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Posts posted by Deathlove

  1. Now? Probably not. The way I see it, they could be. Someone mentioned a LONG time ago (before standalones alpha release) that it would be cool to get a group to repair the powerstation in elektro and provide electricity to a portion of the map. This could very well tie in to that suggestion.

    Now if you HAVE to do work to get this thing up and going im all for that but if its as simple as pushing a button or refueling it i would think thats a bit of bs.

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  2. It doesn't have to be used really. It's just the aspect of life that used to be in abundance in chernarus before the rage virus hit. I mean, do we NEED all the road blockades and the mass graves plotted around the map? Technically no. However, it adds a sense that something happened before you washed up on the shore of chernarus. I believe that is the main purpose of this.

    No that i can understand for atmosphere but are they going to be fully functional is the question.

  3. How the hell is something like that going to even stay powered up for a long period time with no human maintenance to keep it going? Let alone the tools and time you would need to keep something like that in service. Broken down half way or all the way i could see but a fully functional one after however many months or years i cant see. At least not without being sketchy.


    The only people that are going to have fun with that thing are the guys with sniper guns aiming at you as you move helplessly above hundreds of feet off the ground. Sticking on the ground is still going to be the better option unless you like ppl to find you easy.

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  4. DayZ is a survival game. It's not a game where you get to do whatever you want otherwise it would be marketed as such and even then, you can't stick your dick up a cows arse.



    So do inflatable My Little Pony sex dolls


    I thought we were playing a zombie survival game not a sex kink fetish simulator?! XD

  5. My vote is for the Fox Cub Clubbing Club.


    A group who runs around in the forest with baseball bats looking for small animals.

    No that would just make me want to shoot you. No animal abuse please.

  6. I have not played really since .55 and I decided to come back and check out stable .59 after checking out DayZ TV. I wanted to post my thoughts.


    On a good note the game it seems to be running much smoother, this after playing on 5 or 6 lower ping servers. I liked the new 3rd person views and UI. I also saw loot spawns have changed a bit. Also liked some of the new crafting options and items.....Have not messed with the new cars and bus.


    The zombies seemed abit rare unless I was in what once was a highly populated area or military base. I was able to evade them pretty easy just by sneaking. They were fairly easy to kill when needed. I think the zombie AI has improved most def since early 2015. Not running through walls ect ect ect so I like the new ones better. But they didn't really seem vary challenging though or caused me to rethink were I was going.....either sneak past them or kill them. 


    It really didn't seem that challenging to play, anymore then the way it was a year ago. It still pretty easy to find enough loot to survive in the citys, and all the survival aspects still seem to be a side novelty thing one could do if they wanted...Like hunting, fishing, cooking, crafting ect ect...But I do like they added many more options. So there's nothing to force players to go survive in the woods, its more if you want to for fun you can, but its not out of desperation. Same as it was. I wonder if one day possibly loot counts and how hard survival is, would vary from server to server later.


    Most of what I saw was positive, and a smoother running game over all. There still pretty long waits on servers...but that's really based on 3rd party servers. Change is slower then I would like but, they are making head way.....so I am not complaining. These things take time. So over all I found it to be enjoyable, still DayZ SA.

    Im still waiting for the challenging survival elements myself. But compared to .58 this is an improvement because the zombies were not in stable at all.

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  7. Dont even try hiting moving target past 300-350m, bullet travels so log you will have to aim way ahead of target.

    I know this is mainly a mid ranged weapon. If there is one thing Warz did get right it was the VSS and SVD ranges.


    Is the VSS both full auto and semi auto yet or does that still have to be worked out. Been taking a break from the game for a bit and im still not sure which button they plan on using for switching firing modes.

  8. Most powerfull round on 100-200m distances. Not for long range sniping. Exelent for ambush in urban areas. It should be able to penetrate any vehicles doors (IRL penetrates most of armoured vests).

    Yeah the one round i did fire went right through the infected and i saw dust particles hit the building where the bullet penetrated afterwards. This is definitely a great weapon for penetration along with the silence.

  9. Interesting that a weapon can  be 'damp' though...  is this new?  How does damp effect the weapon?  Do other characteristics like heat / dust have effect at the moment?

    Not sure but my character is heating up again in this patch so you have to strip out of all your gear so you don't overheat and kill yourself. This will have a big effect when your walking around in a full Ghillie suite with a sniper gun which i hear doubles in temperature. So be warned if you guys go this route. I haven't yet but im definitely taking overheating into high consideration now if im going to craft a Ghillie.

  10. ?

    So do the zombies ignore suppressed shots now?

    Nothing came after me around the lower city near the military air base when i fired just a tiny bit outside of town. And i mean i fired the Blaze another town over and i got rushed from all sides by zombies. So i assume the subsonic rounds actually do what they are supposed to. But ill probably have to test it further. Ether way players not familiar with the weapon wont hear it coming if the person firing the weapon works with it the right way.

  11. With an inbuilt silencer and subsonic rounds this thing is great for clearing infected with silence and precision. Im REALLY loving this gun and i have enough subsonic rounds to last me a LONG time haha.




    Anyone else find one yet? :P

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    I have a feeling the wolves are going to be no smarter than the zeds we currently have in game though i could be wrong about this. Than it will probably take many many patches to get the AI even balanced out the way real wolves are supposed to even work.


    • motherfucking zombies that actually kill or fuck with you a lot

    I really don't want zombies that can fuck ppls mothers nor do i want them raping my character. That would be just rude and uncomfortable! >8(

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  14. I hate to ask this question but... do the devs actually read this stuff? I feel, after reading the roadmap for 2015 that the devs may or may not be pulling the proverbial wool over our eyes. Would be nice to know we aren't just wasting our time here. I mean, if you do the math, more than a lot of money has been made from the game sales and the team of devs seems fairly small for such a budget. Do we have any reason to expect any of this stuff for real?

    Thats what im wondering as well. This game doesn't even have a SOLID survival element yet let alone the mechanics put in for most basic primative tools and equipment. We get far more patches with guns and modern clothing than we do improvised gear made from animal furs, bones, leathers, scrap metals, etc.

  15. Lots of makeshift caveman like tools and weapons should be the primary function of how we fight for the most part. Anything modern age like guns and synthetic gear should be a luxury item at best. At the moment we have BARELY even scratched surface of the primitive tools and technology area which is a shame because this should be one of the big foundations for totting being a survival game.


    Living off the land is one of the many reasons ppl are clinging on to this game still. Hopping it will become a dominant factor in the games mechanics. I do make allot of suggestions for high end military guns and gear however the survival element is in clear dire need of a major presence in the game right now.

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  16. In my oppinion 3pp ruins the experience of the desperate fight for survival and horror aspects of the game and turns it into a treasure hunt battle royale with dumb bot AI to inconvenience you. Both types are fun games but the former offers a more rich and rewarding personal experience. Especially if player interaction is a factor. 

    What fight for survival? What Horror Element?


    There is no fight for survival and horror element currently in this game even if the zeds were put back in its FAR FAR from where it needs to be to even acknowledge for those elements. Especially with all this engine transfering still going on.


    So it does not matter which mode you play its still the same bullshit game wise.


    Than enjoy your rich experience and leave how others play alone. If other ppl enjoy how you play they will do exactly how you do.

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  17. Most of those weapons listed either have an option to be sheathed, are long enough that getting yourself with them are quite difficult, and are generally carried in such a way as to not do damage to yourself.  With a club with barbs on it, the barbs are pointing in all directions (kind of like having a double edged sword or a pencil sharpened on both edges, it's just more dangerous to you by default) and if you're going to sling it to your hip or to your back you better not fall too hard on that side...


    Pitchfork, spear, polearm: pointy bit facing away from you, at a distance.  If you carry a blade you're taught to sheath it or make sure you don't have the blade/tip facing towards yourself, and preferably down and away.


    It's definitely a draw-back to have those things there for you, but at the same time it's going to scare off or do more damage to the other guy if you're disciplined and smart about it.


    I'll definitely concede that it's diminishing returns over the standard bat, which is quite economic as a bludgeon, but if someone were to have a nail bat i'd be quite put off.

    That said, something simple  like Buddy's above would be just as effective for the most part.  Edges to focus the force, if you catch a corner to something with bone underneath it it's going to gouge and shatter... The Indos/PNG/Malays have quite a few little weapons like these which are semi-blunt weapons and very nasty.

    I also don't think ppl realize just how bad a situation with a nail bat can get with the person wielding it. You have to consider in the heat of the moment your going to panic and make wide swings and quick moves without thinking. Id much prefer something that doesn't have a chance of impaling me in one of those types of instances. And i imagine training helps calm those nerves but when your faced with a horde of infected ppl i would imagine rational thinking would go out the window at a certain point with caution.
