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Mao Zedong

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Everything posted by Mao Zedong

  1. Mao Zedong

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    If you know people can look around/over walls with third person (1pp can do this too but lets pretend like you can't for argument sake) then why do you not adjust your play style? Sounds like you aren't willing/capable to make the adjusted play style of it. In my opinion, I find 3PP servers much harder because you DON'T know where anyone could be hiding...
  2. Mao Zedong

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Really? How? His excuse is that he isnt equipped to be a leader.. but he wants to start his own.. studio?please argue that owning a studio doesnt require leadership skills.
  3. There are plently of PVE zombie games you could try...
  4. Mao Zedong

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    Actually there's quite a few people on these forums that would love to see everyone fighting with melee weapons and pistols..
  5. Mao Zedong

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I don't see why everyone is saying go for realism but then disregards practically ever military weapon that would most likely be found at a military base... People say these types of weapons don't belong in dayz... but.. why? Why would an LMG or rocket launcher not belong? Because you don't want to die from it? Too bad. Get better at the game, get your own way to fight against these types of weapons (ie: distance, avoidance) or find a group to carry you.
  6. Mao Zedong

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Eh, I agree with you that dayz isn't a survival game but your suggestions to make it one kind of fail (sorry but it's true.) If you survive 500 hours you shouldn't just magically get aimbot (ie shooting like a robot).. it should be based on the players skill. Also, there will be assholes like me that don't care about skills like repairing a heli and will go around ruining your skill progress because fuck you for hiding in the woods. :)
  7. Mao Zedong

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Eh, I agree with you that dayz isn't a survival game but your suggestions to make it one kind of fail (sorry but it's true.) If you survive 500 hours you shouldn't just magically get aimbot (ie shooting like a robot).. it should be based on the players skill. Also, there will be assholes like me that don't care about skills like repairing a heli and will go around ruining your skill progress because fuck you for hiding in the woods. :)
  8. This has to be the most boring way to play dayz ever
  9. I especially agree with adding in all these pointless features, (100+ books, pens, spraypaint, etc) before fixing the most crucial stuff... like zombies walking through walls.. don't understand why adding pointless stuff is coming first.
  10. Oh, no wonder my loadouts with my favorite quickscope sniper and secondary rocket launcher... when will c130 strikes be added for a 10 killstreak? :O
  11. Mao Zedong

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    This thread is still going? OMG PEOPLE ON THESE FORUMS
  12. Mao Zedong

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    Right. Lets make this game unplayable with friends unless you happen to randomly run into each other! Sounds like a great success!
  13. That's a lot of books... i feel like the time they spent adding those... could have gone to something much more useful -_-;
  14. Mao Zedong


    My friend and I have played SA from the day it came out until today. We just found an Epoch server we enjoy and will play that until SA becomes more developed because it's lost its fun
  15. Mao Zedong

    Have you ever been scared to continue?

    Never get attached to your gear in dayz. Plus wtf is there to get attached to in the sa so far? xD Everything is easy to get
  16. Mao Zedong

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    They aren't "pellets." they are buckshot.. pretty big. They haven't added pellets (ie birdshot) in the game yet. honestly 1 buckshot (out of 8) is going to send you on the ground helpless (so basically dead) , just not instantly. You aren't going to be running around and certainly not defending yourself. I'd like to see someone take 1 shotgun blast without dying when there are no ERs left.
  17. Mao Zedong

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    not bad showing distance. Check this one out on meat Also realize the shots that didn't break stuff were BIRDshot.. not buckshot like in the game.
  18. Mao Zedong

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    The damage should be on par. We're talking about human flesh, not steel. A 5.56mm shot to the same area one buckshot (or slug) will do roughly the same damage. If it hits your chest (ie lungs, heart, etc) you're dead. If it hits you're arm, not dead but in a lot of pain. 4-5 shots is crazy to take to the chest. I think my biggest problem is assuming that just 1 out of the 8 buckshot hits (even then if it's to the chest you're dead) because the dispersion really isn't that big. At less that like 20 feet it's about the size of a softball-soccer ball.
  19. Mao Zedong

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    Buckshot at pretty much up to 100 meters should be a one hit kill to this chest. Slug definitely 1 hit kill. Has anyone ever shot buckshot? You get hit by just 1 of those things and you're going down i promise.. but if more hits you're definitely gunna be dead.
  20. Mao Zedong

    Feeling omnipotent...

    Made a sarcastic thread about all these people wanting hyper-realism. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167199-lets-make-this-game-realistic/ It's a game and people need to realize that. I hardly doubt rocket even considers it a simulator... even so.. you just can't go 100% realism.
  21. Mao Zedong

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

    There isn't time for sex in a zombie simulation!! you think this is a game ??? you think it's "fun" trying to survive in dayz? Clearly you need to go back to cod kid
  22. Mao Zedong

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

    You're clearly the one that's a cod player not wanting it realistic and an ultra-simulation like Rocket had planned. COD PLAYER GO BACK TO CODDLEFIELD4 GTA ADDTION. Noobs can't handle hardcore simulations.
  23. Mao Zedong

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

    No i take this game extremely serious. Never died ever because I'm the ultimate survivor. I don't treat this as a "game." it's a simulator and everyone should. Stop being immature about dayz and treating it like a game.
  24. Mao Zedong

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

    But it could simulate how rich people have advantages over poor people!!! Rich people can afford lots of food/protection right when the breakout happens!!!
  25. Mao Zedong

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

    Simulator?! Ohhhh you said if it's realistic it belongs in dayz. Well.. Rocket wants a zombie survival SIMULATOR , there should still be only 1 life. You can't just run back to your body, or start up again after you die! Jeeze some people just don't get it..