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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    I hate bambi

    All Bambi wants is to nibble on your flesh. Is that so hard to understand?
  2. Deathlove

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    Personally I cant wait till the game gets more variety with stuff.
  3. Deathlove

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    But for places like lets say military or Police i would expect to find a few things and not have it TOTALLY barren per say. One being if that outbreak began without warning not allot of soldiers or police would not have time to store and stock there guns and ammo someplace safe. And the second being even if ppl survived and managed to carry as much as they could from armories and such they wouldn't be able to carry every single thing. Hell even a few broken guns lying around that could be fixed up id accept. The game takes place when? Only a year after ARMA 2 I guess? Idk theres allot of variables and iffs.
  4. Deathlove

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    Im all for scarcity of things as long as there is MORE variety in that scarcity to choose from is what i mean Judo.
  5. Deathlove

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    Im going to use the same argument i made with the different colors spray paint thread. It does not matter if your fully geared with the best guns and camo gear or are carrying the simplest farmers weapon and bright clothing. Its all about tactics and how you play the game in general that determine the overall survival. I personally would love high tech military gear with the latest sniper ammo in game. More variety and more choices. An SVD even though its a good weapon does not get me 100% excited its more of like an "Eh ill use it till a better one pops up". Its ether that or id like something similar to the Sigsauer 556 XI model that takes both the AK and Nato rounds and magazines. To me a versatile weapon like that would be considered a good holy grail survival weapon and would be worthy more of the helicopter crash rarity.
  6. Deathlove

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    No i think military equipment has MERIT but its when ppl argue against regular civilian clothing or equipment that gets me most of the times. Even if it seems out of place and flashy to the eye. How can you be for one but against the other? In fact i think we need just as much useless civilian items and clothing as we do the other. Because no one really knows how a situation like this will play out in real life but im pretty sure improvising on existing gear and even useless stuff no matter what it is would play a huge part in the survival role.
  7. Deathlove

    Killed by zombies while waiting to connect

    Pretty much this but it can ALSO happen if you forget what EXACT server you were on. Sometimes doing the a history search can get you on the wrong server to lol. Unless you favor the server than its really hard to find it again.
  8. Deathlove

    O- blood

    I know but im hoping there is more reason to use rather than just in groups and when your a solo player you cant do anything with it anyways.
  9. Deathlove

    O- blood

    Iv NEVER once had to worry about blood type. They better add some shit latter on where we will have to, because to be honest blood transfusions and collecting blood in general is one of the most UNDERUSED item and features in game right now. Its still one of the most underused mechanics in game at the moment. Iv never had to worry about blood or anything like that.
  10. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Im sure things need to be tweaked but now that its in i imagine we can get the necessary data off to the developers to get it fixed. You didn't notice your "Cold" status going away at all?
  11. I can just imagine a cave man waking up in this games time period after a long Ripvan Winkle kind of slumber and going "AW HELL NO!" *Smashes himself over the head with his club to go back to sleep* XD
  12. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I have to say that i am glad that the developers listened to us about wanting the Heat Packs back in. Although i have not found it yet i know it was one of the most wanted items by me and allot of other ppl. <3 for them listening on that.
  13. "Your feet hurt" "You are dead" XD
  14. This explains EVERYTHING.
  15. Deathlove

    Are we going to get dismemberment/gore?

    I think adding a little more of these kinds of elements will go A LONG ways though. Does not have to be over the top but will really send some chills down some ppls spines. You can still have the other elements that make the game what it is but adding the physical elements would help allot for visuals. In terms though of this being to much for ppl if they cannot distinguish this from reality than they should not be playing in the first place. Im not going to play this game or anything else bloodier like Doom or Quake walk outside with my big ass knife I have and gut the closest person i see because of it. Why? Because thats fucking crazy shit right there.
  16. Deathlove

    Players start with a map

    Yeah once you have been to a place enough you map out areas by major landmarks and stuff in your head. Its not hard but it does take ALLOT of time and observation so you don't get lost.
  17. Deathlove

    Players start with a map

    Ranger finder acts for me as a pair of binoculars when i cannot find any minus the extreme close up of certain objects. So it has more than one use. The more binocular like tools to work with the better i say.
  18. Well anything metallic should be fairly rare to be honest. Unless they are straight up metallic silver or gold color which are the most common metallic colors to be honest. All of those metallic paints like what you see for cars take some very very special process to make. You cannot just mix colors like you can with primaries to get those specific effects. Other metallic colors can be rather hard to find here in the states sometimes unless you go to a place like i used to work at Michaels Arts & Crafts. You can find almost any kind of paint there. XD Not sure how areas around Russia would be with art supplies and paints in general.
  19. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I found a box of AK rounds. You just gotta look allot harder for them now.
  20. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Don't be so sure. It could be the start of something they have for getting sprained toes and foots allowing normal walking and running to be none existent unless you enjoy hobbling around. Even the possibilities of cut feet might happen soon to. So do not be surprised if your character dies from this in a few updates by not maintaining your footwear.
  21. No that would be under the option to tie dye clothing lol. We haven't gone full on Peter Max art yet.
  22. Im surprised you don't look at the Developer Tracker every once in awhile. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/213601-twitter-chris-torchia-the-34-length-pants-were-done-and-i-got-a-little-carried-away-so-pink-derringer-confirmed/ Here you go. :)
  23. Well pink is definitely on its way. If you didn't see the pink Derringer. Its a nice refreshing sight outside of the normal painted colors anyways. Before i go any further black and other dark colors i love just as much. So don't get me wrong. But there are so many other colors you see ppl wearing and using at times to. So it makes sense to a degree to see them at least for civilian use over military gear and hunting apparel in terms of color clothing and tools.
  24. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Watch as entire servers horde duct tape. XD
  25. Deathlove

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    There not bad shoes but i normally prefer working boot types with the half steel toe. Nike is rather overpriced anyways. Hey Demon brought up the topic of knifes i thought he might appreciate a nice knife lol. My apologies sometimes i get overly excited about other things in topics to. *Shrugs*