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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    No but i found the new single shot rifle that uses the AK and CZ rounds. Forgot the name but has the same one as the double barrel shotgun almost. The RAK is pretty awsome for a 380 ammo weapon. The Winchester 70 is a rather beast weapon even with just iron shot. I really want to get a scope for it though.
  2. Deathlove

    Hordes of Infected...Finally!

    They probably don't even have all the hardware ported over for the new zombie AI yet. So that is probably why there so ubber glitchy right now. That and remember theres a bunch of new improved models coming in to.
  3. Deathlove

    Hordes of Infected...Finally!

    The zeds in the new experimental need there AI worked on though because you can walk up to quite a few of them around the towns and they don't do anything to you lol.
  4. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I imagine even in places near and around Russia though cargo pants are fairly common though in normal houses to.
  5. Deathlove

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    Im talking about your real car that you like and have worked hard to earn. lol
  6. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    But those kind of spawns just don't make sense. You think in the 200 some houses you would explore there would be couple of pairs at least lol. I just think its probably some more spawn adjustments the dev teams needs to tweak probably. The RAK spawning in the police station does make allot of sense though as well as finding optics. It is a police station after all and i give them props for that.
  7. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I havent been able to find any pants past the 4 slot starter ones. Is anyone else having this issue? lol
  8. Deathlove

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    That would be like me taking every vehicle you like and smashing it into a brick wall every time i see it.
  9. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Anyone find a scope for the civilian rifles yet? Im REALLY hoping there not in military zones. But i have a terrible feeling they are.
  10. Deathlove

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    If there a good gun does it really matter? Hell it could be pink or orange for all i care and id still use the damn thing. Personally i think gold plated weapons should be an option but they should be EXTREMELY rare variant skins of weapons. Maybe something really long term you would have to hunt for in game. Cause i dont think iv ever seen anyone with gold plated weapons even here in the USA. Although im sure there are some crazy collectors here with tones of money to spend on these kinds of weapons. And if not im sure modding will put simple skins like these in as an option for ppl. Id be down for some nice skin colors for guns. Its not a game breaking mod if you think about it.
  11. Deathlove

    Why change the Mosin

    All weapons should have modifying capabilities to an extent and if not directly than through crafting you should be able to modify certain aspects. Improvising and crafting/modifying weapons should be a big thing.
  12. Deathlove

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    How much plated gold is on that thing?
  13. Well luckily they are not straight up zombies but infected ppl so its not out of the question to have some with better motor skills for hunting and so on. Ones that have sharper animal instincts that can plan various attack pattern that you wouldn't be able to predict so easy or detect in groups. That would still possibly be able to steal away your character with precious gear. That possibly can learn how to climb ladders and what not to get to you. Were still a long ways from that point but there was mention of infected that would be able to stalk prey like hunters.
  14. And this is an issue the developers are trying to combat daily. Sure they can and of coarse the developers can make the environment scary. You just have to let them do there thing and help give feed back to make things better. And if the game isn't what you want than one of the many mods to follow it will probably better suite your need. After the full release. After all its modding in the first place that nearly fractured and divided the core games original intent of what it was supposed to be even more so.
  15. By your last statements it sure sounded like you wanted to game never to advance beyond the aspect of simple pvp from the mod version. Lol this only means your going to have to work for your kills allot harder. The boring part is the straight up PVP aspect. There is absolutely very little interaction with other players outside of the standard gun them down mode that currently ppl are displaying in larger amounts. PVE also means your going to have to deal with elements, hunt and various other activities to keep alive. But the big thing about this game is getting the zombies right on to where they "needed to be" where the mod failed to keep in check.
  16. Yes there should be. It keeps the power hungry KOSers in check. Makes them have to think about what there doing before they shoot. This is after all not a straight up pvp game like you want it to be. So we can't have both a balanced PVE and PVP elements at the same time is what your saying. can you tell me why we cant other than it might ruin your run and gun playing style? There are literally heaps of other survival games out there as well as straight up FPS shooters that would better cater to your needs of a pure blood PVP shooter. Because it sounds to me like you never want this game to become anything but your standard basic pvp FPS game like most ppl don't want and are trying very hard to get away from that the mod was plagued with.
  17. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Found a winchester 70 without a scope. Lots of loot explosions in various places it seems. The hot bar seems non functioning at the moment too.
  18. Deathlove

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    Maybe not but you still listened to the sound track right? Its really good and creepy.
  19. Deathlove

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    Yes there are hackers but not as much as maybe standalone right now and there are dedicated ppl who still play the mod with plenty of high populated servers available.
  20. Deathlove

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    Its going to be like open world Silent Hill type mutant apocalypse fun from what i understand. There making there own enemy models and everything but they are taking LOTS of time to make sure the game comes out smooth. http://2017mod.com/ Its going to be one of those games with heavy crafting i think to involved with the survival element as well.
  21. Deathlove

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    Or if you don't have ARMA 3 yet i suggest subbing to the Breaking Point mod and theres also the new survival game 2017 coming out for it as well. But to answer your question both are good its just really a matter of what your looking for i guess.
  22. Deathlove

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    That game is a far better straight up shooter though so don't try to downplay it as a comparison. It STILL holds up really well to games like this or most other shooters of todays caliber. Its a pure and simple shooter with gore soaked adrenalin that doesn't sugar coat it with other gimmicky mechanics. You play that game on anything but the normal mode of play it becomes a straight up fight for your life. It played really good on Playstation to believe it or not with better sounds, remixed music, and new lvl redesigns. Im actually really hopping this port gets reintroduced and the FPS touched up on if they do a future console port of this one. Nostalgic? Maybe but i play quite a bit of the game even today.
  23. He may be right but thats exactly what needs to be changed with the game. Nothing scarier than some jackoff high pitch kid running and gunning you down with a gun they find am i right? I can understand the need and the struggle for survival against players but thats not what i play this game for. To me the game will never be about the PVP aspect. To me this is just flavoring on the cake if anything and i choose to avoid it whenever possible especially in its current primitive state and play-style. Zombies will make players think allot harder about there actions and what they do. Yeah your allowed to be a jackass but your actions should yield just as much consequences if not more for what you just did because you decided to straight up pvp.
  24. Deathlove

    How hard should DayZ be?

    Yeah i dropped that game hard for right now. Didn't like what was in it right now. Ill give it another chance when its more fleshed out latter on down the line.
  25. Deathlove

    How hard should DayZ be?

    The game isnt even finished. They plan on making there version of the game just as hard if not maybe even harder. Its an early access title so allot will change just like Dayz will. Common Orlok, you should know this.