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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    Anyone else getting tired of having to stay near a body of water 24/7? lol
  2. Deathlove

    The future mod of Dayz SA that will become the new SA

    So basically its like watching a Michael Bay movie 24/7? XD
  3. Deathlove

    The future mod of Dayz SA that will become the new SA

    Your character logs into the server and instantly explodes into a billion pieces. 100% more brutal than your mod. The key would be knowing how to log in right in order to not die. O.o
  4. Deathlove

    Unable to use water pumps?

    It must have been glitched because iv NEVER had a problem eating the whole steak in previous builds.
  5. Deathlove

    welding mask

    Almost every mask has a flap on the front you can lift up to see normally and avoid this. Maybe not with allot of the traditional ones but the more modern ones you can lift up the visor portion without flipping up the whole mask. There are also auto darkening lens models now to. Here Sears has a pretty large selection of models and designs http://www.sears.com/tools-welding-equipment-welding-helmets-safety/b-1021360
  6. Deathlove

    welding mask

    I UNDERSTAND ppl want functions with any piece of gear they obtain but cant we just have items just for aesthetics sake as well? It will not hurt the immersion in the least bit really. I mean we DO have payday mask which do not add really any type of practical function outside of elaborating your character more and maybe showing yourself as an American being its one of the only really relevant American based symbols in game outside of Communist gear. That being said i would love to see new types of none functioning mask as well like ballroom mask, old Halloween mask, the classic Jason Hokey mask etc. Keep the head gear mask coming i say! :) Also we need the full face plate for the Gorka helmet as well!
  7. Deathlove

    Where is the Amphibia? + Winter Camo

    You normally can find the magazines for it ether at police stations or at 2 story piano buildings.
  8. Deathlove

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    I don't remember the wiki is all screwed up for it to. There was a stat sheet for the ammo somewhere online . When i find them again ill let you know. Its not quite like Lapua rounds i think. I think its called ].300 Match Grade WinMag Not sure if that round was for punching power though might have been for distance. Ah now i remember i used it for distance my bad.
  9. Deathlove

    Where is the Amphibia? + Winter Camo

    Beats the fuck outta me where it is?! Iv only been able to find the magazines for the gun. The gun in general seems almost none existent. Iv been wondering about this for awhile myself.
  10. Deathlove

    Family of Zeds?!

    Lmao ether that or a midget zed! Hey when are we going to get midget zombies and handi cap zombies damnit?! :O Adding some minor imperfections to the zeds would be a nice touch for latter. Like one with just one arm to begin with or ones with a gimp leg, etc. Or even like a zombie with an eye patch who was once in life a guy with just one eye.
  11. Deathlove

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    Yes but it would still need decent scopes to be effective to begin with. Also i like the Winchester Rifles mainly the Super Grade 70 for the ability to use the Hot Lead Rounds or whatever there called. Basically the equivalent of armor piercing .50. And to be fair i still want all the other DMRs and crap to in game. I just think there are other ways to penalize ppl such as weight or having to put the guns together and trying to find the scattered pieces of higher powered weapons and such.
  12. Deathlove

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    Hey if they get rid of sniper guns but allow these overpowered turret weapons than i want some god damn rocket launchers, flamethrowers and landmines to get the bastards ether out of there cubby holes or make it to where if they leave the area they get blown up. Making it so fucking hard to play with the weapon forcing us to use other weapons does not solve the problem it just restricts game play. Now realistic restrictions im ok with but forcing shit to where its so hard to use a sniper over any other weapon is silly it should take skill to use a sniper gun but not to the point where i have to ride a bicycle while juggling 3 chainsaws and 5 cats at the same time.
  13. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    Im not into men though lmao.
  14. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    Gotta make sure you don't drown to death though..... XD
  15. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    I think your right and theres a water pouch inside of the device. You hold it very tight from the top and shake it firmly for about a minute to get everything settled at the bottom you squeeze the end with the pouch to burst the inside activating the cooling. I had to use one like twice when my foot was messed up really badly this year.
  16. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    Thats true but also raw meat should be spoiling in VERY hot weather as well though to be honest. Um if there were some way to get an electrical generator going or even a portable one i could see it working maybe with fridges you find in houses or whatever. Idk there are many options we could play out with this to make things function.
  17. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    I dont get ANY messages when im cooling off unless i hit the water. For me it seems when you run you GAIN allot more heat which makes sense however if i were to just walk my temperature stays even and i don't even gain heat from it. Clothing does not seem to have any effect at least when i was trying things on. Could all depend on what servers your on to really.
  18. Deathlove

    There isn't too much loot at all.....

    It really depends on where your at. Allot of coastal areas have barely anything at all while allot of inland areas are overflowing with abundance.
  19. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    Ok so we have the heat pack for battling cold this is good but now were dealing with a new monster on overheating. So why not a rarer version of something like a ice/hot pack as an item? Or just a cold pack in general for sweltering hot weather?
  20. Deathlove

    I am overheating

    You dont have to take any clothing off it just takes longer to cool off. I would not suggest taking anything off incase someone tries to get an easy kill on you. It takes about 10 minutes at the most so just relax and get a bite to eat in the mean time.
  21. Deathlove

    Thoughts on the new .50 Update...

    I like it but I also noticed none of the water pumps work. Has anyone else tried them in .50?
  22. Deathlove

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    They wont hold this decision for long. Not if they want to make money at least bringing in new ppl and keeping the game interesting. It will probably be slow coming but hopefully eventually we will see more than just the SVD. That gun may make some ppl cream but its not really my cup of tea. Personally i want to see many varieties. Everything ranging from hand crafted wood to the latest metals and polymers but each gun should be rare and the ammo rarer to obtain per say. Or if not rare they should be hard to put together and parts scattered throughout the map. Again i use snipers on zeds and players that are GEARED not fucking new spawns. That may be a valid play style for some ppl with new spawns but i find it better to use guns on geared and hostile targets. Your always going to get ppl that will try to blow new spawns away with whatever weapons they can get ahold of though. Its not just limited to sniper guns. So limiting weapons and tools because of that would be silly i have to agree with you. Im all for clothing choice, color choice, gun choice, executioner choice (gory ways in which you kill someone), vehicle choice, etc so i support stuff like this. It is a sandbox after all.
  23. Deathlove

    Do we really need more towns?

    I know what you meant lmao. But you gotta admit making your own food from oats would be awesome to. We ALREADY have a sickle for harvesting crops in game like wheat and oats. The tool was not just ment as a weapon it does have function in that department. :P
  24. Deathlove

    Do we really need more towns?

    No but give me the ability to make cookies with oats and id be a happy camper. LMAO xD
  25. Deathlove

    Do we really need more towns?

    Im cool with new towns but some new expanded landmasses maybe a little more uniquely designed would be nice as well. Not just islands per say other areas of interest like mountains, canyons, etc.