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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Complete Fail

    Yes sex with an infected only leads to pain and suffering in certain areas latter in life.
  2. Deathlove

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    Im really trying to love this gun as I think every single gun should be cherished like a treasure when you find it but I just find myself throwing this gun away more than i like to and replacing it with ether the SKS or Repeater. It baffles me that the Repeater is 100% more accurate and better in terms of stopping power. Not sure if its the iron sight, the jarring every single time you load a new ammo piece in the cartridge or what but i just am not liking the feel of the weapon. Firing it with infected is a huge risk of getting yourself killed as well it seems. Considering it holds less rounds than the other two rifles i listed what could or should be done to improve this weapon to make it more playable? The Cartridges are extremely hard to find, the gun in general is not so easy to acquire over the other 2. Is it to late to save this gun? lol I know some of you guys are going to swear die hard to the weapon but you gotta admit if you can find better you probably would.
  3. Deathlove

    Spawning bear trap/mine protection

    You know what would be nice? If there was a semi rare metal detector you could obtain to scan over areas incase you think it might be booby trapped. Could double as a weapon to if you had to lol.
  4. Deathlove

    What about Russian Spam?

    As long as we can grill and fry the spam than im cool with it. Spam is quite tasty when you cook it.
  5. Well this is alpha you have to understand so there are going to be allot of "highs" and "lows" in the game. Don't get to attached to your gear but i know it can be hard especially when you survive so long in game just to be cheated by a roll back or some kind of instant kill glitch or bug. If it gets to much just take a break for a bit than come back and play on the next patch to see if you like it better.
  6. Deathlove

    Developers communicating with players

    Spirit animal. Humans may be animals but unless i see an elephant driving down Main Street im going to think otherwise. Also it has to be an ANIMAL not a human lmao. But i will let you believe whatever you want. XD
  7. Deathlove

    Developers communicating with players

    If hes your spirit animal what animal is he? It cannot be human. XD
  8. I will eat you up like Pacman! ........ XD idk
  9. Yeah iv heard and seen some of these but my family could never afford all that stuff. It was hand me down Atari, than a Nintendo, Sega Geneses, Sega 32x, Playstation, Playstation 2, Gamecube, Xbox 360, than PS4. Side stuff was like the brick sized Gameboy along with some other random handhelds cause i cant list everything off the top of my head. Than finally PC
  10. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! XD What the hell does that even play? lol
  11. They were and they can still be compared to how most games pretty much GIVE you everything today. Not sure if your being a sarcastic smart ass or legit on that.
  12. Yes, sorry for buying an early access alpha of a game to try and help it be the best damn PC game it can be. Cause you know us CONSOLE users dread at anything being hard considered i grew up in the age when you could still play Atari and Nintendo was releasing its first hardcore gaming system.
  13. What does this even have to do with console systems? A console game can be just as good as anything PC related in fact it can match PC games quite well in allot of cases. And i expect it to be just as brutal as the PC version will be. So dont bring that console/PC war bullshit into this.
  14. Deathlove

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    Not to mention certain guns with bayonet attachments are going to make the CR527 an even worse choice for combat once the developers get the mechanics for that working lol. It would be REALLY cool though for guns that don't have a melee function that you could swing the butt of the rifle to crack infected and players skulls with them. The butt of any rifle can be a really effective weapon in a last ditch effort combat situation.
  15. Deathlove

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    For real life maybe but for Dayz if it CANNOT take out a zed between the torso area in one hit than it can be potentially a worse gun than others. The shotgun at the moment currently destroys zeds in one shot. Doesn't matter if they have armor or are 200 pounds heavier with thicker skin it will make them die. These are the kinds of guns you want. Not something that if you fire once you have a huge chance of screwing up getting your gear or yourself injured or even in a worse situation having an entire army of zeds on you when you have to reload every minute or longer after an individual shot. CR527 rifle seems effective for hunting and mainly things that cant fight back but thats about it. So you can be good with a weapon but if its got shit reloading time and takes possibly more than one bullet to fell an infected than its just not going to work for an area with intense encounters. Of coarse i guess we could always say we need some crappy arsenals to balance out all the good shit we get. We got WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY off track with this conversation it wasn't even about the look of the weapon. Its about its effectiveness in combat and tense situations that demand fast reloading speed.
  16. Deathlove

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    compared to: or maybe even this: i just dont like non-wood stocks, they take away from the guns beauty to me. but yes some interchangeable stocks/pieces for all weapons would be fine. the 'tacticool' sks is a viable option to make happen in game, it would just take some crafting and what not, and a chance at damaging the gun. Despite how beautiful those wood ones look the synthetic ones you've shown me look equally as impressive. I imagine some guns in an event like this would be prone to wood rot or termites if not handled properly. Especially depending on how long this apocalypse has been going in game.
  17. Deathlove

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    Idk, kind of getting tired of all the wood guns. Would like to see a few rifles and made from other materials.
  18. Deathlove

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    So we are getting both the Winchester Alaskan and this 70 version it take it?
  19. No one reads books in Russia? I have a hard time believing this one....... XD
  20. Well game still has a long ways to go in terms of a realistic apocalypse aspect. I agree there needs to be lots of junk you would have to rummage through in order to achieve anything of value. As long as there are still those rare chances of opportunity to get military gear, weapons and ammo from random spots in normal houses, cars, etc to keep ppl exploring new buildings and locations rather than key buildings. Military zones still need to remain of high interest though considering they SHOULD have higher chances to spawn more useful stuff. But they should also be some of the most dangerous places with infected outside of cities. So im hoping the military airport and other forts become something you would dread going to rather than taking a casual stroll through to pick out your favorite AK or AR.
  21. Deathlove

    My tactics for dealing with the 0.55 zombies

    I really don't understand how its SO hard for ppl to adapt. I figured out how to kill them Day one of the new patch lol. Anything more than one and you just run your ass away. And when sprinting gets cut down and stamina system put in ppl are just going to have to play smarter or not play at all.
  22. Deathlove

    Healthy Death

    Im pretty sure its your bad luck. This has not happened to me yet. Now iv gotten that instant bone death thing at random before but never died first starting the game.
  23. Deathlove

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    Yeah its kind of lame. XD
  24. Deathlove

    Where is all the food?

    Would be nice if were were able to cook our own shish kaBobs to. We currently have all the vegetables to make this minus the onions which i do hope they put onions in the game.