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Everything posted by deadpoetic6

  1. deadpoetic6

    DayZ DIY

    10 cents ftw!
  2. deadpoetic6

    Will shovel kill zombies?

    Except the fire axe, which 1 hit kill a zombie, all melee weapons (including hatchet) suck ass. You'll die before you kill the zombie.
  3. I think it's great It "unofficialy" create different classes, since you need to carry more items. The medic in your group will have less ammo and engy stuff, but more bandage, seryngue, saline, etc... The soldier will only have ammo, engineer will have tools and stuff like that! Lone wolf well, a mix of everything in smaller quantity!
  4. deadpoetic6

    [suggestion] please add sleeping pills

    Dafuq I just read
  5. deadpoetic6

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    As long as loot dont respawn unless there is a server restart, this is a good idea. There is nothing fun in joining a high pop server with everything already looted and nothing spawning back
  6. What's the name of the sickness you can get if you are being alone for too long? wtf is that Pretty sur tom hank didnt caught aids from mr. wilson
  7. deadpoetic6

    Character moaning for no reason.

    They like it
  8. deadpoetic6

    Bows and Arrows

    Well Xbox / Bow+arrow, in case of a zombie apocalypse, would be one of the best way weapon to use
  9. I kinda agree with op. We should be able to open canned food with more items, but with a penalty. Like open the can on a rock, get 75% food penalty so you only get 25% of the can to eat, same with an axe or stuff like that
  10. crouch and roll next to a wall
  11. deadpoetic6

    Green mountain

    I heard Brian Peppers lives there
  12. deadpoetic6

    Suggestion: Flashlight/Torches/Lanterns

    There are already lanterns in game
  13. Just don't freaking buy it and wait until the full release Boom problem solved
  14. deadpoetic6

    First human interaction.

    Fresh spawn on the beach. Look right, I see another fellow! I ran to him and punched him to death Took his battery and ragged his tshirt