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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    Actually this would have been a MUCH better example. You can still wear colors and kill ppl to. Or an even better example. Wasn't sure if showing Bloods and Crips real photos was acceptable on the forums so this will have to suffice lol.
  2. It needs to be a balance of both. There are still many gun varieties i want put in game including grenade & rocket launchers, trip mines, and sniper weapons. Now by no means do i think they should be everywhere like candy but what former super power countries have so little in terms of firepower in there military that they cant afford decent upgrades in guns? lol Maybe someplace in Africa? Idk What i mean by this is balancing it out to much will seem super unrealistic to in some areas. Even balancing something out as simple and common as a chainsaw will seem silly as hell.
  3. I already play World Of Warcraft and Minecraft and there is NOTHING wrong with those games lol.
  4. Iv meet a few they do exist but not by choice when i meet them. However when some want to follow me i decline and head off in a way they cant find me just incase. You'v failed to maintain your humanity Guppy! And where the hell have you been? lol i haven't seen you on here in awhile.
  5. Oh ok well there was nothing before your edit saying how you got it so i was pretty much taking a wild guess lol.
  6. Yes, if your "Hungery" and "Stuffed" It means you have drank nothing but water till your belly is full without eating food. Lol thats what your referring to right?
  7. Deathlove

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    He could just be going for the apocalyptic gun slinger type more so than a bandit really. Different guns for different situations. A colt for armored gear fellows and pistols with clips for rapid entry and tight corridor fighting. A rifle for picking of infected without getting to close and killing animals with. And a Derringer for much quiter attacks.
  8. Scavenging should still be a very vital part of the game even for food. I don't think crops should be the only viable outlet as well as hunting and fishing. However yes canned foods need to get lowered a bit and the health % and effects need to last longer if they do become rarer than the natural food resources. I would like to have choices not be forced as to so much of what i can and cant do to live in game. I think even raising crops need to be harsher. Including weather conditions effecting crops, bugs, drought etc. Meat SHOULD have a time period before it goes bad. Ppl in real life normally cant lug around raw meat without something cold to keep it viable and fresh. If we do get this realism put in salting the meat and keeping it stored in safe places would be the next thing id like to see to add to the realism especially if we cannot store things in some kind of working fridge. Hunting in general will probably be allot harder once predators get put in like wolves and stuff to scare your food sources away or eat them. We do occasionally see infected chasing deer and stuff but i think it will be allot harder to get that meat once the numbers of infected get upped and it becomes harder for those animals to escape and to even get the meat from them. Fishing i have no comments on yet. Really haven't dabbled in it very much.
  9. Deathlove

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    No i wear bright colored gear and punk stuff all the time. I even would paint my guns and gear pink, blue, red and other colors if i could. Otherwise than that im not sure what message your tying to tell me in terms of playstyle lol.
  10. Deathlove

    Daily maintenance schedule (0700 GMT wednesdaY)

    LOL good thing i have not logged in yet today. Well if the character gets deleted thats really no problem. I mean it is an ongoing working title anyways.
  11. Deathlove

    Zombie Agro

    First quarter talks about basic stealth system with zeds so i assume it will be addressed in these coming months. :)
  12. Deathlove

    Dear Developers

    Really looking forward to the new zombie mechanics for this coming year, stealth, more different colored gear, etc. The Dry bags, Bomber Jackets and some of the new military gear was beautifully done. I may be kind of harsh with criticism sometimes but im a zombie fan at heart. So keep up the good work guys.
  13. Deathlove

    Heli Crash Sites

    I have not seen a single crash in awhile now.
  14. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    Beans for that white bangle tiger pic! :o
  15. Deathlove


    Oh i know but allot of ppl are not going to have them lying around in homes is what im saying.
  16. Deathlove

    semi auto weapons

    The SVD is on its way its just a matter of when really and the M1 Grand was apparently teased at or hinted at i guess. Im not a big fan of Russian weapons by any means but i did suggest the PPSH and even a Tommy Gun as well which is not really Russian but it was a big killer back in the day iv heard.
  17. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    *Offers you a cherry pepsi* :P
  18. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    What are you talking about? Im the one that said it was just a game. Ppl are getting all upset over some controversy lol.
  19. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    Well combat logging and server hopping is tied in with the preservation of self loot and finding new stuff so it kind of fits. This whole topic is just one big recycling of other peoples issue on the topic like it i see nothing different with it except for the individual experience .
  20. Deathlove

    Questions about the new year

    Im fine with this. Personally im really interested in the new Infected mechanics along with this improved stealth system there planning on putting in. Im hopping they put in that fog like they showed much earlier back to. Thick fog in towns and cities would add for some really intense situations.
  21. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    But again how is this going to be justified latter when server hopping will be encouraged latter on for items down the line? I UNDERSTAND the meaning of group effort but you know everyones going to hop just to find parts and stuff. Im perfectly fine with staying on one server for a long period of time but when they start adding in mechanics to encourage it thats going to pretty much kill all stances against it.
  22. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    Im not destroying anything but its funny watching you get upset like this. lol
  23. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    No i just dont like to follow these made up rules ppl like to make for Dayz thats all lol. As you said if the player died that was his own fault and choice. Other than that i have no issue with anyone on the forums.
  24. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    Im not pissy im just calling your bullshit on a mad crusade to kill every player you deem unfit in terms of where to log off at. If they die thats there fault but not everyone that logs off in a high loot area is a combat logger ether. Is Call of Duty like the only ultimate game comeback ppl can come up with on this forum? Not everyone plays Call Of Duty like you assume they do.
  25. Deathlove

    Killed a combat logger...

    Server hopping is being ENCOURAGED with the development of this game. Did you not read the developers Blogs where they stated they wanted to randomize vehicle parts to different servers and not just all on one server? So in order to find vehicle parts you are FORCED to server hop to get your vehicle running, etc. Maybe that mind set has been changed but it certainly was put in as being the method they have chosen to go with for specific items and gear. If you want to stop it completely than your going to have to get developers to not go that route with gear and items.