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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    Depends on what server your at though and what part of the area your in. Some areas seem to have fairly a good amount of things to find while allot of areas are almost bare bone dry. Iv been on coast mainly only because its been dropping me there and you know logically it makes sense to scavenge those areas for supplies.
  2. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    I haven't come across any of the armored versions yet but if im right they are probably 10xs harder to destroy now.
  3. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    Not sure ammo and guns are allot harder to come by now so testing things is a little tougher atm.
  4. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    It takes two shots now to kill normal infected in the chest with a Repeater. The first shot makes them stagger for a moment than it takes a second shot to bring them down. Repeater definitely got nerfed a tad but its still a damn good weapon.
  5. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    I ran into some kind of ghost zombie. Couldnt kill it and that was kind of frustrating but other than that i like whats in this build.
  6. Deathlove

    Not every bandana as face mask?

    Yes, yes they are the best......
  7. Deathlove

    Not every bandana as face mask?

    They have mentioned in the past about color changing dye options for ALL colors. So don't give up hope yet. Pretty soon your going to be able to turn any piece of clothing into the desirable color that you want! :)
  8. Deathlove

    Not every bandana as face mask?

    Pshh pattern doesn't matter you still look badass in them all. Iv worn bright clothing with them or sometimes military and they look fantastic.
  9. Deathlove

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    Thats a matter of preference. I know the mp5k can tear anyone apart no matter what they have if your in the right situation. Iv had some really good kills with just pistols to. But dont get me wrong i like all automatics quite a bit.
  10. Deathlove

    No NATO crashsites on non persistent servers?

    Well i really want to see bayonets have that awesome function there supposed to have anyways. It would make carrying a rifle with bayonet over just a straight up melee all the more valuable.
  11. Deathlove

    No NATO crashsites on non persistent servers?

    Iv seen the suppressor spawn in military barrack's but they are EXTREMELY rare. You just have to keep hunting. And not sure about the choppers but iv seen them spawn so it could just be your hitting the wrong areas of the map. They have quite an extensive amount of drop zone locations.
  12. Deathlove

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    The circle dance is gone in .55 prepare to fight and loose gear if you decide to play recklessly. You cannot circle around them without taking hits now.
  13. Deathlove

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    They plan on putting it in but as long as you crouch or crawl for right now its harder for them to spot you in the new patch however when they attack you if your only a few feet away from them they can still hit you while running ruining various pieces of your gear rather than just chest now.
  14. Deathlove

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    Well the hordes will still hit you if your not far enough away. Also might not be a good idea to coral them like that anymore cause there looking to make them super agressive against players. Silencers and crawling though the mud are going to be the only option at some point.
  15. Deathlove

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    Just allow us to use silenced Uzis and full auto Glocks with silencers and we wont be creating anymore noise lol. Than we could still carry our big ass rifle as our main. Just have one of those for backup when fighting hordes. Thats what i did in the mod anyways. Space conserving automatics will be key to sniper play. The normal pistols with silencers are fine im just talking about for hordes when you cant carry a big ass assault rifles around with you.
  16. Deathlove

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    Sniping will still be one of the most effective ways to go but there also still going to be the most vulnerable in most situations. A good SMG for back up is what your going to want eventually. Unfortunately your going to have to give up a Ghilie suite if you want that option. If they added in a few full automatic handguns though or even an Uzi i dont see much of an issue with space at that point for when you need something better for close combat situations.
  17. They had those green shotgun shells in much earlier builds before the shotguns became available. I wounder if there going to do anything with them? I hope so anyways. We already have flares its just a matter of making them compatible with the shotgun. But from what i understand you can do damage with the flare gun to players.
  18. You don't want to use human waste to plant your crops with. That would be the stupidest fucking move ever. Theres a reason we don't plant crops with our own shit. Its to god damn toxic.
  19. Im pretty sure allot of those ponds we find in game would be considered stagnant so drinking them outright might do more harm than good. We don't have proper drinking filters in game yet anyways to handle it when we cant contain the water. But i can just see some one rushing up and drinking the shit without thinking than becoming really sick latter on lol.
  20. Deathlove

    A new sniper rifle and a new LRS

    I would like to see the VSS Vintorez in game as well one day. It has some interesting choices with magazines and such.
  21. Deathlove

    Live AI helicopter crashes

    What kind of loot would even be deemed worthy in the civilian category though for the civilian airplanes though? Maybe like the Winchester Alaskan on rare occasions, Press vest, large cashes of civi ammo and hard to come by banana clips for the .22, civi scopes, and other rarer clothing i guess?
  22. Well even going from server to server is no guarantee of finding a fully decked out M4 or Stary Aug for quite some time. I found my first Aug yesterday at a crash site. So its taken quite a long time of hunting just to find one. But i dont play 24/7 though to. I mean if i played hard core maybe within a few weeks at best. Ill tell you what though that bullpup gun is one hell of a nice one though for infected encounters.
  23. If your standing in the middle of town like a moron expect the worse especially if you decide to join a high populated server. Your literally placing yourself as bait at that point. More modernized weapons would balance out allot of these older WW2 weapons. Im pretty sure a semi Russian like country can afford more than just some WW2 relics. This is pretty much complete bullshit. Why limit weapons for everyone because you cant take the time to survive more carefully? If your so worried about getting hit why are you even looting huge towns and military facilities? In a real life situation yes ppl would probably be using mainly just rifles and crap guns like that but don't tell me for one minute if you could get ahold of a military grade weapon you wouldn't take advantage of it. Getting rid of all traces of full automatic weapons would be completely unrealistic and stupid. So your telling me there would be no automatic weapons at all in a run down military facility compound? Suddenly all the good guns of the mighty Russian army suddenly fucking vanished for the sake of balance? Makes allot of sense lol. Fuck i wish! Wheres my damn Mini gun? XD
  24. Deathlove

    Some thoughts from a new player

    All i can say is since your new the game is not a complete product so things can and will change throughout the next few years before you should really judge it based off of the meat of what it currently has. But i can say that characters will not be as athletic as they currently are now. Weight system and other factors are being set in latter for the game as well as balancing out food and drink lvls.
  25. Deathlove

    Incorrect road sign

    Unless your Russian or fluent in the language i don't really see how anyone can understand any of that chicken scratch in the first place. I normally just use specific areas and locations iv been to as guides instead of signs. When you've played this game enough you pretty much learn to road map everything in your head that you have been to multiple times.