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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    Playing the COD card is rather cliche in itself sometimes. Yes they won thats cool and all but there should always be some kind of hidden danger regardless. Stop thinking so one dimensional with this. It means you have to be smart. Maybe not everyone will have a trap but your better off safe than blown up. Think of it as a final saftey measure in survival to try and not get your limbs blown off. There are PLENTY of ppl that are willing to go through these extra steps to make sure if you get a head shot your not getting the gear they worked hours to obtain. Nothing wrong with a little bit of Russian Roulette as far as getting lucky or being to greedy and getting blown to bits.
  2. Deathlove

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    How is it overpowered? Just add some kind of rare booby trap detection kit when you check a body before proceeding to take things out. And lets say in order to craft the booby trap on your body it would require a grenade and some rope. Grenades are already hard enough to find as is so i see it being no problem. That and it would take up a significant amount of space just to put it in your pack. We already can pretty much destroy all the persons gear just by spraying there whole body so i dont see why this is an issue. It would add another layer of survival phobia to the game.
  3. NO.........chicken tacos are the best teacher.
  4. For me it had to be the new Horticulture implementation and negative weather effects talk. Just something about growing your own crops in Dayz sounds like a satisfying achievement in itself. I mean think about it you got your own little hidden spot growing green peppers and potatoes for reserve. That and now ppl are going to have to worry more about there health when running around pvping out in the rain and stuff. Wont stop pvp and KOS completely but im hopping it slows ppl down and makes them think more about the the area around them. This will hopefully make having warm sweaters and stuff like that found in the world more useful than just an aesthetic as well! :) So what are you guys excited about with the update coming out?
  5. Its not 100% mandatory as you can squeeze water out of your clothing but the raincoat WILL be mandatory to keep the rain off at all times if you plan on PVPing allot rather than sitting around. And heat is going to be brutal on you so your going to want to take it off and dip yourself into water on days of no rain. Otherwise if you have to go afk suddenly your going to find yourself dead if you have to leave the computer for a little bit. lol
  6. Deathlove

    Might as well fight

    It will be easy to regear trust me. Your just going to have to get used to the negative weather effects so you dont die.
  7. Now all we need is that run down theme park..... XD
  8. One day id like to see a simple grenade launcher in game. Nothing fancy you could still blow yourself up if not careful. And if they put wind in still that effects bullets i can see this being more of a limited tool rather than a spray and pray kind of gun. Could be ubber rare. Or the ones with rotating chamber rounds. And finally a rust tank with no turret function when vehicles have had time to develop and we already have a meaty portion.
  9. Deathlove

    Do you ever feel sorry?

    Actually i had a few close calls and one guy i ran into and let go tried to hunt me down and try to machete me to death but i lived through all these. Most were rather friendly and were averted ether by running or just carrying on like normal. So no I really don't ever feel sorry because I try to stay away from ppl whenever possible. The new extreme elements are going to force ppl to behave a little better anyways unless they want to die as a fresh spawn all the time.
  10. Im just going to put this out there since i got to try experimental for the first time last night. Weather is REALLY brutal in game right now. You get to hot you can die from heat exhaustion. You get to cold you can catch a cold and die. When you find a rain coat you will NEVER have to worry about rain again even when damaged the rain coat will protect you from the elements. They act just like the wellies you can find. But without that i noticed you get hungry allot faster the colder you get to. So there is a constant need to maintain your bodies health. Dipping your body soaked in water will keep you protected on hot long days.
  11. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Raincoat is the ultimate protection against rain. Even ruined it still keeps rain off of you at all times.
  12. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Cold and hunger are more brutal this time. Looks like staying out in the rain for long periods of time can kill you to. A much needed change from KOS. Looks like ppl are going to have to dress warm and take care of there bodies before trying to pvp and KOS lol.
  13. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I can see the garden hoe FINALLY becoming an effective tool more than just a melee and worm digger.
  14. Deathlove

    The Wipe is upon us

    Lol that would be hilarious. *Gets up and excitedly goes to computer* "HURRAY!!! SERVER WIPE! NOW I CAN EXPERIENCE HUNTING FOR PRESS VEST WHILE DOGGING KOS HAPPY CAMPERS AND AVOIDING COLD! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" *Claps hands excitedly* I dont see to many ppl saying this with enthusiasm. XD Or what would even be more hilarious is starting fresh taking the first 2 steps breaking your legs and dying in seconds. XD
  15. Deathlove

    The Wipe is upon us

    Well probably around this Friday we will get the patch for experimental and if everything goes smooth possibly next Wednesday if anything. And if not probably 2 weeks from now.
  16. Meanwhile someone with a pistol if there smart manages to blow you away while your hitting walls and ceilings trying to make a simple arc with your axe..... XD
  17. Deathlove

    What do you guys think of a foggy weather system?

    If you check out a few of the developers blogs aways back you will see they have one in game they are currently working on. Its just a matter of when it actually gets put in.
  18. My only concern with these are making sure they can be worn in conjunction with basically every single type of head gear available including baseball/trucker caps. Its bad enough we cant use the gas mask with pilot helmets and military ballistic helmets.
  19. I and others have mentioned dying clothing different colors many times as a suggestion. Its good to finally see them do something about it.
  20. Yeah i really hope everything works out for that one too. The new back pack coming out to called the SPOSN got me excited as well. More back pack variety is definitely a welcome to me!
  21. Deathlove

    Servers back up, no update?

    A wipe wont change that though.
  22. Deathlove

    Uhm, what happened?

    As a fresh spawn yes they are. Its always good to scout a town out for a few seconds before entering. Never enter high loot areas WITHOUT at least a melee. They are easy just aim for the head in FPS mode.
  23. Deathlove

    Horse in game

    WUT?! xD
  24. Deathlove

    Horse in game

    As long as its not a Postal-apocalypse! XD
  25. Deathlove

    What happened to "rotten" items?

    But you have to remember weather can have horrible effects on food. Leave a raw piece of meat out in the hot sun for a day and let me know what happens. XD