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Everything posted by jasher11

  1. jasher11

    Do you even DayZ (for beginners)

    so here is an iddy biddy tutorial i made for someone who has LITERALLY never played dayz before, it was made around may so please excuse and old info. i made it for TMW and external use so any feedback is great, thanks [TMW] mentor - Jasher
  2. i dont know what would be rarer an animal that isnt already dead or a can of beans that isnt yet eaten...
  3. jasher11

    Tents already ingame?

    may i ask where this is?
  4. jasher11

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    Good luck with that, have a good time wasting your life
  5. jasher11

    expanding the map/new buildings

    sorry if this thread has appeared many times but ya know so as the map is bieng expanded, new towns are being added along with new types of building such as the new police station, but i have some ideas for buildings to add. 1. large country estate, lots of russia is poor BUT small amounts of russia are very rich, and i would love to see huge houses, with massive staircases in the hallway. i could imagine these massive derelict mansions just in the middle of nowhere 2. abandoned theme park - maybe? 3. less churches, just not in every tiwn , thanks 4. an arcade not a video games one (although that would be cool) one of the indoor shopping streets, you know what i mean 5. enterable cherno town hall 7. big shopping centre(s) ??? 8. abandoned sports centre : gym, swimming pool, basketball court, changing rooms : i saw photos of an abondoned olympic park (irl) pleaasseeee add that 9. different houses, the 'piano house' needs multiple interiors and exteriors , just more variety so and criticisms and suggestions please add them
  6. jasher11

    expanding the map/new buildings

    by churches i change my idea to more church models , and larger churches aswell, make them all enterable? also theme park , yeah they can drop that :)
  7. jasher11

    expanding the map/new buildings

    fine i change less churches to less churches but make all current ones larger and leave benches in the way and all that stuff
  8. jasher11

    Met four human players so far!

    go on a 50 player server, one that is based locally or where the people speak your native language - and have no fear about losing your gear- dont use the words, friendly, bambi, noob or any others that will get either a hostile feel or make them think your a friendly preacher. i suggest the solnichiny area then head to berezino with your new freshspawn friends. experimental is more friendly generally, the people seem nicer :)
  9. jasher11

    Combat in DayZ

    remember to use zeroing only use a bipod in prone otherwise always keep it retracted dont shoot straight after sprinting dont charge into combat zones, asses the area, walk around hidden in trees and so on make sure you land that first shot, as to not scare them off without at least damaging them bushes and trees make good cover, grass not so wear camoflague clothing - greens and browns or the TTsKO stuff take time to aim your shots, make sure who you are shooting is preferably not moving Arma 2 weapon mechanics are similar but not identical so it can get you the basics
  10. jasher11

    Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant and a Golf Course.

    if they are to expand the area of chernarus i would love to be able to explore an abandoned nuclear power plant, also one reason that makes sense is that chernarus is on the coast, nuclear power plants require HUGE amounts of water to function safely and chernarus is surrounded by water! A golf course would be cool but i dont think it will happen USSR isnt the place to find one - especially considering what others have said. in another thread someone suggest an abandoned olympic park or sports arena, i would love to be able to explore that, it would be cool another structure i would like to see is large assembly halls, like town halls almost: huge open rooms with tonnes of chairs, maybe a court room in a town, would be a fun place to camp out?
  11. it would be good, except what if i am telling something to someone personal outside of game? then everyone in my area will hear i am going for dinner soon which wont be great
  12. jasher11

    Cosmetics or a bug?

    is that flashlight badly damaged? if so i dont think it works, the supressor, just go onto any other weapon thread and there are about 50 people trying to say how it works to do with supersonic/subsonic ammo, also at night the supressor does 'supress' muzzle flash i think
  13. jasher11

    Alpha/Beta/Retail purchases etc

    we get full game - no extra cost
  14. jasher11

    What to do when I first spawn...

    hey check out this thread it is similar topic http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175843-whats-the-1st-thing-i-should-do-when-i-spawn-for-the-1st-time/ just a pointer- use the search function if you didnt :) join a server, check to see if it is day/night and hardcore/regular - you will probably want and server with no more than 20 players, day time and regular hive :) battery into flashlight - press 'Tab' then drag battery onto flashlight drag t-shirt into inventory, right click 'tear into rags' open up the map http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus, helps if you have a tablet/second monitor you will spawn between Elektrozavodsk (Elektro for short) and Berezino, these are 2 very large towns and although risky you may want to head for one of them, the main spawns are around solnichiny and kamyshovo loot the town you are in for food, open doors means someone has been their but they may still have food in these houses, all canned goods apart from tuna need a sharp object or can opener to open :/ i.e. bayonet, kitchen knife, axe (dont eat rotten fruit) you can drink water from ponds, streams, taps and marshes but not the sea so i would suggest drinking 10-20 times from a pond that you come across when you press tab you may notice it says 'hungry' if you havent found food this isnt a problem right away as your character can go on like this for a while( 30mins?) Now you have eaten a bit and drank some aswell, you are also in one of the largest cities of the map Berezino or elektro you are aiming for storage slots, you will want to find a hoodie/raincoat as they offer 4 slots on the chest, some form of cargo/hunter pants as they offer 6 slots on the legs and some form of backpack after finding more storage slots you are aiming for a defence weapon and the 'healthy status' to get healthy you should eat until you are 'energised' in light green ( where it said hungry) and drink till 'hydrated' in at least dark green (below where it says energised) if it says stuffed dont eat/drink anymore as it may cause you to throw up once you are energized and hydrated you will start regaining blood and once you are on full blood you will start 'healing' when you are healthy you will want some form of weapon, melee and a firearm just by running through buildings you should find weapons but specific buildings have a higher chance of spawning weapons by this time you will have played for about 1-3hours so dont forget to keep eating in game as your character is very needy, but once you have a weapon, food and clothing you can head inland to find better gear and other stuff finally dont get attached to your gear, and choose if you want to be friendly
  15. jasher11

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    he has announced it this early so he doesnt cause panic amongst the community, if he said it like a week before he left then people would start complaining that they paid for the game they want a full release before hes done with it. its so we full understand i guess
  16. jasher11

    movement speed

    yes i dont like the fact i can sprint everywhere, however without vehicles it would just be boring... i would sit in one area as running from one place to another is too difficult and requires to much effort so when they add vehciles they should implement this, not yet though. it is a good idea and well laid out
  17. jasher11

    What's your average lifespan?

    well so far my current character has been alive since after the patch that took away loot spawns in tents (4days after the patch was released this guy was born) and basically i have been alive since then and probably have 60hours in game on him, my hardcore character, recently died and has been alive for about 15hours in game and about 5 days irl
  18. jasher11

    lots of spray paints

    i want a hot pink spray paint, or at least neon yellow to match my raincoat imagine that a bright pink SKS - brilliant right?!?
  19. jasher11

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    i guess i kinda agree with the OP, beacuse M4's are just too common, i was a fresh spawn in hardcore, after 3 hours of play i had found x1 mosin,, x3 Blaze, x2 M4, x1 Shotgun. Admittedly i was playing on a low pop server after a reboot, although it seems there is only 1 or 2 hardcore servers with high population and they are always full :/ the M4 spawns should be heavily reduced as of now, i think they shouldnt wait for more weapons, they should cut the spawns of it by more
  20. join a server, check to see if it is day/night and hardcore/regular - you will probably want and server with no more than 20 players, day time and regular hive :) battery into flashlight - press 'Tab' then drag battery onto flashlight drag t-shirt into inventory, right click 'tear into rags' open up the map http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus, helps if you have a tablet/second monitor you will spawn between Elektrozavodsk (Elektro for short) and Berezino, these are 2 very large towns and although risky you may want to head for one of them, the main spawns are around solnichiny and kamyshovo loot the town you are in for food, open doors means someone has been their but they may still have food in these houses, all canned goods apart from tuna need a sharp object or can opener to open :/ i.e. bayonet, kitchen knife, axe (dont eat rotten fruit) you can drink water from ponds, streams, taps and marshes but not the sea so i would suggest drinking 10-20 times from a pond that you come across when you press tab you may notice it says 'hungry' if you havent found food this isnt a problem right away as your character can go on like this for a while( 30mins?) Now you have eaten a bit and drank some aswell, you are also in one of the largest cities of the map Berezino or elektro you are aiming for storage slots, you will want to find a hoodie/raincoat as they offer 4 slots on the chest, some form of cargo/hunter pants as they offer 6 slots on the legs and some form of backpack after finding more storage slots you are aiming for a defence weapon and the 'healthy status' to get healthy you should eat until you are 'energised' in light green ( where it said hungry) and drink till 'hydrated' in at least dark green (below where it says energised) if it says stuffed dont eat/drink anymore as it may cause you to throw up once you are energized and hydrated you will start regaining blood and once you are on full blood you will start 'healing' when you are healthy you will want some form of weapon, melee and a firearm just by running through buildings you should find weapons but specific buildings have a higher chance of spawning weapons by this time you will have played for about 1-3hours so dont forget to keep eating in game as your character is very needy, but once you have a weapon, food and clothing you can head inland to find better gear and other stuff finally dont get attached to your gear, and choose if you want to be friendly
  21. jasher11

    The DayZ SA Guide To Medical Treatment

    @ Guppy there is already a pinned thread by merino : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-merinos-in-depth-video-guides-feb-11th-updated-to-034115106-new-status-indicators-rebalancing-of-hunger-thirst-stomach-blood-and-health-reg/
  22. I would say i play hero/survivor sort of thing, i like player interaction but not if the only thing i hear from the other player is there rifle and the only thing i see is the 'you are dead' screen. so i keep to myself unless on a medic run or playing with other TMW members/ friends. i scavenge for all the stuff, and usually have 2 weapons so i can give the spare away with ammo to someone who has had an unfortunate death or just cant find a rifle. i give away supplies and try to heal all i can who enter the TMW teamspeak
  23. jasher11

    The Way of the Bandit

    sounds like fun, the only problem is... a lot of people will say no and just try run or charge. so remember an M4 :P also i would much rather be held up than shot from 300m away just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time
  24. jasher11

    can anyone help me out here?

    the issue is with the GPU, the CPU itself is good its an i5 even though its a laptop i5 its good. HOWEVER the fact that the GPU is intergrated means all the rendering and processing is being done on the CPU effectively.so drop all the settings and follow all the guides about reducing render distance and so on, good luck
  25. jasher11

    This game is shit

    fine, dont play it i couldnt care less and i guess neither could most of us here