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Mao Zedong

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Everything posted by Mao Zedong

  1. Mao Zedong

    DayZ will be ruined by immature gamers

    I 100% agree. Realism is the way to go. See the thread already made about it though. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/167199-lets-make-this-game-realistic/ The game should cost around $1000 USD and you get 1 life. That's it. YOU CANNOT RESPAWN IN REAL LIFE!! It doesn't belong in dayz. With hopes, they will implement a treadmill system which is required to play dayz for simulated running. We aren't all marathon runners that can run forever, It should be based on our realistic ability to run (and get us in shape!) There should be random chances of blindness, paraplegics, old, young, diabetes, etc when you first start. Not everyone in life is a 35 year old male in great condition to start off with! I can go on and on... Can't wait for rocket to realize your quote is dead on ""Will it happen in real life?" If so, then it fits in DayZ." :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  2. Every copy should cost no less than $1000. If you die, you're dead forever. You have to buy a new copy. YOU CAN'T RESPAWN IN REAL LIFE. There should also be treadmills, etc that must be bought to simulate actual running for the game. This is obviously just a satirical rant generated from the argument that certain things is dayz should/shouldn't be added because it's realistic. TLDR; "realism" should not be a valid argument for dayz development and features. Please don't use it.
  3. Mao Zedong

    Let's make this game realistic

    What about conjoined twins? O.o?
  4. Mao Zedong

    Pictures of new items.

    I found mine in a house and in a brown barn.
  5. Actually it sounds like they don't see it as a problem , but have noted that a minority thinks it's a problem and they are trying to develop a solution to make people happy.. you should rage more.
  6. Mao Zedong

    Sawn-off Shotgun, not what you'd think.

    The argument of every fucking post i see: PUNCHING IS REALISTIC THEREFORE BELONGS IN DAYZ.
  7. Mao Zedong

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    And this is what makes dayz boring as hell. Boy scouts.
  8. Mao Zedong

    "Its Alpha"

    I really think the misunderstanding is when "alpha" becomes open to 1,000,000 people and has generated 20+million dollars. That is NOTHING like alphas used to be like .. (ie just within the company.) I also understand it's alpha, but with previous work in Unreal T mods, I can say that with that amount of money they can hire more people. Easily. Especially good job for upcoming grads... sit there filtering through codes to find bugs. So while they label it as alpha, it certainly doesn't feel like an "alpha" release and testing. Just my opinion.
  9. Mao Zedong

    3rd Person and KOS are connect

    Your poll is a joke. Someone said i needed to leave my "easy-mode third person server" and try my banditting skills on a "hardcore" 1st person server. I ended up kill like 17 people (went from elektro to nwaf and just chilled there) and everyone I ran into was awfully terrible shots, bad strategies, and usually clueless from where they were getting shot from. Just my 1 experience on first person servers, but I won't go back. Too many noobs thinking THEY are the hardcore ones.
  10. Mao Zedong

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    I own an m4 and you're pretty much right. Depends on the scope. Iron sights I'm not hitting anything at 300meters... but with a scope I definitely could. To the guy above, .. untrained? I was 6 when I shot a deer in the heart with an m4 at about 200 meters.. it's REALLY not that hard to shoot a gun.. depending on the movie, it can be fairly accurate.. you point and shoot assuming your zeroing is accurate. Not that hard xD I should make a video IRL
  11. Mao Zedong

    Only if this were true (DayZ Sounds)

    Didn't they just make like 20million? Hire more people with tons of money left over
  12. fuck 'em, who cares
  13. Mao Zedong

    Where am i?

    With the way the map is currently laid out, seems like the arrow should be pointing to balota or that ship near BZ :P Don't you know there's no action up north in the SA?
  14. Mao Zedong

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    I'm going to start a dayz SA video series on next patch. I have some up already. What would you like to see? Raw gameplay? Or tutorials, testing things out, etc ...
  15. People saying it's in alpha.. sure. But some things can't be tested due to people just logging out instantly.. like if handcuffs/holding people up is viable. Also, a 30 second time is extremely easy to add in.. which i think the main poster is getting at.. and to the guy saying the combat log measures were removed, you must have been playing every other version of the mod than i was.. ie not Overwatch, epoch, dayzero, etc.
  16. Mao Zedong

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    I would hope not until the 10 million other things are fixed..
  17. Mao Zedong

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    In the mod, my group was 100% kos. In the SA, we're trying very very hard to be non-kos (ie, arrested people, rob them, let them go) but we aren't having luck.. .people tend to combat log (tech not in combat) when we tell them to drop their weapons or they just want to be shot and get it over with it. My experience so far. People who combat log when you try to hold them up is soooo annoying, so we will probably just start KOS'ing again.
  18. Mao Zedong

    Ultra realism Vs Balanced game design

    For everyone that voted Ultrarealism... I better hope you support .50 cals because those ARE real weapons... and they are very much apart of the world we live in. Food for thought.
  19. Mao Zedong

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    So? We're talking about accuracy and I was 6.. An adult would have no problem.
  20. Mao Zedong

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    I shot my first deer in the heart at about 200 meters with an m4 at the age of 6. Anyone can shoot.
  21. Mao Zedong

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Then don't stream??? xD
  22. Mao Zedong

    psychological effects of banditry

    First time i've seen the cool-down idea. We should get a thread going about this. I've always hated that in dayz when you kill someone, their friends can just pick them up and bring them back, or they can run back to their gear, etc. A cooldown would DRASTICALLY change this game in the "right" (opinions.. ) direction.. dying actually means something...
  23. Mao Zedong

    Utilizing the entire map

    There's no risk at balota though... You can literally spawn there..