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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Cities were supposed to be riddles with diseases?

    2017 was easy as long as you didn't play with the intention of going in commando. It was more Metal Gear Solid play style lol.
  2. Deathlove

    cherno bell

  3. It will by you time to escape unless you corner yourself in a barracks. Those things were big deathtraps in the mod if you weren't careful. Yeah stealth is supposed to be making a big return. Lets hope it doesn't disappoint. Im tired of crawling around and somehow infected still manage to spot me lol.
  4. If any kind of full automatic pistols get put in it wont be to hard. I think there are a few real full automatic ones they could put in for up close rapid combat when snipping just wont cut it for mobs. Even an SMG or the equivalent AK 74U since it can fit in a pack like the MP5K would work wonders for a sniper against mobs. Glock 17 with a 100 round magazine. Glock 18 Pistols and SMGs are a snipers best friend.
  5. Id rather be a sniper than a straight up in your face KOSer. At least with snipping i can be selective with targets that might be threatening. The whole point of snipping is to stay as far away from the danger as possible. Theres nothing wrong with it. Its one of the most underdeveloped playing styles in the game right now. For good reason but it does need to be expanded upon in the weapons area and scope area regardless. Agreed its a rather terrible gun in most situations but i imagine with a scope it would increase the value. It will be above the food chain of .22 guns though thats for sure. Its his play style to choose with what he will with it. If he doesn't want to interact with what he kills thats fine. To be honest i would call it much safer than getting up close and in person with some one just to find out there your typical lot.
  6. Deathlove

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    It would be nice if we could get some kind of extreme seasonal changes that include snow and frozen ice making things like lakes and streams much harder to have access to for water sources without the proper tools. Well if they really hate the game they should be playing things they do like rather than bitch on steam, here and other places. But than again i think true age of allot of these players really start to show when you try to voice chat in game with some of them......lol
  7. Deathlove

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    The key is ramping up the survival and the zeds high enough where surviving hourly needs to be a thing even with the best Full Automatic loadout weapons. I really think the headshot only to kill an infected possibly needs to happen. Look how easy it is to spray a gun right now graze one and kill it. Two well placed shots on the body usually does it. AND look at how The Long Dark is doing there survival. If you put it on the hardest mode EVERYTHING can kill you in that game. Surviving hourly becomes absolutely crucial from trying to keep yourself constantly warm to planning out what your going to do with the remaining 5 bullets you have in your poorly maintained rifle before going outside. Even one misstep in your actions can get you outright killed of bleed out to die. Sorry for going offtopic a little but that game has some pretty incredible fights for survival in it.
  8. Deathlove

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Nobody whos speaking in a constructive manner about the game at least was ill informed though. What did we get so far? A very buggy system (Thats slowly improving with time), zombies that still arn't nearly a threat (but i hope that changes with this quarter. They NEED to be a a forefront threat to everyone not a backdrop), still an extremely shallow survival experience, etc. So while many ppl do some rather dumb complaining there is still valid things to complain about even with the "ITS ALPHA" argument. We cant really have improvements with the game system without constructive criticism anyways. And even ill informed players can add constructive criticism to help with the game direction if there not to engulfed in some kind of primal rage.
  9. Deathlove

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    Fixed that for you! 83
  10. Deathlove

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    If your currently dying from zombies your playing the game wrong. And newbcakes can be avoided. Not all the time but most of the time if you try to stay away from hot zones for loot. Im hopping the new zombie AI is enough to make ppl start thinking twice about the zombies as an afterthought cause thats really all they are sadly at the moment. And currently there are no hordes of zombies but im hopping that can be addressed within the coming months as well.
  11. Deathlove

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    Than that begs the question as to why most of that building is still standing. If there is anything scary natural i would like to see though it would have to be fires. Not sure if its dry enough for wild fires but fires none the less would be a rather natural scary thing to try to live through. I was actually reminded of this with the jet fuel comment.
  12. Deathlove

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    You can have as many none physical scares as you want to quench your sophisticated pallet however the game still lacks a huge physical make up of things needed to add to the horror. The game is to dry cut and clean at the moment. And i think allot of ppl will agree with this as well. This disaster is insanely clean at the moment. There should even be bodies strewn about from the plane crashing into the building of Cherno but there isnt.
  13. Deathlove

    Supernatural horror that stalks you

    What are you talking about? This IS supposed to a survival horror game. We have plenty of survival but no horror as of yet. Personally i find the game rather dull without the combined mix of the two. It doesn't have to be over the top but it LACKS the substance needed to scare the shit out of ppl. Yeah player interaction blah blah blah is all well and good but there needs to be things to keep you scared as shit beyond whats currently given even if its more realistic. There needs to be physical scares not just stupid mind fucks.
  14. For me it always seems to be the helmet that is the hardest to get ahold of for some reason. But today i found a yellow one while checking the fire station at NW Airport! Was pretty stoked to find one that was on a none experimental server. Than I went down south to the military barracks and before i went in i found a chopper crash! I was happy to find it however no loot but thats cool i was just happy to finally find one after a long drought of none. Than i went into the first barracks close to me and found a Beige Fire pants set! Than after that a Black Bomber Jacket! Now that was pretty cool. seeing how i almost have my complete fireman set. Even just finding the jacket was nice as well. How are your guys luck with finding the fireman equipment? I find them to be rather challenging to find out of allot of the other gear at times. I guess i was just super lucky this time.
  15. lol yep same. Even when loot exploded in the firehouses there still really hard to find. On the experimental for this patch though i noticed they were spawning in cabins and other places though to. So maybe there in civic areas as well.
  16. No the helmet has been out for about 3 patches but its extremely hard t o find them sometimes it seems over the clothing lol.
  17. Deathlove

    Need help any appreciated

    Have you tried turning up the graphics all the way? They say lowering them actually makes it more laggy. Otherwise im not quite sure whats going on.
  18. Deathlove

    Need help any appreciated

    Right click on Dayz in Steam and click on "Properties" Go to "Brows Local Files" Once your there look for Dayz "Application" in file descriptions and left click again. Go to compatibility and make sure you have it turned on with the proper Windows program your using. Than on the same page go to "Disable Display Settings on High DPI settings" and make sure that box is clicked. Than see what happens. I was getting really bad choppy frames and even my mouse would left click close the game completely if i rapid clicked to fast. I did those and it worked great.
  19. Deathlove

    Need help any appreciated

    Just go into your file application and make sure you have the settings for the game compatible with whatever windows system your running it on and that the DPI scaling is clicked off. See if that helps at all.
  20. Deathlove

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    Iv never played the game i just like the mask in general. Also check this artist version of the Vendeta mask http://autopsybabies.bigcartel.com/product/occupy-gotham-custom-guy-fawkes-x-joker-art-mask
  21. like playing other games though to. The Long Dark is pretty damn fun with a heavy survival element and i just picked up Evil Within for really cheap on steam sale so im gonna be playing that in a bit.
  22. Deathlove

    Appearances can be deceiving.

    Yeah only if you shoot back at me. I crippled a son of a bitch with my Colt that decided to just assume i was a bandit and run out of the woods firing at me.
  23. Im a casual but i like soloing old dungeons, earning achievements, grinding for mounts, toys, battle pets, doing raid finder raids, etc. PLENTY of shit to keep you busy and entertained.
  24. Well thats not to say the playstyle is bad for everyone its all opinionated to an extent and games are normally what you make of them. Off Topic: Well WOW definitely has its moments but you'v missed out on ALLOT of good things though about the games evolution as well. Transmog is one of the coolest things they have done to the game. Heres what my character is sporting with transmogged gear. Its all updated stuff but sports that nice old school BC look.http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Arandius/simple
  25. Zombie improvements and stealth this first quarter! Lets hope for the best!