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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Hmm never mind i guess it got shown on the map. XD
  2. Deathlove

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Is that a bayonet im seeing with the bottom picture with the scope? Looks pretty cool if it is.
  3. Deathlove

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    I do believe we already have folding stocks for the gun. The problem is they DON'T function currently to do that with backpacks. Maybe the developers will find a way to do this latter with current stocks for guns that can fold.
  4. Deathlove

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Waterproof packable bagWaterproof backpack Also this peeked my interest as well! :O
  5. Deathlove

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Well i know you can switch and match between the AKM and the AK 101 between the standard stock parts and all the custom ones you can find as well. They both take the same scope too.
  6. Deathlove

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    They should. I don't see why not? As we definitely need more variety outside of ARs and the standard AK gun types. Hybrids that can use OTHER ammo or MORE THAN ONE type of ammo or magazine type should be available. Sigsauer 556 Russian can use different magazine types and stuff used. If i had to choose a gun it would be something i can survive with versatile like this rather than be limited to one caliber type with the gun or even magazine type. GRANTED this would and maybe should be an ubber rare AR it would still be nice.
  7. Deathlove

    Rejoice! 5.45x39mm is coming to Dayz

    Normally i don't get to excited for the AK weapons but the AKS-74U is pretty nice. That and im sure we can customize it and mishmash it with all the other AK variant parts and scopes.
  8. There are way to many bugs to be worked out right now from experimental before they patch it. Its best you be patient otherwise your going to be even more mad when you die from instant "Hypothermia" upon relogging.
  9. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    No, HOWEVER the REGULAR 1911 seems to be back. Before you could only find the Engraved 1911 it seems.
  10. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    The Police stun baton seems really nice. You need to put the battery in it though for it to be effective i think.
  11. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    i ACTUALLY did notice this. It looks quite nice to be honest. But again the Brown and white baklava are the biggest highlights for me at the moment. Think of the camo possibilities for some of those especially the brown one considering it blends you in better with woodlands.
  12. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Well that being said i am enjoying allot of the newer items the baklava's colors are actually pretty extensive.
  13. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Yeah the zombies are not even reacting to human presence currently in this updated patch. Finding lots of cool things but i hope the AI doesn't stay lifeless for to long.
  14. Deathlove

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Well there are LOTS of things in game you could consider essential so to speak so thats more of a grey question at best. I find myself ending up carrying more than what i need because more often times I end up using it. Often times i try to save a spot for the SMG's because i find them to be BETTER than pistols at close range when fighting the zombies at times. MP5K is truly a monster once you can find one or two mags to go with it.
  15. Deathlove

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Well for ENTRY lvl backpacks the Craftable ones are the BEST if you cant find the regular synthetic back packs. From there i would say the Mountain civilian backpacks to be the BEST so far for lots of reasons. HOWEVER im really looking forward to trying the SPOSN packs and the Smersh back pack with the vest when it becomes more available.
  16. Deathlove

    Kiddy Bandits

    I find your beautiful white butterfly offensive. lol Not really I actually enjoy the different butterfly species. and this is true but since its steam they will sadly NEVER enforce it. And no hard feelings lol i know your not that type. XD Also now i have that Oklahoma song stuck in my head. lol
  17. Deathlove

    Kiddy Bandits

    And than you realize its a 40 year old man saying this. LMAO X'D
  18. Deathlove

    Kiddy Bandits

    So i take it you get allot of restraining orders at Elementary schools hu? XD
  19. Deathlove

    prized memories/moments?

    Rolling though a town with broken legs to find sticks before the wood chopping mechanic got implemented. LOL I lived but i literally had to roll everywhere to find just one stick to mend my legs.
  20. Deathlove

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Its definitely one of the weapons iv been wanting besides the 101 and have suggested for Ak variants on the forums. Glad to finally see it pop up! :)
  21. I never lost my imagination and im almost 30 years old lmao. Some ppl just need the right boost of creative inspiration.
  22. Deathlove

    No one want to play because of the reset...

    I play, i just don't go off to to high populated servers and if i do i stick away from major cities unless i need ammo, clothing repair kit or food. Being a none pvper that i am most of the time.
  23. Deathlove

    I've been a big jerk. My chance to change.

    Being negative DOES have its place though sometimes as long as its more constructive than anything else. Thats why i remain neutral with the game attitude wise. Some decisions with things like guns and weapons can be improved or more survival elements and the like. For me I just want the game to be semi authentic and fun. Thats why i keep making suggestions and constructive feed back when needed on topics. I do think the best thing they have done though is listening to everyone wanting more sticks and stuff from chopping down trees and brushes that was NEEDED. That and this new weather elemental wear and tear system on the body coming out is great. I cant wait till i can watch a bear maul a few infected to death lol.
  24. Deathlove

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    Probably gotta make some with a grind wheel and an oven. I could see an improvised baking oven being crafted and even a grind wheel stone to make flower with. With the Horticulture coming out i can see vegetables, fruits and even grains being planted as crops.