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Posts posted by Deathlove

  1. 34 minutes ago, Remierk said:

    How long till console update? any updates? Waste of using PTO from work!


    That was a really DUMB idea. Never use your PTO around the launch of a new game or patch. You never know what might go wrong.

  2. 6 hours ago, Kerbo said:

    I'm just as disappointed with the state of the game as anyone but "planned" does not mean "promised"

    Broken body parts should have always been a main feature. At least hopefully soon it will make character interaction carry more weight behind it.


    *You decide to kill the guy in front of you and take his loot. But before he dies he manages to break one of your arm's or a leg in the fight. Now you've just screwed yourself over and have ether alerted other players to you location or just rung the dinner bell for some infected. You got a whole day or two worth of healing to take into in account now as well as make sure you got enough food, water and shelter to survive it.*

    That's what I'd like to see anyways.

    • Beans 2

  3. On 1/31/2020 at 4:05 AM, Trev_Bash said:


    I totally agree with this 'wolves freeze' stuff. I've had the same thing happen several times now and to say it's frustrating is an understatement. The only way I have avoided death is by logging out mid-attack and re-spawning a while later. Mostly they have gone when I reappear but once the last remaining wolf suddenly came from nowhere as if it had been waiting for me...


    It recently happened with zombies twice to. It's not just the wolves that effect it.

  4. Died yesterday to wolves but it was an unfair fight. I was killing the pack when my character froze in mid attack and I could only watch in horror as they just picked away at my health until I died. They really need to get the server lag and freeze issues fixed.


    Base building needs some drastic upgrading soon as well. It's to damn easy for ppl to break inside and steal things while your out foraging for supplies. Give us some traps, longer break in times or something.

    • Like 1
    • Beans 1

  5. 15 minutes ago, Greensek said:

    Hello Survivors, 


    We just released some tweaks and fixes for the current 1.06 update.

    Below you can find all the details:


    GAME Update 1.06.152858 (12.12.2019)



    • Fixed: Swapping within cargo
    • Fixed: The right side far resolution LODs of the Gunter 2 were only changing their color when damaged
    • Fixed: Items would not attach to the correct attachment slot during base building
    • Fixed: Base building/cars dragging attachments
    • Fixed: Movement inputs would be obstructed while using radial menus
    • Fixed: The boletus mushroom would spawn with a wrong rotation
    • Fixed: When the weapon in hand was hidden during certain actions, loaded cartridges would float in the air
    • Fixed: A server error when picking up items
    • Fixed: Two exploits that could break the character animations
    • Fixed: Head of the character was not healing from damage
    • Fixed: Base building items would be assigned to the wrong slot


    • Tweaked: Fireplace fuel consumption lowered (doubled the burning time)
    • Tweaked: Increased the damage dealt by 9x39 projectile
    • Tweaked: Increased the damage from projectiles to the zombie head (damage zone)


    • Tweaked: Updated the offline database

    Information added to the first post.


    Thank you, 


    Sounds good to me! I was getting tired of higher caliber rounds of ammunition being fired at a zombies head and absorbing 2- 3 rounds before going down.

  6. 13 hours ago, RyanS1994 said:

    Did you use to play the mod? Jw cos you joined I 2013 and your content count is well high. Gutting infected has never been in DayZ standalone as far I know, I've seen modded servers that you can do it on and the steaks have green patches that make it look mouldy exactly the same way some mushrooms do when they're rotten, don't remember if it had bones though.

    Yeah but only a little bit of the mod. And mainly Standalone on pc for a bit once that popped up until my pc took a shit and died. I prefer console a bit anyways.

  7. So sometimes when you die the screen turns so dark it's hard to see and will last even when you go to the start menu. You have to stop the application and restart it again in order to even get that effect to stop persisting. It's annoying.

  8. Anyone else having issues gutting them right now? I should be able to do it with any blade but the option never pops up. It's very crucial especially for new players in Livonia to be be able to at least secure an improvised fishing rod to obtain food at the lakes. No gutting means no fishing hooks. And animals are much more scarce to find than infected at the moment.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Pauperprince said:

    This is typically because it’s overlapping or to close to, another object. Reposition with what you think would leave a slice-gap/small gap. Do this side to side and front to back also.


    Yeah, I actually just a few minutes ago figured this out but it took a lot of trial and error.


    The only thing that's pissing me off now is the constant crashing every 30 minutes or so.

  10. Building my first wall for a gate. Got all the materials and the right amount of wood. Go to build the lower frame with the hatchet, the circle completes and no results. Try the upper frame and the same thing. Tried uprooting the foundation and rebuilding it but the same thing. Anyone else having issues? Maybe I'll try to find normal hammer to see if it works.

  11. 4 hours ago, generalmayhem said:

    Surely you should have i drink in your inventory when you are a new spawn. Its the second time I have died from no drink could be found on the coast boats and my health was all white when I spawned full white except drink which was yellow Arrow down but the 12 boats I visited on the coast were loot of Boonie Hat Torch and dry packs with one sardines food which I ate as it briefly increased my liquid. The blood loss was literally full white health and blood to bleed out in thirty seconds which is rediculous.

    Your gonna have to ether drink from a pond and risk getting sick or try to secure the nearest well water asap.
