ada/helicopter2.0 and the persistence broken because of server crashes it's poorly not possible. I don't have time to fix a car for several hours, just to let the car fly around the whole chernarus map or build a base, manage all that stuff and after server crashes it gets vanished. It would be ok for me if it's an alpha or beta built... but it's not! It's full release of DayZ. So please give me my core gameplay loop working.
  14. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    It's no more beta no more alpha... this just shouldn't be necessary. I know they're developing a long-term solution and it would be ok for me if the game is in Beta state... But it isn't.
  15. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    I used pistol suppressor without attracting infected. Maybe it was ruined? One time I killed a few zeds and after a while I attracted them by shooting with my pistol. Then I recognized the suppressor was ruined because I used it to often. Nighttime is just awesome, if you're not a freshspawn! It was sooooo scary looting myshkyno tents. One of us lightend the scenario and the others took the zeds down with knives and blades. They're attack was to heavy so we started shooting...PANIC! After all zombies where dead we started looting with one lightsource. Great and immersive!
  16. Arthur Dubrovka

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Sooooo... helicopters are in?
  17. Arthur Dubrovka

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    GL Devs I hope everything will be successor... Im excited (and afraid) about all the reviews in the gaming world press after releasing 1.0 - THE RELEASE OF DAYZ 1.0 Its a really big announcement after 5 years of development! Wish you the best!
  18. Arthur Dubrovka

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    Imagine you don't do that with global chat because you can do it with a radio... man this would be sooooo immersive. I don't know if the radio tower is able to that right now. And btw every town has a radio station where you are able to give messages over speakers in town... great fun with alarm sirens sample and give a emergency warning about evacuating the area.
  19. Arthur Dubrovka

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    Maybe your matches are soaked... go inside and wait a few minutes till they're wet only. If they are wet status, it should work.
  20. Arthur Dubrovka

    Status Report - 20 November 2018

    Thank you! We need a focused feedback about basebuilding and it's mechanics, please.
  21. Arthur Dubrovka

    base destroyable?

    That's true... and as long as it stays like that, bases are completely useless. A base is like a big "SALES - GUNS N AMMO FOR FREE" sign. Beside of RP.
  22. Arthur Dubrovka

    base destroyable?

    Damn it would be sooo nice if your mates and you are on a scavange run and you gave your guard a radio and it informs you with a call that Intruders try to raid your base. Btw sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker :)
  23. Arthur Dubrovka

    base destroyable?

    I would love to see some new mechanics of basebuilding in dayz but maybe it's a mod thing. In my opinion it could go much further. Barking dogs which alarm you if someone ttys to enter. Maybe NPC's which need food, water and equipment and to defend a base in offline times. But that's something which never will happen in vanilla. :) BTW maybe I visit the Village...I'm in love with the idea of always keep the direct chat on! I play a a character on that server. Maybe we meet each other.
  24. Arthur Dubrovka

    base destroyable?

    Or at least take a look what was done, what's good, what's bad... but I think/hope they did that already.