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About FroztyReaper

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    Shakhtyorskiy Park, Chernogorsk

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  • Bio
    Given he is only 27 he has spent alot of time running guns. He was down on a trip in the Balkans getting weapons when the infection came.

    He got forced drafted into the fighting force and shipped of to russia. He deserted and now only has one goal.

    Try and make it home to his wife and child. If they are still there.
  1. TBH, been on a break awaiting the next patch. Skyrim :P
  2. FroztyReaper

    Why are freshspawns now referred to as "bambis"?

    I saw what you did there. ;)
  3. FroztyReaper

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    Mods can be good. But given the current state of it all. I really hope that mods wont be allowed in the stand alone. They have a clean slate now. And really hope it will be a vanilla style. They can implement all the best from the other mods if they want to. And having to many others meddling with it and opening for hacks and such, Not to sure about that...
  4. FroztyReaper

    Were can I find a mosin?

    You can find it by using the search function on these forums. And read the other thread about this specific matter. Usualy in cars and such though.
  5. FroztyReaper

    will zeds be dropped from the game?

    He read the dev blog.
  6. FroztyReaper

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Wow.. Just wow.. Getting really wrong vibes here
  7. FroztyReaper

    sanity punish for KOS?

    If they wanted it.. Then it would be in already wouldnt it? Not sure but belive i read somewhere that there is no intentions of introducing a PK punish. Well the ones that bought it and got scared payed Agree completly I killed myself just to experience this hype about qq babies on beach kill all. Actually killed myself alot. Sure about half the time i got beaten to death by NEWSPAWNS! Only once i got shot. That was running past electro. One dude chased me down with a magnum (wasted alot of shots aswell hahahah). Other then that i spent time connecting with people. And tbh i got way surprised. Getting off the beach spawn area people actually was nice. Shared gear they didnt need and was generaly pleasant. So this entire KoS is mostly BULLSHIT IMO. Get killed for being careless, own fault.. And i stick by my previous opinion. The people causing most of this isnt the vet bandits killing people left and right. Sure they are a part. But the worst is freshspawns. Meet one phreshie. He was nice at first. Parted ways. He found a gun and shot everyone. Barely made it out of that one. So newcomers, they need some guidance
  8. FroztyReaper

    Too many buildings to loot

    That was so cold i had to pour my coffe on my nutsack hahahaha. LoLd so hard! KoS reference deluxe. As for op. Im not sure if you are some hybrid between a goat and a troll. Or if you just that hardcore dude that never lets go off an idea you came with. Either way, i give you that point about mapsize and engine/coding. It really makes a difference. As for the rest of the stuff. Again, are you a real person or a troll coding nasa made up to piss people off online? Have you played the game more then 10seconds? Really....
  9. FroztyReaper

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Two swedes arguing about sweden. Wow low point in thread ;) :P I know that the depos arent that spread out anymore. But there are more then you think :P As for deagle. HELL NO! NOT IN THIS GAME! I will stick by the fact about 7mm handguns. Beacause ive shot one and tested alittle. Though they are rarer item. Ammunition for 7mm handguns in sweden is also a pain.
  10. FroztyReaper

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    True. Real life is a dangerous place :p
  11. FroztyReaper

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Variety and realism. Guns arent that hard to find irl. Shit thinking of it i know 3 farms here that has shotguns in their barns. hahaha i would have no probs surviving :) But yeah, guns ingame are abit to easy to get. Atleast mil grade. They should be harder
  12. FroztyReaper

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Yeah shotguns are fairly overcommon in rural areas. So given those realist hardcore people here. Irl it wouldnt be that hard to find a gun in an apocalypse
  13. FroztyReaper

    Should Gillie suits be a craft-able item only?

    Penalties? No...Only really epic hard to get
  14. FroztyReaper

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    7mm popsicle then? http://www.ebay.com/itm/BABY-NAMBU-TYPE-4-PISTOL-7mm-Japan-Atlas-Classic-Firearms-PHOTO-CARD-/231054541324?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35cbec820c also http://m14forum.com/handguns/83503-7mm-hand-gun.html https://www.flashback.org/t999435 AK-6 is being developed by Swedish military (not here yet. So admit that was a typo). Which has depos all over the country. So please man. Do any kind of research before you say im wrong ;) Also some german handguns are 7mm. And no, im not gangsta :P Grew up in those areas with that kind of people. So I know what I know