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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    But you have to remember weather can have horrible effects on food. Leave a raw piece of meat out in the hot sun for a day and let me know what happens. XD
  2. Deathlove

    Horse in game

    Im more excited for bears to be honest as it will be something that ppl REALLY do fear in real life even when hunting them. Gives another opposing element besides the infected.
  3. Deathlove

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    Maybe they want to implement actual aging to food from Pristine good to pristine rotten? So that would make things like storing food in specific cooling containers more of a reality. Would be cool anyways if that was the case.
  4. Deathlove

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    OMG THAT THING IS AMAZING!! :o Lol thanks for the picture! :D
  5. Deathlove

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    They are still around. You might be coming across some pristine rotten food and not realizing it as well to.
  6. Deathlove

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    Wounder what this SPOSN backpack is going to look like?! :O
  7. Deathlove

    Is it to easy to gear up?

    Yeah iv pretty much concluded that they need to up the chicken spawns WAY more for us to even find one.
  8. Deathlove

    Is it to easy to gear up?

    Depends with the basics yeah but military and a few of the other items it can take longer. Just depends on how heavy a place is hit when i stay on a server for awhile.
  9. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    This was posted up on a developer tracker. It looks sweet and i cant wait to try it when it pops up! What ammo do you guys think it will use since its a western style gun?
  10. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    True but the Dragunov i would imagine would use the PSO 1 scope more than long range.
  11. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    But if i was understanding correctly the mosin will eventually get its long range scope nerfed and taken off or at least that is what everyone has been talking about recently. So that and once other rifle gets its scope should be a better choice once loot gets reorganized. Cause im sure guns like the AKM are going to be much harder to find once they sort things out. Also iv always liked the.357 Magnum revolver. Its just one of those "GO TO" weapons that you don't need a magazine for. Thats the BIG plus of that gun anyways.
  12. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    Sounds good to me. 357 needs some more love anyways.
  13. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    Im really liking the weathered look of the gun as well. Really fits in well with the Dayz scenery. I think one of my favorite guns in the mod was the Winchester Rifle.
  14. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    Lol we all know how that worked out. Still i would not count the CZ rifle out just yet. Once it gets its scope im sure it will be a more trust worthy weapon.
  15. Deathlove

    The Repeater

    Im actually happy to see it pop up as well. Its a rather iconic lever gun. Looks allot like a winchester im just curious on the ammo type which has gotta be anywhere around Mosin lvl at least.
  16. Deathlove

    Gimme gimme barricades (moar DOGE please )

    Barricading doors and windows will be a nice touch to the game once it pops up! Should go great with item persistence anyways.
  17. Deathlove

    Ability to label gear with pen

    Yep this definitely needs to happen!
  18. Deathlove

    Ability to label gear with pen

    Well something needs to be done. Ductape is one of the most useless utility items currently in the game. Should have a few uses by now at least.
  19. Deathlove

    Ability to label gear with pen

    Yes but that was an idea long thought of before. Its been kind of circulating around between ppl.
  20. Deathlove

    Ability to label gear with pen

    You should be able to make flimsy makeshift bayonets with duct tape and a kitchen knife (wouldn't be as good as a real bayonet holder but it could work). As well as use them to pad your hands to protect against infected and various other crafting ideas.
  21. Deathlove

    Ability to label gear with pen

    That would be cool and handy especially for groups sharing gear knowing whos stuff is what.
  22. Deathlove

    "Special build" at PAX Prime?

    PS2 Had a WAY better library of specific games. While PS3 was MEH for quite a long time in its library. And no i don't realistically thats why i moved onto 360. It had a much better library near the beginning and after.
  23. Deathlove

    "Special build" at PAX Prime?

    Probably with more server optimization which i know they are constantly trying to improve. I dont think it will be this soon but one can hope.
  24. Deathlove

    "Special build" at PAX Prime?

    Again im REALLY hoping that fog comes in that they showed a few blogs back. It looked really really cool.