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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    How will vehicles work?

    Modding will fix that issue as well lol.
  2. Deathlove

    How will vehicles work?

    Transformers? XD No but you can bet modding will make that happen as much as you dislike it. Its going to divide the community regardless when it does. Something ppl have been dreading for awhile now. But the only way to stop anything like that is to NOT support modding at all. Its the only way your not going to see ridiculous things put in.
  3. Deathlove

    Chance of getting cholera?

    The only way this would directly effect anyone is if they made about 50% of the pumps in towns none functional and basically make ppl forced into using pond water as drinking sources. Cause iv never once come into contact with this disease yet. But again im pretty sure water purifying tablets will be just as rare to counter this as well if they do.
  4. Deathlove

    Why is everyone making fun of me

    I never see this kind of behavior. I must be doing something right lol. Occasionally ill see a guy without clothing but thats about it. I guess this would be on the extremely large population based servers?
  5. Deathlove

    Why is everyone making fun of me

    To be honest this part of the post urkes me the most. "To which I say.. Sure, it will hurt player interaction if by player interaction you mean folks wandering up and down the coast, wearing pink dresses and chasing each other with fire extinguishers." By logic i can agree that things should be harder for players that want to dress slightly brighter however trying to make everyone go full military/hunter to play or face severe consequences kind of sucks. I thought the idea was to move more away from the whole military/hunter style of play from the mod? To give ppl a civilian approach to playing. But if bright clothing is going to be a burden for players than idk. Granted i do believe those that choose to go the way of camo should have an advantage i don't think ppl should be penalized for dressing how they want to an extreme extent of an entire horde chasing you based on clothing choice alone.
  6. Deathlove

    DayZ becoming the game I like....

    Im hoping the new engine can one day introduce actual physical changes of the season. Would be nice anyways.
  7. Deathlove

    DayZ becoming the game I like....

    The time of the year is always a factor in real world for planting crops. I think it will further enhance the survival of the game if they get it right. It will make conserving food a must. Would also be a good way for the developers to introduce alternative ways for our foods lasting longer such as pickling, preserving, salting, and smoking the various meats, vegetables and fruits we obtain.
  8. Deathlove

    DayZ becoming the game I like....

    The only think super unrealistic and immersion breaking for me would be planting and growing food outside in EXTREMELY brutal cold weather. Its just not possible without an indoor greenhouse with just the right temperature settings and artificial sunlight. Im hopping its going to be more of a seasonal based deal rather than you can just plant whenever you damn well need to kind of deal. Planting crops that correspond with the right types of seasons would make more sense. You don't plant your crops during the most brutal of winters.
  9. Deathlove

    DayZ becoming the game I like....

    Yes because everyone wants to play DayZ farm sim right? XD Although i do have to agree it will be nice seeing crops being more valuable however i dont want extreme maintenance for this kind of stuff that would be just not fun anymore. Simple things would suffice without getting to complicated with pesticides and worrying about planting the crops during the wrong season and such. Having to worry about building an indoor green house to keep the right temprature, etc. Cause planting REAL crops is NOT fun theres tones of shit you gotta worry about and take 100% of your time dedicated to making them grow correct.
  10. Deathlove

    DayZ becoming the game I like....

    You can have your religion and believe whatever you want just don't try to force your ways on me or things will start to get violent. >:3
  11. Deathlove

    For Everyone Complaining About The Loot........

    I don't see to many ppl wearing pink dresses. Whats with this damn phobia of bright colored clothing? It automatically means your bandit if your wearing normal civi clothing now? lol
  12. Deathlove

    waterproofing spray

    This should be in suggestions but i think being able to find rare items like this with MULTIPLE use should be a must. It would only further diversify the game with survival tools and uses for the items with various things. I could see this being a great thing for fixing tents, your jackets, or even a water proof backpack that somehow got torn in a fight.
  13. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    And when you do finally get tools you can never find a single damn cow. lol
  14. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    In other words "WHERES THE BEEF?" XD But in more serious talk are you coast hunting? Because i do believe they want you to go inland more rather than coast hunting. You might find more the further you go in.
  15. I always eat some vitamins in the hope of it keeping me healthy just to be safe. XD
  16. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    This patch is really easy to survive and get gear in. You just have to play smarter. Stop running through towns, trying to melee every zombie you see as that is not the best way to go now. Find yourself a shotgun its one hit one kill on all zeds. Also allot of the houses none military now have some really good stuff in them it just takes time and dedication to find good gear now. You can still have your pvp but it was NEVER meant to be 100% pvp that was a fact not a what if. You just need to play smarter now and if your attention span is not enough to farm for the gear you want to pvp with now, deal with the hardships of both increased infected. weather elements and diseases your going to get than clearly this isn't a game intended for you.
  17. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Your lucky they haven't put im dismemberment, beheading/putting your head on a pike or wearing your characters face as a mask. I would greatly love for this to happen.
  18. Deathlove

    75 round drum mag removed from game

    well would be nice if they had drums for the 101 as well. But once they fix the rate of fire on these weapons using single fire and full fire with drum mags will last you for a damn long time.
  19. Deathlove

    75 round drum mag removed from game

    Shotguns trump all in zombie situations. One hit wonders even on armored zeds. Found a pistol grip shotgun and haven't let go of it since. I would hope your joking. That would defeat both realism of the current automatic weapons if there were no drums in existence for them to use and it would also defeat the purpose of the real world modibility of these kinds of weapons as well. They have drum mags for pistols in real life as well. I really hope we can get a few even if it seems unpractical considering they are going to ramp up zed counts.
  20. Deathlove

    they killed DayZ for me and many others

    This is my character from a few hours of survival last night. The helmet was destroyed but im keeping it till i find a replacement one. Point being if i can survive and accumulate this much gear im sure you or anyone else can so it wont kill the game for many players they just have to work harder for there rewards. Zombies are EASY to avoid and slay just play smarter man. Use the right weapons and the right tactics and you can overcome anything. You need to play Dying Light if you haven't yet. Its freaking amazing dude.
  21. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Is anyone finding any of the repair kits anywhere? They seem to have vanished or are now extremely rare and hard to find.
  22. Deathlove

    Zombies in dayz have become to OP

    Well guess what? If you crouch and go prone they cant see you. Time to start using those smart brains of yours! 83
  23. Deathlove

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Its still a Russian weapon some places should have in cherno at least. Its an odd weapon with rapid fire but again ppl will find uses for it.
  24. Deathlove

    0.55 confirmed?

    Sir i LITERALLY live near Detroit lol. I live in Taylor which is apart of the Wayne County District. So its right in that area. Iv been there a few times in the past. No place I would want to live in cause it looks like a zombie apocalypse hit it.
  25. Deathlove

    0.55 confirmed?

    Some one would have to be really off the chain to do something like that anyways lol. Offtopic: Hows the weather out there anyways? Were finally starting to get warmer weather here in Michigan.