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Everything posted by Deathlove

  1. Deathlove

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    Well none jokingly though id love to have some kind of junker tank like what was put in the Origins Mod. Its got no guns and moves slow and has very little armor protection but hey its a reliable vehicle if you need one and are willing to put the time into fixing it up. Oh and not to mention loud so the only real pro to it would be shorter distances to areas of interest. Meaning an RPG could still take it out and the guy driving it.
  2. Deathlove

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    Just give us god damn tanks already damnit! 8(
  3. Deathlove

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    Theres going to be so much trolling with this weapon though if its done realistically in terms of damage output in a given radius lol.
  4. Deathlove

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    That's going to be one awesome house clearing weapon for ppl outside aiming that thing at windows.
  5. Deathlove

    pre .59 hype

    They have pve servers in H1Z1 that doesn't really focus on the bullshit shoot on site pvp. I prefer those over the pvp ones. Gives me solitude to craft things and improve my base. Hunt for deer, bear and wolves to cook meat with and make bio fuel for vehicles. Besides H1Z1 developers were mainly focused on bug fixes for quite awhile there. But there back on track to adding in more survival elements and to brush up on other things.
  6. Deathlove

    What changed with DayZ?

    No i know what you mean but you really should get in on it at least until Dayz has the features that The Long Dark provides. Because right now when i think survival i normally think of that game for right now or Dayz mod at the least.
  7. Deathlove

    What changed with DayZ?

    Really doesn't matter though the survival core of the game is pretty damn solid. You will enjoy it even if its only single player. I shit you not its a good buy.
  8. Deathlove

    Zombies do matter after all...

    Counter Strike/Call Of Duty gotcha. Time to start running around killing everyone i see on sight!
  9. Deathlove

    Zombies do matter after all...

    And this is why we cant have nice things is because everyone is to fucking PVP butt fuck focused at the moment. Maybe if the zombie WERE infact the main focus and should and ALWAYS be we wouldn't have ppl jacking off with shotgun's and M4A1's blowing there load on each other in a bullshit cycle of pvp combat. Vehicles and new guns really don't get me excited at the moment. Good zombie AI thats punishing to players that can't be taken for as a joke by players and that wont break mechanic wise in less than a few hours into a new patch is what id like to see.
  10. Deathlove

    pre .59 hype

    Hey i love Ark but H1Z1 is my go to game for the time being for the most part. And i personally would love content to be put in allot more frequently but again its there game and there rules.
  11. Deathlove

    pre .59 hype

    Gives me something to talk about at least cause im just to frustrated with the current build atm. And i know it will be a good update when it does come out its just not much to talk about till than lol.
  12. Deathlove

    pre .59 hype

    lol I heard you can go to jail for picking them. XD We have a place here called Holland Michigan that grows the tulips as well like over in the Netherlands.
  13. Deathlove

    Anti-stab vest

    Hopefully the gear offering armor protection gets tweaked to where ppl stacking items for protection isn't a viable thing anymore.
  14. Deathlove

    pre .59 hype

    Don't make me go over there and pick all the damn tulip's out of your garden! XD
  15. Deathlove

    pre .59 hype

    The hype with anything .59 is pretty much gone and fucked. We will be lucky to get anything solid by the end of October at this rate. Granted i don't expect them to shit out new content every other week but i really cant handle playing the game in its current state. Its not even remotely challenging survival wise atm.
  16. Deathlove

    I killed my first man today.....

    I would say this is a good story but its furthering a stereo type this game is trying hard to break away from. That being a mindless FPS shooter with very little human interaction outside of shooting. Instead of outright killing the guy it would have been more of a good story if you had managed to cuff the guy you knocked out brought him somewhat back to health and tried conversing with him. I cant really tell you guys what to do but again i cant say good job ether. This just makes me think of shit like this.... XD
  17. Deathlove

    Curiosity peaked

    Gotta watch out for those wild fire trucks that roam the plains of Chernarus as well! They have a habbt of sneaking up on herds when you least expect them to!
  18. Deathlove

    Curiosity peaked

    I guess, I'm just really hoping bicycles don't get swept under the rug until much much latter on down the line. Being a person that rides a bicycle myself its pretty much all I really need to get around places. And I'm quite content with just a bicycle in general.
  19. Deathlove

    Curiosity peaked

    Ether way the entire thing is going to scream KOS until otherwise noted. I'm still baffled bicycles are being put on a lower profile for development and were getting the more high end vehicles first.
  20. Deathlove

    Curiosity peaked

    Well it could be the fact that it was pretty much highlighted as being a major pvp component during the discussion about choppers in the presentation. I'm not really thrilled about most of the pvp involved with this kind of thing. Now if they had mentioned Rescuing fresh spawns and actually putting the thing to more beneficial use rather than blowing it out of the sky or taking cover from a damn LMG than I would think other wise. Why would you need to scout targets for your buddies if your just PVEing? Zombies maybe? Most of what you said sounds mainly pvp related except for the last part.
  21. Deathlove

    Curiosity peaked

    All this Helicopter talk is just another damn PVP mechanic if you ask me. Im more interested for the SURVIVAL PVE aspect. You know that stuff that was supposed to make the game 10xs harsher lol. These mini birds arnt even gun capable so really your just giving yourself away to everyone on the map without any defense to fire back at the fuckers shooting at you. And why would you want to shoot an unarmed chopper down? Other than just to grief the person that spent hours trying to get one up and running. And I'm pretty sure NOTHING will be gained considering all the persons gear would be ruined on impact with the ground.
  22. What the heck is TOH/RotorLib? XD
  23. Deathlove

    Anyone else miss the NEAF?

    To be honest I would prefer a bicycle over a damn helicopter and military vehicle any day. And its not because of traversing the map in any shorter amount of time its that its much easier to fix than most vehicles you will find on the market in the real world today. As long as your carrying the right bicycles tools and maybe a backup spare tire tube, mini bike pump, etc your good to go for many miles. And bicycles are the way to go for silent travel unlike a car or plane.
  24. That's only going to be feature complete for some ppl. Ppl like me will call it feature complete once we see how the new infected are going to work in action and if they can do so successfully with entire mobs of them.
  25. Would you shave your head or your balls with an axe? XD