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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Game got unplayable for me

    I have a slight bit of ADD and this does not bother me in the least bit lol. Not everyone is the same is what im trying to get at.
  2. Deathlove

    Where is everyone?

    From directly playing the game. The servers iv been on that are all i made sure 3rd person have been coming up lootless for me. And not only that iv been getting some odd respawns too,
  3. Deathlove

    Where is everyone?

    Could be because allot of servers are not spawning anything right now. That and ppl are randomly restarting fresh allot it seems. So they are probably waiting for a fix rather than wandering around trying to find anything.
  4. Deathlove

    persistent servers not being persistent

    Not sure about that but iv been to a few towns in various servers and have found no loot at all.
  5. Deathlove

    What country is this game set in?

    It would be painstaking to try and read every single book in Russian. Id just be chucking books at ppl if i cant read the damn things. Regardless of real world logic or not.
  6. Deathlove

    Server Down & Character Reset

    Well I cant even access the server my character would normally be on and its the same server type on normal. Character is coming up fresh and no spawns in any of the areas iv been to.
  8. Deathlove

    What's up with the axes/melee weps?

    Your melee has been replaced by Sockem Boppers thats why!
  9. Deathlove


    If there going to make chickens this hard to find i still don't see the improvised bow being more effective than a gun. lol
  10. Deathlove

    R.I.P. Character (wiped by server)

    Well they did say they plan on doing server wipes anyways considering ppl can live with good gear for a long long time from previous patches.
  11. Try around both normal vehicles and military vehicles as well. You can often find some weapons at wrecks now too if that helps any. :)
  12. Deathlove


    Everyone still having problems finding chickens? Also does anyone know how many feathers you get from one?
  13. Deathlove

    Ammo boxes no longer in game?

    Yes but the persistent storage i think is effecting some of the spawn points because im pretty sure ppl that dont move the gear or destroy it just stays there for a LONG LONG time.
  14. Deathlove

    What is this?

    Those are mushrooms. What kind though im not certain.
  15. Deathlove


    I just dont think chickens should be the nail in the coffin as to not ever wanting to craft ammo for a bow. I hope they increase the numbers at best. I mean they did say the improvised bow would be one of the "FEW" options available for survival.
  16. Deathlove


    But at the very least they should be the most numerous of domesticated animals. Wouldn't you think?
  17. Deathlove


    Yeah kitchen knife works.
  18. Deathlove


    They seem REALLY hard to find in Dayz. Been looking in open fields and stuff to try and find some to make improvised arrows. Is there rarity even worth the hunt depending on how many feathers they yield? I wanna try to find some but its becoming like finding a needle in a haystack lol! xD
  19. Deathlove

    101 vs AKM

    But this is why you conserve ammo and use it wisely. Hence the survival aspect. XD And use your melee even against glitchy desync infected.
  20. Ok no one wants your farmer fresh equipment. We can still have all that high tech military gear it just DOESN'T have to be over exaggerated as you claim them to be. There is a certain logic behind having over the top rare hard to find weapons that give players a reason to survive and hunt for. And also you CANNOT deny there existence even in a fiction country based around REAL weapons. Half of the elite weapons you might even find in normal military bases but that doesn't mean they have to work. They could all be at least ruined for the most part and maybe find one gem out of the weapons storage. Hence why i think different grades of guns needs to be introduced so we can put those cleaning kits to good use finally.
  21. Depends but definitely trying to farm for anything like a High Capacity vest or Press vest is a real pain right now.
  22. Deathlove

    101 vs AKM

    Untill LMGS pop in than that AKM/SKS/CZ rifle ammo can be put back to good use again lol. I hope if they put the LMG in crouching and ultimately going prone give the most damage and accuracy to the weapons though.
  23. Deathlove

    Shotgun still a mess

    I would have to disagree. Almost every infected i encountered was felled in ONE shot and no more than one shot. If your shooting in 3RD person that could be the case. But if you go FPS when shooting and use the aim option with the shotgun you do much more accurate and greater damage with the long barrel version.
  24. Yeah but i play both Xbox and these kinds of games all the time. So you REALLY CANT just muddle everyone into one type of category of gamer. I also hand no idea the country Poland was in the game as well..... XD