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Everything posted by benvats

  1. Hmm i like the idea of reputation/humanity. I have no problem with KOS but at the moment there are no consequences for 'bad behaviour' If people want to bandit fair enough but there should be some kinda incentive for being a 'hero' type or at least for being humane! In the mod there was a hero skin to work towards. Whilst i dont like the idea of skins, perhaps a levelled incentive such as unique ballistic body armour levels 1-5 say, which u can only obtain by having gained good karma by doing good deeds, (similar to fallout 3) you could have say a heavily armed soldier survivor Npc camp where these could be collected? By having several levels of armour would give u something to continue to work towards. It would have to be unlootable by anyone 'unworthy' and you would loose it once obtained if you took up banditry. If u die u would have to head to hero camp to be reissued a new one. Just an idea. Your thoughts?
  2. Well least i know it wasn't just me that lost everything, after 8hrs of gametime! Least we are all back on an even footing. Rocket ignore the critics! - you have clearly warned everyone that this is buggy and very far from finished so anyone who then plays it and moans obviously can't read!!! Keep up the good work, but as a request can you guys publish what items are/are not functional in game as it goes? No point lugging a camp stove around that doesn't work.
  3. Kamenka, was bleeding from a zombie hit, no bandages. See a player in the distance; 'friendly' i shout..'got a bandage?'....'sure' he says... But then attacks me with a fire extinguisher!!! Ouch thats just mean! I think... So i batter him to death with my shovel! Since then ive been avoiding players! So far bo deaths!
  4. Kamenka, was bleeding from a zombie hit, no bandages. See a player in the distance; 'friendly' i shout..'got a bandage?'....'sure' he says... But then attacks me with a fire extinguisher!!! Ouch thats just mean! I think... So i batter him to death with my shovel! Since then ive been avoiding players! So far bo deaths!