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Posts posted by Exorade

  1. It's Wednesday!


    Is stable going to be updated to 0.49 today and when is the character wipe going to be taking place?



    It's maintenance day, not update day.

    The stable gets the 0.49 update after they get it running properly on experimental.

    Next week, maybe.

  2.  It wont be such a pain in the ass to get something to open food with so I don't starve to death while I hunt for weapons. lol


    Really? It's that real of a pain in the ass for you to find a screwdiver, a bayonet, a knife, a chopping axe, a fireaxe or a can opener before you starve to death?

    Not to mention potatoes, apples, kiwis, oranges, bananas, tomatoes,  zucchinis, powdered milk, canned tuna and bunch of other shit that doesn't even require an opener.




    A random question...  Is Arma and A2 extensions of Days Standalone. Or the other way round.?

    Or is this a different incarnation.??


    Dayz Stand-alone is a stand-alone version of the a mod originally created for Arma 2.

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  3. Weirdest thing just happened - Demonica, it was on the server you were on - or, actually, still are in.  Was up the hill from Novodmitrovsk, saw a player stuck in some sort of animation sliding down the hill.  Evidently he wasn't stuck in anything from his point of view, but I was startled long enough to just sit there - he shot me from the middle of whatever his character was doing.


    So, is this a bug, or an exploit?  If it is something a player can do on purpose, it is definitely a cheat.



    You mean the one where the character looks like he's constantly changing his weapon?

    How would that work as an exploit? "O wait, I'm going to enable this cheat that makes me highly visible, that'll give me the edge."

  4. My friend got almost killed by a hacker but probably killed him in the process, a week ago.

    He was skinning a pig on a field next to Dubky, when suddenly this dude appeared few meters away from him in the middle of the field.

    The dude moved towards my friend while floating in the air and lagging backwards. Then he opened fire on my friend and my friend broke his legs.

    My friend managed to pull out his makarov and empty a mag  into the guy. Who then dissappeared, I ran to the scene from Staroye and my friend patched himself up.

    We never saw the dude again. 

  5. So because I'm hot you think "oh a chick that hot can't possibly play dayz"


    Unless you're posting your picture everywhere on this board I doubt anyone thinks you're 'hot'. Unless you claim that it's you in that avatar. Which I doubt most people wouldn't think was you anyway, since like maybe one out of a hundred people actually put themselves into the avatar.


    I also doubt most people who consider themselves hot do that anyway, because A) They'd have to advertize it to everyone that it's them in that avatar and B ) No one would believe them, the only people who'd believe you would either send you shitty PMs or call you an attention whore. Then again human vanity is limitless so who knows.


    <- I'm totes Matthew McCounaghey because he's in my avatarz.


    Edit: KA-BOOM


    Hello Ella ( or is it Alan??)

    Interesting to see that they exposed you on reddit:


    The supposed 'PAX' picture of you with the Asian guy (see reddit thread) comes from this website: https://www.facebook.com/littlewindmillcosplay/info?ref=page_internal

    Your profile picture comes from this website: http://www.stunnish.com/sexy-women-are-always-a-win/

    So the loveliest Girl in Town seems to be a fraud.


    Yes, I know this is offtopic.

    It's Sunday and I don't have anything else to do.

  6. I meet these 2 guys, they instantly stop me and handcuff me 


    At this point, unless you've got a shit ton of stuff that you're afraid of losing, there's no reason to let people hold you at gun point. Especially if you're a fresh spawn.

    Try charging at them, try running away, try seducing them, try to do pretty much anything other than just standing there. Especially if they're going to handcuff you.


    You'll find most basic stuff in less than an hour, and you'll be on your way again. Very quickly.

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