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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    As long as the mosin can still use a scope like the PU i don't think it would break the realism for me completely. And i agree make scopes hard to find but make them compatible with many guns that would fit the bill.
  2. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    well im hopping they add in spawn points for EVERY house to spawn a gun. It should just be a lower chance to find them in a normal home than a police station or military location. It should be everything from military to a common house pistol. But anything military should have like a .08% chance to spawn over the more common hunting weapons. Hell combat knifes are freaking rarer than most military guns for some damn reason lol.
  3. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    Because i would like to see variety in areas outside of pistols, rifles, and AKs that don't require goofy gimmicks like chopper crashes to obtain. The attachments and magazines can still be rare just give me some variety in other areas. I enjoy overkill
  4. Deathlove


    You can find them but you need to stay off of persistent servers till they get loot respawn fixed. Thats the only way i was able to find allot of the gear and utility that i needed.
  5. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    Im not a fan of AKs and some of the rifles. Its more of a choice preference rather than anything. Even if its a AR that can only use iron sights id be ok with that. Its a personal preference. I don't think thats to hard to understand really.
  6. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    Even more standardized European ARs should be rare as hell? Even when your in a military compound where your at least guaranteed to find something standard like an M16 or even a few other varieties ruined? No i think there needs to be some more common ARS you can find as well when your not looking for the more elite stuff just to get by with.
  7. Deathlove

    Weapon camo patterns and wraps...

    The camo pattern wrap can be used with most rifle based guns in game. Its really cool if you ask me.
  8. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    No, at this point im just tired of European weapons and Russian ones in general. Ill gladly take a few Americanized guns over those any day right now. Im also tired of COMMON ARs being rare as fuck and only found at chopper crashes. ARs are not that damn rare at least some of the standard ones are not. Hell id be happy with some ruined guns you can ether scrap or find scraps for to repair to work decently again.
  9. Deathlove

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    Iv been pounding it into conversations every chance i get for them to put a Winchester rifle in game. Its about time they did. I use the Winchester rifle models allot in ARMA 3 Breaking Point for pvp and zombies. Its an amazingly versatile and effective gun. Much easier to find than most DMR sniper rifles too.
  10. Deathlove

    I have a dream...

    I have a dream that one day ill find tacos.
  11. Deathlove

    Where i can find AUG

    I really hope the developers are able to fix the persistence issue with loot not spawning on servers. Atm persistent servers are TERRIBLE for trying to find anything remotely rare on. I had to go on a non persistent server just to find magazines for my AK weapons. >.>
  12. Deathlove

    Reason to Walk

    The big advantage i think to walking will be the stealth system put in latter. They already stated in there developer blog they plan on increasing infected over the map. Probably allot in higher loot zones to. So walking will be much more crucial to survival and stealth probably. Its going to be like "Do i really want to run and attract over 10 infected i have just one pistol clip for with no more ammo for? Or should i risk being snipped to cross the area but have a bigger advantage from not getting caught by the infected AI?"
  13. Deathlove

    Something for the ladies... the Pink Derringer exists!

    It was mentioned that latter down the line they plan on giving us ways to customize our gear and weapons more with color. We will just have to wait and see though.
  14. Deathlove

    Something for the ladies... the Pink Derringer exists!

    Its a super effective ACP gun at close range. I like it quite a bit. Since it does not use a clip i find it rather useful anyways.
  15. Deathlove

    Something for the ladies... the Pink Derringer exists!

    Well you really shouldn't be shoving guns up a womans vagina. Not the most healthy hobby lol. Also its nice you got your wife to play but your basing color off of gender again from just your wife alone. I actually enjoy the pink gun quite a bit. I pick one up whenever i can find it.
  16. Deathlove

    Long time,

    Just a military truck for right now.
  17. Deathlove

    Scope for CR527?

    I have not even found the AUG yet. Does it spawn normally in military and police spots or is it that gimmicky crashed chopper crap?
  18. Deathlove

    0.51 Ammo Rarity

    Ammo seems a little easier to find now which is a good thing. Its just the magazines and clips that seem to remain hard to find at times.
  19. Deathlove

    Will there be bears?

    Bears are on my want list as well. It would be nice watching animals fight infected rather than run anyways.
  20. Deathlove


    I would like to see the Steak & Potatoes Disease. It pretty much renders your body useless turning you into a tasty potato with steak for legs and feet. Its quite horribly delicious i must say! 83
  21. These would be really awesome to add to the collection of mask types we have so far. They extend throughout the entire lower half of the face rather than partially like the normal bandannas we have in game. This would add more clothing options for banditry as well as keeping the player warm and concealed from the elements. Would be great for any type of banditry, clan or solo play styles. They come in all colors and designs too. :) Here is the sight if anyone is actually interested. I might pick one up myself lol. http://www.skimaskcity.com/neodanna-ski-masks/?sort=featured&page=1
  22. Deathlove

    Would Love To See Some Neodanna Face Mask! :D

    Actually these both crafting and this should all be options. The more variety the better. The difference in the Neodannnas though from these is they have inbuilt face mask with fabricated breathing holes in both the mouth area and nose while at the same time using the same synthetic fibers as the ski mask to keep warm.
  23. Deathlove

    Pets in DayZ?

    My worst fear about things like attack animals you raise such as dogs, wolves, etc is agroing onto hostile players exposing where you are or barking to give away positions and so on. This can be a VERY problematic thing if your pvping per say. I would like them to finish the bulk mechanics before worrying about this but i would like to see it once its implemented right.
  24. Deathlove

    Would Love To See Some Neodanna Face Mask! :D

    To be honest we should be able to do that as well. I would also like to be able to tear up pants with a knife to get maybe some improved bandage wraps or something like that. But yeah thats a great idea as well! :)
  25. Deathlove


    I would say i like the MP5K for its compact space saving if you want to put it in your backpack for another rifle like an AKM or AR rifle. To be honest WHY does one have to be better than the other? You can literally carry both on you. I treat the AKM as the overall more "well rounded" weapon while i treat the MP5K as a superior pistol replacement lol. You find both your in rather good shape for all kinds of encounters.