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Everything posted by Bottlerocket

  1. Bottlerocket

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    Thanks for the update, Rocket. But I'd just like to say - I'm not buying it. The game, that is, not the update. I loved the mod when it came out, but that was a good while ago and I've moved on to other things since then. I could only play so much of the mod before the glitchy zombies finally put me off. I've been through the 'neverending alpha' thing with the mod, and it sounds like that's what the SA is going to be too. Good luck and I'll maybe see you down the road.
  2. Bottlerocket

    Death storys

    Was looting the apartments in Cherno at night when I heard shots in the distance. Climbed up the ladder onto the roof to get a look and kept going off the edge of the building in one swift, unbroken move because it was pitch black and I couldn't see shit. Good times.
  3. Say "what the f..." as the new zeds rip my shit up for garters.
  4. Bottlerocket

    I admit it, I prefer vanilla DayZ!

    Vanilla DayZ is the only DayZ - all else is fan fiction.
  5. Bottlerocket

    DayZ crazy moments?

    Just the other day I was completing a loot run of the apartments to the north of Cherno on an apparently empty server and was about to log off for the day when I got distracted by something urgent in real life. I figured it was ok to leave my char sitting in the topmost room of one of the buildings while I went to take care of the sudden crisis - I mean, its an empty server, right? I come back and don the trusty earphones ... and by Christ its like World War III. I hear automatic gunfire, winchesters ... sniper fire, you name it. All coming from nearby. I poked my head out the window and see a bunch of bandits out back apparently angaged in a deadly war with the building I'm in. They were just blasting the shit out of it ... for no apparent reason. They couldn't have known I was there - I'd been in another room when it started. After a while, they all ran off, satisfied that another pile of bricks and mortar had been subdued, presumably. Still puzzled about what the hell was going on there.
  6. Personally, I don't think this excuse is cutting it any more. Yes, it's a work in progress, yes, it's based on a shonky engine ... and yes, technically we are still in ... sigh ... Alpha territory. But Zed aggro should have been fixed by now, if it's ever going to be - we're a year in and it's still dodgy as hell. I like the way the mod is going, but working zombies in a zombie apocalypse simulator should really be top priority. At the very least the devs should introduce banjo-style 'getaway' music for when you aggro a zed, because all my trips to town end with me sprinting for the trees, trailing half a dozen of the blighters and occasionally gushing blood (on a bad day). I'd turn and shoot at them, but they move like Olympic sprinters and have an uncanny six sense to dodge when a gun is pointed at them. I'd like to hit them with an axe, but seeing as one touch from an infected Z is instant death now that there's no antibiotics to be found, that's not really an option.
  7. Not in one sitting, but I make it my mission to go from Kamenka to the NE airfield, having many adventures along the way, and often dying. My current char is east of Stary, having been dropped there by some nice gentlemen who picked me up at the NW airfield in a helicopter, gave me a gun and some antibiotics to cure my fever, and didn't kill me ... See? I have adventures.
  8. Bottlerocket

    Zombie and Frame Rate in the SA

    This has me worried .... Hands down, the glitchy zombies are the worst thing about DayZ. They are bad enough for a volunteer-run mod, but surely they are going to be fixed for the paid-for standalone?
  9. Bottlerocket


    Since the update I can't find a hunting knife anywhere! Is this a bug? For the record I've found guns aplenty including military loot, but no knives. Damn cows walking around like they own the place.
  10. Bottlerocket


    Searched over and over in industrial zones, farms, houses - not a knife to be had. Found binos, 2 boxes of matches, an M16, 3 winchesters, 2 revolvers, and ammo, ammo, ammo.... Begining to think the people of Cherno didn't cut their food - they just shot it up.
  11. Bottlerocket

    DayZ SA rough release date?

    An Alpha build you say? Gosh, I'd never heard that before. Thanks for the tip Mr 33 posts..... sheesh.
  12. Bottlerocket

    DayZ SA rough release date?

    Judging by what was on show at E3 - lets hope 2014.
  13. Hi Haven't played DayZ for a few months but thought I'd drop back in again after this intriguing patch was released - problem is, DayZ commander won't update either the mod OR the latest Arma II Beta. Tried reinstalling it but it makes no difference. Did this tool become obselete in my absence? Used to do this all manually, but got lazy. Please help me stay lazy and tell me what I'm doing wrong. There's beanz in it for ya.
  14. Bottlerocket

    Funny story from today

    Same thing happened to me. Mind you, the guy had to run in front of my axe five times befoe I could see it through :D
  15. Bottlerocket

    Oh I wish I was a...

    A weregoat. I'd be a normal survivor until the full moon - then BAM! I become a slavering weregoat, trotting around the apocalypse. You'd be all 'Hey, zombies are easy to avoid, and I can kill survivors from a million billion miles away with this sniper rifle' ....... then BAM! You got a weregoat in your face. What would you do? You'd die, plain and simple. And your last sight would be a blood-demented weregoat standing on your chest, teeth shaped by millenia of evolution to chomp grass, poised to rip your face off! BAM! Weregoat.
  16. Bottlerocket

    Standalone in June what do you think?

    June is not the release date - that's just when they'll 'review things'.
  17. Bottlerocket

    Standalone in June what do you think?

    I don't think people will have lost interest - the mod showed that there's a huge audience for this type of game, but a lot of people were turned off by the obvious problems, such as hacking, crap glitchy zombies and a lack of 'endgame'. Personally. I'm disappointed as I thought there would be an Alpha release that those mad keen on DayZ would get to play while features are slowly added and that it would be out sooner rather than later. The way things are going it's more like the SA will be a finished game at launch - and as I've said elsewhere, my fear is that we're entering a development quagmire that pushes release back further and further until we're talking Christmas. Or later. Maybye its time for Bohemia to come out and just say it'll be "done when its done" and give us an honest assesment of where they are at now. I'm cool with it releasing whenever, but not so cool with what's becoming a "soontm" situation. edit - And could we get an answer why the announcement wasn't made through the devblog or on the forums first?
  18. To be honest, when I saw the last video I realised straight away that this game isn't going to be coming out soon. The level of complexity the dev team were talking about still seems to be miles off, and the build looked pretty unfinished tbh. We saw no zombies, lots of unfinished features and people being told not to go to certain areas. I'm happy for the team to adopt a 'done when it's done' approach - but I am concerned about 'mission creep' setting in. I mean ... disease? finger prints? crafting? What with the lead dev now about to take a month-long holiday (at least) ..... what's the betting for an end of year release?
  19. Bottlerocket

    Standalone Zombies a bit OTT?

    Watching the vdeo I think they said that the zombies would still walk up stairs? wierd - haven't changed the font size, but getting teeny-tiny writing. Had to change this to .18
  20. Bottlerocket

    I want some old school Dayz!!

    Or he's probably looking for a server without easy mode: You know, without 500+ vehicles, NPCs laden with gear, side chat enabled, a Makarov at spawn - that sort of crap.
  21. Bottlerocket

    Three bullets in the chest, the tale of today.

    Sorry - but that's combat logging right there. Just because the timer had run out doesn't make it ok. There's a reason the timer was put into the game, and it's to stop people getting out of nasty situations by logging off. Now, I don't have a rulebook or anything and how you play is up to you - DayZ is your story. Personally, I lone wolf it, avoid trouble and have been known to help the occasional survivor (I made a post about my experiments a while back, if you're interested). By the looks of it, we have a similar playstyle and we'd probably get along if we ever met up. But there's a couple of crucial differences twixt you and me: I wouldn't have logged until I'd escaped or died in the attempt. Personally, I think you should try adopting a similar mindset for a while - it makes for a much more immersive experience when you don't use game mechanics to, well, cheat the system. Don't get attached to your stuff, we all die in the end. When I said kill or be killed, however, I was probably being a bit outspoken - fight or flee would have been a much better term. The other difference is that when people shoot at me in-game I don't stand around asking questions about why they did. ;)
  22. Bottlerocket

    DayZ mod after Standalone.

    It will have had its DayZ badaboom-tish!
  23. Bottlerocket

    Three bullets in the chest, the tale of today.

    Sorry, but I'm going to have to rain on this little happy parade... I get that you were trying to be nice and all - but when you tried to be friendly in chat and got three bullets as a reply, then that means you are now in a life or death situation and should have met fire with fire. This is DayZ, not a camping simulator. Kill or be killed is the rule of the game. You should only trust your friends and be extremely wary of anyone you meet, even if you get a friendly response. Most alliances will be temporary. And lastly - combat logging is bad, m'kay? I have zero respect for anyone that does even when it means they escape certain death. You should have taken them on and tried to escape at least - a hell for leather last-ditch run for safety would have made a much better story than "I went looking for someone to hold my hand while I play, but the bad boo-boo shot at me and I quit the game". Just sayin......
  24. Bottlerocket

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Excelllent work - really excitied to see how it's coming along. Liked the way that even with such a short run the group's individual look began to get distinct by the end. The 'new Chernarus' is looking good, although I would have liked to see people go into a few more buildings. Early DayZ, though - keep the updates coming.
  25. Bottlerocket

    VERY confused about Backpacks.

    Realism shmealism - I've got a wheel, four steaks, a water bottle and a couple of cans o'beanz and cokes in my pack as we speak.