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Everything posted by jasher11

  1. Okay i understand it is in Alpha and that there should still be some problems. However My character has been wiped 2 times in 1 day. Its so frustrating, both times i have had very high levels of gear, a fully decked out mosin, full TTsKO clothing ballistic helmet and so on. the next i had mix of camouflage army gear and a nice looking M4A1 with plenty of ammo. I get on this afternoon to head to NWAF and all that stuff i put 3-4hours into earlier is gone. So what is happening is when i relaunch game/join a new server my characters gear is wiped, all of it, and i am put in as a fresh spawn. and its not just today, every 2 days it happens or so and i cant bear it. cmon rocket fix this nonsense, and if anyone know how to stop this please say *Edit* - yes i am frustrated and i know i sound like a massive t**t from writing this angry review, of all the friends i play with, i seem to be the only one this happens to for some reason, and i understand this is an alpha and i am 'testing' the game but i have had plenty experience killing zombies with a screwdriver and would much prefer to 'test' out blood bagging and using weapons, which just seems impossible when i get one chance before a reset of my character happens. this is the only bug that has bothered me, i dont mind if it looks like zombies can run through buildings, or if they can break my leg through a wall whilst i am on a ladder.
  2. if i die will my blood group change? it was B+ before, will it be different now?
  3. you sure? if so thanks :)
  4. jasher11

    Medical Assistance

    So HP and blood are different things?, blood is what makes the screen grey or the normal colour - i guess and because i cant see these units in game its quite annoying but when i press 'tab' i cant see a hunger or thirst bar
  5. jasher11

    Medical Assistance

    At the moment i am on a very grey screen on the verge of death (i presume), my food levels are high at the moment i dont need to eat, and the same for water. i want to get rid of the grey screen but i dont really know how... so my questions are: does blood auto regen. and if so how quickly?
  6. jasher11

    Help for a beginner

    so i just got this game after playing the Arma 3 breaking point mod and watching a lot of frankieonpcin1080p. a few questions: Can i get a map? do i pick it up/start with it or are there no maps? If i switch server does my progress continue on the new server? How do i fix broken legs? (message to developer about a bug- when climbing a ladder my leg broke, didnt notice till i was at the top of the ladder, i climbed back down ladder... somehow? but then died due to being new so i had ne equipment to repair my leg and was rushed by some zombies)
  7. jasher11

    Help for a beginner

    another problem i have is everytime i enter or leave a server , my gear resets? i said about this before but is this a common problem because if it is it makes the game frustrating and almost unplayable
  8. jasher11

    Help for a beginner

    thanks bud i guess it must just be the 'alpher' issue happening to me with my characters, and as for a map i shall keep loooking