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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Blaze with scope !

    I would take the Blaze over the CR527 in a last ditch effort to use iron sights lmao.
  2. Deathlove

    Blaze with scope !

    No its one of the WORST rifles in the game thus far. Its allot more trouble than what its worth in its current state especially for a gun with a clip you have to reload every single damn time you fire from start to finish. With a scope it should be able to redeem more respect now with players. Head shots should be less stressful to achieve now. Especially if you can find a magazine.
  3. Deathlove

    Blaze with scope !

    But theres always that chance they could be more skilled than you or those self declared "full auto freaks" might have s scope to back them up. lol
  4. Deathlove

    Where do you guys find LRSs these days?

    Well the good news is there is a new universal scope popping up soon for allot of the rifles that currently don't use it. Once that gets put in it will take allot of stress from ppl trying to find PU and Long Range scopes all the time. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224486-twitter-chris-oh-snap-we-just-got-a-single-scope-model-to-work-on-the-blaze-win-70-sporter-cr527-pics-to-follow/Looks like those CR527'S and Sporter's are going to be allot more valuable for survivors to have.
  5. Well lets HOPE a real zombie apocalypse fantasy NEVER happens cause your going to want to shoot yourself in the head on the first day of it ever happening. Or maybe they read it and ignore it saying "Fuck you!" lol. You cant make everyone want the same thing. Theres always going to be "The Casual Gamer" and the "Hardcore Gamer" each person with there own view points of how things should and shouldn't be with each play style. The game wont decline as long as there is something for everyone to do or explore. Thats how I view it anyways.
  6. Deathlove

    "But, in reality..."

    Well your always going to have this especially with a game thats trying to simulate reality to the best it can. And if it does not all get put in than im sure modders will add much more to the realism aspect of the game that allot of the game designers have left out for the time being. Id welcome all the trials of realism put with weapons, etc if they could pull it off. Iv said before not every scope would be 100% accurate. You would have to probably make some adjustments in order for shit to work right on your old as hell weapon thats probably been abused by previous owners throughout the area in game. Gun should NEVER be balanced in this game due to the fact of progression on specific weapons being better than others. Maybe balanced in certain situations but never truly so to speak balanced from a real world perspective. But in terms of head shots all guns should be equal in this respect on that part of damage. And it is to an extent.
  7. Naw dude we need to go back FURTHER! Lets DINOSAUR this game up! 83
  8. We've got the German MP5K that alone says its not before the 90s and long after the fall of Communism.
  9. Im sure some one will make a mod of it if anything or if they are inspired enough about this topic.
  10. Don't forget the German MP5K to. lol
  11. A mall would be freaking AWESOME for some infected fun! :P
  12. Deathlove

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    Well than the game will fail to live up to what its supposed to be i guess in that respect and we will just have another "prettier" version of a remade game. With some slightly better bells and whistles. Offtopic: In fact its still rather disappointed they will never EFFECTIVELY be able to put in real seasonal changes. Granted its allot of work but its one less real aspect that kind of breaks it for me outside of infected talk. That would have been something really different you don't actually see in most games.
  13. Deathlove

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    The ONLY thing i was misinformed about was that this would be a zombie apocalypse and it has yet to deliver that for me. And the only reason ppl got comfortable with the game in the mod to begin with is because they never really pressed on that matter as much in the past as it should have been. Considering ppl were glitching the AI out anyway they could.
  14. Like in real life a melee situation is the last thing you want to get into when fighting some one. This is even more so for infected in game. Rather than trying to engage them in melee combat you want to run as fast as you can from them until they slow down than open fire on them with a gun. Also whatever you do stay crouched down and hidden in cities. Your less liable to draw the attention of the infected if you do.
  15. Deathlove

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    Dude a chrome plated AK or Hand gun would be a much better item. XD This is actually Saddam Husseins gold plated Desert Eagle. That damn thing is BEAST lol.
  16. Deathlove

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    I don't agree with any kind of dungeons or instances for ppl to do. What makes this game unique is its constant fluidity in the world as something more real time than fabricated on the go like Instances are. In a game that promotes itself as being a "Zombie apocalypse" scenario i would hope this would eventually be the goal. This is what drew me and half of the other players here to the game in the first place. It has NOTHING to do with player interaction online. Player interaction for me is just a side bonus or an annoyance at best since i avoid ppl most of the time anyways. Theres nothing more lame than than having 6 infected scattered throughout a massive city to be your opponents. There extremely easy to take out individually as is still. Hordes need to come to this game to bring a sense of physical dread and fear. You can have all the psychological shit you want but it just does not scare me as much as being torn apart and eaten alive by a walking corpse.
  17. Deathlove

    Balance (my idea for pvp/pve)

    The whole point of this game is risk and reward. Your pretty much just allowing ppl to continue to be jackasses by leaving the coast with minimum infected contact and this would pretty much KILL anyone wanting to go to the coast for anything besides pvp since the risk and the rewards would be way off balance.
  18. Deathlove

    Chernarus needs better rail cars

    So all they have to do is to find a way to make laser guns believable...... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  19. Deathlove

    Most detested item in Persistence

    I prefer cricket to! 83
  20. Deathlove

    Planned military base?

    M4s and M16s are pretty standard weapons. Now if were talking about something like a Sigsauer XI that can switch between AK, NATO, and 300 blackout or even a mini gun than you have every right to call it whatever the hell fruity weapon you want. I still have yet to see a gun in game that can fire unicorn rounds and rainbow grenades.......
  21. Deathlove

    choppers or bicycles ?

    Give me my damn bicycle! XD Iv been waiting long enough for one! :O
  22. Deathlove

    Bear Traps Galore!

    It would be REALLY awesome if we could rig the bear traps with meat or other things animals might be attracted to food wise to catch them with for hunting. To conserve bullets and all that jazz. I wouldn't expect the same from the mines since you would literally blow your food to bits. XD
  23. Deathlove

    Developers communicating with players

    The one that involves animals lol. Also thats quite impressive and horrifying at the same time about your ex! XD
  24. Deathlove

    Developers communicating with players

    I am furry so i would assume its possible lol.
  25. Deathlove

    Complete Fail

    Or the dick side like State Of "Dickay" did. XD