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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Loving the new zombie animations and behavior. With some few more tweaks to the system this is going to be really great for everyone. Just gotta balance there AI a tiny bit cause currently you can crouch run everywhere even extremely close to infected without them spotting you.
  2. Deathlove

    Steyr AUG

    I haven't been even able to find an AUG yet but i hear it can take the same magazines the M4A1 can which really makes me want to try it even more. In the mean time though found one of those M8 jackets or whatever and thats made me a happy camper thus far.
  3. Deathlove

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    And like with the jet i posted they could always make things like rockets none existent. Just a small gun cannon that you can fire from it but thats about it.
  4. Deathlove

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Well i really think these kinds of vehicles should still be doable by individuals but they definitely need to take longer. Weight factor hopefully by than will play a huge part in this as you will have to decide whether or not you want to carry a tire in your pack or carry vital supplies you need to survive on. Carrying large parts SHOULD be doable via craftable sleds and pushed by hand, etc. Kind of like what you could do with logs in The Forest for extremely heavy loads.
  5. Deathlove

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Eventually would like to see one of these. Dude i freaking love the paint scheme. But if i could paint even light aircraft colors like this id be a happy camper haha. I picked Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles I really think there should be as many aerial vehicle types as there is land types in real life HOWEVER I do think they should still be rare and i think the parts especially for something like pictured above should be rare as hell but something kind of endgamish.
  6. Deathlove

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    For me its ether the AK 74U or MP5K for close combat. Those weapons are just superior in allot of ways for that kind of deal. Using anything mosin related for close quarters combat outside of infected fights is pretty much a death sentence unless you got extremely good eye hand coordination skills in game and literally no internet issues or lag. I cant say anything about the RAK cause its really hard finding them in game at the moment. Maybe if the gun were more readily available to the public like the other two i might have a 3rd favorite weapon on my list.
  7. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    I cant enjoy two games if i want?
  8. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Im really interested to see how this is going to effect allot of pure pvp players. Interested to see if they will adapt well or come on the forums screaming and crying for things to change and get easier. Ether way this should reduce the KOS run and gun mentality allot more hopefully. Especially when they start adding even more infected.
  9. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    Ok could you REALLY see yourself saying this in real life? "OH BOY I CANT WAIT TO HAVE MY FACE EATEN MORE THAN A FEW TIMES!" 83
  10. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    I just hope stealth somewhat works when they put them in.
  11. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    HORRAY! Maybe this will finally get me ACTUALLY inspired to make some zombie related Dayz artwork finally.
  12. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    One of the reasons why i can think they would add explosive paint canisters to fires as an option would be to set of decoys to lure large infected away from areas of interest. I mean if you think about it, if a single gun shot can bring an entire mob of infected just think of what an explosion could do around the vicinity lol.
  13. Deathlove

    I love the SKS

    What other hot affairs have you had with inanimate objects lately? o.O
  14. Deathlove

    I love the SKS

    lol i bet you say that every time you get mowed down by one. XD B95 is an OK weapon but it would be much better if it had a scope for the damn thing.
  15. Deathlove

    Same mod-disaster like in Arma?

    Well the only thing you really needed for Arma 3s Breaking point is is the Launcher for Breaking point you don't even need to open Arma 3 to play it just click on the servers and join. Not sure about the other mods but this one is pretty simple and straight forward for allot of ppl. It could be you never know but im sure the developers have been thinking about this in advance. We will just have to wait and see really once the game is more fleshed out.
  16. Deathlove

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    Iv never found that damn vest you attach the small green backpacks to. I mean for as common as the green packs are you think the vest would be at least a tad easier to get.
  17. Well this just screams all kinds of kinky and bizarre shit.... XD
  18. Deathlove

    I feel like I'm always being watched... and I usually am.

    Thats almost impossible to do though when you get a higher grade military weapon. Since you need to hunt for ammo in specific places at the moment. Hopefully ammo becomes more wide spread and finding a box of military grade ammo on a farm or inside of a regular car or truck becomes possible to an extent rather than a dream.
  19. Deathlove

    Considering Purchasing the Game

    Hopefully this changes very very soon cause thats the biggest flaw with this game currently. The zeds need to dictate the players more than other ppl dictating the game currently if were ever to see any change in behavior with the current play styles. And maybe it wont change everyone but it will be better than the KOS fuck fest that the game currently is.
  20. Deathlove

    "Friendly" Players who KOS behind your back.

    There are friendly ppl but every person should be treated with extreme caution. Allot of times if i have no choice i usually I will talk with them but i make it clear that i dont want them following me. If they persist than its without a doubt there are other motives invovled. Its when you get ppl with guns that problems really start. Its not all the time but ppl are allot more bold with guns than without.
  21. I just hope the infected AI for this game gets a whole lot better in terms of intensity cause im still not feeling the horror aspect yet of running for my life. Especially when you could kill 3 or 4 of them no problem with shots to any part of the body to down them.
  22. Its like a bad horror movie that keeps spawning new sequels for some odd reason. Com on man you should know this by now! XD
  23. Ghost zombies are the bestest zombies.
  24. Deathlove

    So much negativity....

    Lady wood is the best kind of wood! 83
  25. Deathlove

    So much negativity....

    But without constructive complaining though the game would not be any better though ether.