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Everything posted by jessmyser

  1. jessmyser

    DayZ | Stable Update 0.45 Imminent!

    You should really just be optimizing at this point, this game has ran like crap for way too long.
  2. jessmyser

    new patch, when?

    Wow lazy asses. I get 2 days off from work for the holidays. People like to call Americans fat and lazy, but we work much more than the lazy europeans. Get back to work! I'm joking BTW.
  3. jessmyser

    new patch, when?

    They said many of the guys would be getting a much needed week off. Hopefully they are back at it this week and we can start getting some updates.
  4. jessmyser

    The maps not finished.

    those vast empty stretches will become valuable once they put player made housing in.
  5. jessmyser

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Past that. Most towns have a well. You can drink straight from the well. Drink until it doesn't say thirsty anymore, then take 10 more drinks. If you walk away as soon as your thirst is quenched, it will hit you with thirsty again crazy soon. I've found that by taking those extra 10 sips from the well that I can then go for quite some time before it starts pestering me again...
  6. jessmyser

    Firemans axe a little too powerfull.

    A bullet proof vest will stop a bullet, but not an axe... :D
  7. jessmyser

    every server is dark

    I love that. That's what I don't get about the night cycles in all the current games, just black with a spot of glow. In real life that second shot there is what I see, not some tunnel vision...
  8. jessmyser

    every server is dark

    Why was this stickied? There is no official response here, I just read 8 pages of people asking why it's always dark. Shouldn't stickies be for threads with actual info?
  9. It's like completely opposite of what it should be. I got to play 30 mins this morning in light, now it will be dark until after I have to go to bed. In a real zombie apocalypse, I'd pretty much stay put during the dark. Which is what I do here, so not much beta testing is getting done by me. I will not jack with the brightness and gamma until I can see at night, I'm sure that isn't the dev's intention, and it washes everything out anyways...
  10. jessmyser

    Suggestion: Lower the food/water consuming rate

    i drink and drink and drink and 10 seconds later im thirsty again...
  11. Yeah, I'd wait a month or two till we get some patches up in here. It's dark all the time right now anyways...
  12. jessmyser

    Server Owners get nothing????

    Gotta wonder about server prices, you can get a 100 pop server for Rust for $20 a month...
  13. jessmyser

    Is Direct Chat failing ?

    I talk often, no one ever responds. Is the type chat global or proximity?
  14. I've logged in every 2 hrs, have yet to see daylight. I hate night, please fix this.
  15. jessmyser

    Why is it always night?

    I live on the US east coast. I log into the game in the morning, it's night. I log in at noon, night. I log in in the afternoon, night. And of course, when I log in at night, it's once again night. I hate playing at night, whats up with this?