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Mao Zedong

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Everything posted by Mao Zedong

  1. Mao Zedong

    Looting Killed Players

    I don't think it's from combat logging, I think it's when they leave the server. Which usually happens when you kill someone gear. They say "fuck it" and log for the night.
  2. Mao Zedong

    Sniper Rifles

    The argument I've seen for all the "it's a zombie survival game" when they want something stupid like blood types when transfusing... guess what.. those high powered rifles are real.. and it's realistic. So why not? If we have to go through the tedious and stupid process of finding out someones blood type simply because it's realistic, there should be high powered stuff because it's also realistic. Just saying..
  3. Mao Zedong

    Northern Army Recruiting [NA]

    Not sure I'd necessarily want to join, but it'd be fun to roll with you guys regardless.. IGN: Mao Zedong Age: 22 Location: USA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZAaztgkA8s
  4. Hey, would it be possible to have some way to hear from rocket? The idea came from another post I commented on debating the intentions of military loot at balota. Basically, if there was some feedback from rocket on their intentions, we wouldn't have to debate over it necessarily. It would also be nice to see what other stuff rocket is planning, more detailed (and easier to find) patch notes and their expected release dates of the patch notes. Sorry if there's already a post about this, but when searching rocket, 10 billion things came up. EDIT: I actually just saw a pinned post that was made today of confirmed future things.. but it's quite small. Also, is there any way to see rockets response to some of the communities requests?
  5. Mao Zedong

    Any way to hear from rocket?

    Thanks, ya i saw that right after I posted this haha Uh, I guess I'll have to make a twitter dammit :/ Thanks though
  6. Mao Zedong

    please remove the barracks at balota

    Hopefully you're right about them planning on changing the location of the balota military stuff... the thing is.. they haven't said anything like that xD So just in case, I think we should continue to post concerns that may or may not seem so obvious in terms of future condition unless rocket specifies they'll change it.
  7. Mao Zedong

    Item durability affecting accuracy ?

    I can't find the thread, but someone did some code digging. The sway in SA is like .1 .. where as arma 2 it is something like .0057 I think it's in the coding. That being said I have a pristine long range scope at the moment, and it does sway, but i have also gotten 700/800 meter kills with it. So I think there's a chance it'll sway/be inaccurate regardless of your aiming/gear.
  8. Mao Zedong

    please remove the barracks at balota

    I agree. Remove all the military stuff except atc and 2 hangers from balota. I also think it'd be cool to remove military loot from south but that's just my opinion ;)
  9. Anyone else find the guns' accuracy completely awful??? Especially the pistol.. I did some test shots with each gun and they seem to be way off the reticles. Also, I got a novy spawn!!! They put it in :,D Oh, and I think balota needs to be toned waaaaay down in terms of military loot. 3 barracks, camo building, atc tower, and 2 hangers + military tents? All within 5 mins of walking? Seems like way too much to me.
  10. The zombies are going to increase, and there are rumors of hoardes, so I think it's too early to say the problem of no risk when shooting won't be addressed.
  11. I think you solved the problem right there.. Killing mindlessly gets them killed by other players or zombies... so if they want to do that, let them, they will end up killing themselves. Because people like to link this game to real life, yes, there are crazy people who would do just that. I don't see how it's a problem though. Just let it be and play how you choose.
  12. So i think we've found the problem. It's NOT killing everyone you see (see how that can be confused with kos) but killing everyone without any thought to it. That only happens at the coast! I think we need to talk all military loot off the coast and make it more desirable to go north. Just my 2 cents. I can go in depth of why people need to go north if needed...
  13. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    If that's how you have fun, helping people, etc, great!! I'm not stopping you! Personally, if i'm up north, i LIKE being shot at (so long as i don't die) it scares the shit out of many, and it's some intense action. If i die, I lose a lot of gear and a lot of time making it up north. Problem with arma 2 is it's just like cod/bf/etc. You don't really lose anything if you die.. I like the feeling that if i lose a fight, i lose everything. I don't like tons of vehicles, rocket launchers etc. I like the dayz theme of weapons, scarcity etc. Arma 2 is just warfare. The zombies also make pvp SUPER interesting.
  14. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    If you're talking about killing on sight being a mindless kill everything you see, I highly doubt that actually happens anywhere except the coast. Most likely when people don't have gear. So leave the coast. I kill everyone I can up north (is that considered kos?) but I do take time to think about how I'm going to do it. Maybe we should clearify what "KoS" is, but if I see you, I'm trying to kill you at some point. Sculpt big dicks? What are you on about? Read about about clearifying KoS.. but if you mean 100% true killing on sight with no thought, that doesn't happen up north. And if that is the KoS definition you're talking about, leave the coast.
  15. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    The thing is, killing someone is dayz goes waaay beyong a 20 second attention span. If you're at the coast, maybe only 20 seconds, but try going north. It could be hours before you actually see someone... Hours without action.. and you're just gunna let them go? How are you going to tell me I don't know what dayz is? It's a sandbox. There is no purpose, end goal, winner/lose, point to the game. YOU clearly don't know what it is. He added those features most likely because there IS a large player base that doesn't want to KoS. Which i'm fine with, I don't complain about their play-style, don't complain about mine.
  16. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    "" Even you admit you shoot unaware people on sight.. ! And no , it's not retarded, if you're good. If people know where I'm at, great! I love a fight. Back in the mod, i'm constantly telling people of my groups location over side so people will try to come kill us. It brings action , which can be far and sparse in the northern part of the map. I hate the south. " " They're kidding, chill. Remember this IS a video game. I only find it funny when someone rages and throws a tantrum. However, if they said "good food," "good match" etc, I sometimes ask them if they want to team up (yes even after killing them) .. It has nothing to do with being a crazy sociopath, it has to do with kids raging. EDIT: quote boxes aren't showing up.
  17. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    Every time someone says anything you disagree with... You bring up attention issue, self esteem-issues, sociopath, etc... Address their claim instead of accusing the person of mental flaws ;)
  18. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    Well I definitely don't get a warm feeling in a video game. Lmfao.. You need to chill with the whole sociopath/evil stuff.. this a video game people. A video game with guns. Does that make every cod, bf, (or any pvp game) player evil? Lol.. that logic xD ^ This. I like to call those who don't kill Boy Scouts on dayz. (copywrite pending!) .. let's sit around and do jack squat. Sounds fun.
  19. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    Oh, my friends and I plan on robbing.. But it really only works with non-geared people.... I'm not going to walk up to a guy with a gun and tell him to drop it or i shoot, i'm just gunna shoot. Not worth it. Just kill him and take his stuff > robbing. I have a group to play with so i'm good on the whole meeting new people.
  20. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    Sure there are other games that you can kill on, but I like killing people on this one because I'm better at killing and staying alive than they are. Then they usually bitch about it and rage quit in side, which you just don't get in other FPS... I love watching carebear kids cry because they lost gear. It's hilarious XD
  21. Mao Zedong

    Why is everyone so worried about killing on sight?

    Because TLDR, and it all gets jumbled together. Not much to do at the moment. 3 guns, nothing else. Even if there was other stuff to do, once you finish that, (ie repairing a car) , then what? Drive around and play boyscout?
  22. I know it's alpha, but I would like to address combat logging and bodies disappearing when someone leaves the server. If you die up north, you're most likely going to just close the client because who wants to spend another hour regearing and running north. Well, leaving the server causes your body to disappear and that means the person who killed you can't loot you :/ Anyways, here's some pvp action (and the combat logging issue) up north over the past few days of aplha, Having lots of fun :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTUT_1U-AeE&feature=youtu.be I know they'll eventually fix combat logging, but I did want to mention the server leave/disappearing body thing. Thanks :)
  23. Mao Zedong

    Not sure what to do..

    After being fully geared from north adventures... (tons of loot up there) i find myself not having anything to do. I haven't seen anyone to kil--.. err.. interact with.. I could kill myself and go to the coast but unless the server has restarted within 10 mins.. i probably won't find loot and will get shot by the guy who did loot it within those 10mins.. or stay north for infinite gear but no players.. What are you guys doing? Are you seeing people up north? (where?) I'm basically around starry, vybor base, and nwaf
  24. Mao Zedong

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    Why is everyone saying how the game is "suppose" to be.. isn't this just a sandbox? That being said.. i don't think we should go for ultra-supreme-super-hyper realism if we want a large player base.. well.. because that's just boring... and not really possible. :/ Idk just my thoughts.
  25. Mao Zedong

    What guns do you want to see?

    I want to see a 22. Why not... it's a pretty common civilian gun .