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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Idk i never run into anybody so i wouldn't know. I wanted a Winchester but iv just been sticking with one server and they seem rather hard to find. I did find one blaze and have been using it with the scope. Good weapon for taking down zeds at long range before they can spot you. Its accuracy is increased 10 fold with a scope. I imagine its equally as lethal for pvp targets when you set its mode of fire for 2 instead of one shot. But i have an AK 47 with a scope as well so it kinds of trumps everything if you know how to use it right. You also have to consider most encounters are placed in melee range combat. Its pretty rare to get sniped still especially with guns like the SVD and VSS still being rare as hell. I haven't tried the Sporter .22 with the scope yet. But i imagine that can beat out allot of guns especially with the mag capacity clip and how silent it can be ESPECIALLY with a bottle silencer attachment.
  2. Deathlove

    CR527 + Hunting Scope - Worth It?

    Well thats pretty much what i said for this i just didn't emphasize on it as much. And im not picky about what gun i get in the least im just bummed this weapon will be outclassed no matter what it does no matter the rarity of the weapon itself. Even if you do find it chances are your still going to be outclassed probably even by a pistol.
  3. Deathlove

    CR527 + Hunting Scope - Worth It?

    Cr527 just needs to be taken out of the game if it cant be improved upon somehow. By the time im finding one of those i usually have a better weapon anyways. Unless they increase the drop rate of the rifle and reduce the spawn rate of other types. Theres really just no way to make this gun good at this point without giving it some really over the top advantage.
  4. Deathlove

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    Iv been saying buildings need variety to but ppl are to afraid of it looking like America or some bullshit like that.
  5. Deathlove

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    Corner stores are UNDERPOWERED!!!! XO
  6. Deathlove

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    Exactly my thought. There has to be a few rich cats in that country that have some very large houses or other buildings of different varieties like it. Not saying there should be entire rich districts like what you see in California and allot of the USA etc.
  7. Deathlove

    3 new vehicles and parts

    Will be fun trying to find all the parts to make vehicles however lets be serious for a minute. No way in fucking hell could you carry an entire engine miles to your location even in a back pack. Your back would go out on you. Hence why i think we should have some kind of craftable sled pull system for heavy objects like that. Make it an added bonus realism objective you have to do in order to get your car parts from point A to point B. Or hell even a wheel barrel would work.
  8. Deathlove

    I killed a man today...

    YOUR GOING TO JAIL WOMAN! INTERNET JAIL, YEAH BABY! 83 I couldn't resist im sorry. XD
  9. Deathlove

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Well than the damage just needs to be upped on them than for players. Idk what to tell you other than that. Im aware not EVERY sword was meant for piercing but a majority of them were.
  10. Deathlove

    SurvivaL Please ...

    Appreciate the help on that one! :D
  11. Deathlove

    Sword damage worse than ever

    well swords were primarily meant for piercing not chopping so i really think the animation should be changed to thrusting rather than just swinging it around like an axe.
  12. Deathlove

    Sword damage worse than ever

    I think when you sharpen a blade to repair durability it should ALSO give the weapon more damage to against ppl. If the blade is ubber dull it should be shit however if you sharpen it back to pristine or worn it should do considerably more damage against a target. Doesn't make sense for a pristine blade to be pure shit against a target unless everyone is using stab vest now.
  13. Deathlove

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    Consoles can actually do very good PC ports without watering it down. Its just a matter of WHO is in charge of making the decisions for the game sometimes. And as of now we have two very powerful systems that could handle some of what PC dishes out. No need to be a paranoid douch about it. My roots are grounded in consoles before PC on ANY given day.
  14. Deathlove

    SurvivaL Please ...

    Just as easy to do it this way to. XD
  15. Deathlove

    SurvivaL Please ...

    How do you make the drill? I still haven't figured that one out.
  16. But at least chemlights give you cool retro club glowy effects. XD
  17. Idk its all pretty fucking crappy. XD
  18. But the problem with ppl exploiting graphics to see better in the dark has not be addressed yet. Therefore it makes the flashlight in general virtually a useless tool completely for the time being. Im hopping maybe with the new engine this gets addressed. As of right now ppl were pretty much just dropping the flashlight every time they spawned with a new character as it pretty much only took up space inventory for something more useful you could carry.
  19. By honorable knights you mean pre-pubescent kids that run around trying to blow a hole in you because they think the whole games one big cluster fuck frag fest than boy you must be tripping on shrooms. Next time you do that especially in buildings make sure you bring a lock pick with you. That way they need to bust through the doors rather than just out right click rush in and KOS you while you log. And if you have land mines and bear traps make there life a living hell by booby trapping the hall and entrance outside they have to get to you.
  20. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Yes, its jut the most arousing thing ever! 83 Believe me i left tones of good gear behind for others lol.
  21. Deathlove

    What happened to DayZ player lore?

    People eventually grow out of certain games and maybe thats what your seeing with this one in general is ppl just getting tired of contributing things. Ether way there are always going to be new players that want to experience things the way you do.
  22. Deathlove

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    All my heath bars for hunger, thirst, etc have all vanished. Has this happened to anyone else yet? Also compared to last patch my character is VERY well geared.
  23. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yeah iv been finding clothing stacked inside of clothing etc. Im pretty sure the servers themselves have not reset yet. Servers from what i understand don't spawn with other clothing and items stacked inside of them. From my experience on a total server reset you never see this kind of thing. Everything is fresh and not put inside of other things.
  24. Deathlove

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Some kid who ran up up to me got way to close to my face for comfort so i knifed his ass as a warning to back the hell away from me. He than got angry and started chasing me but i guess he finally realized he was bleeding to death. I dont mind interacting with ppl but iv had WAY to many instances where ppl have gotten to close to me and KO'd me while im off guard and friendly. Wasn't trying to be a dick really. So far so good. Still a little lag here and there but idk other than that not much.
  25. Since no one is currently using flashlights anyways this makes a little more sense. At least you don't have to rip up your shirt right away for cloth now.