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Posts posted by Exorade

  1. always been a one shoot killer for me. kill 2 guys with this beast, been killed once with it, never heard more than one shot (and it makes a hell of a sound !)


    one round, one round is all it takes at close range.

    There was a time during the alpha when due to a bug all shotguns did minimal damage and had no spread.

    Therefore I was concerned that there would be a chance the pump-action shotgun could be suffering from it now and for this reason be very unreliable.

    I'm glad to hear that you have had no problems with it.

  2. We will go with the unrealistic way! We will make them hungry  every 5 minutes! When in real world you get hungry every 4 hours.


    Afaik if you eat till your character is healthy, energized and full. And if you don't sprint, you won't get hungry every five minutes.

    It's just that in real world you don't have infinite stamina and they have to probably balance it out somehow at this point.


    Your sig is a crime against humanity.

    • Like 3

  3. You should never go into a town expecting stacked loot waiting for you with a ribbon tied around it.


    I didn't expect to. It wasn't the point of my reply.



    Priorities for a new spawn should be to find clothing, rope, a knife/axe/machete/hacksaw, and matches. You can survive simply off these things. Do not expect to survive solely off canned food.


    See that's the general problem with assuming things about people you don't know. There's nothing in my original post that would imply that I'm in need of this lecture.

    Here's a screenshot of my character couple of hours into the game. Because ironically all the stuff that you mention was at the time in my inventory. The rope is in the case. I always tend to save it for the improvised leather backpack.




    Do you think that you should get every piece of equipment you need in the first town you come across? If so you may have to wait for the mod. Not having a thing, creates value for that thing. If everyone has everything there is no incentive to search.


    Assumptions like this lead to all those shitty generalisations about "what people other than me do".

    I never implied any such notions.


    You in your original post said that if people bothered to look outside their comfort zone, the first big cities near the area they spawned to, then they might find those stacks of respawning items.


    My point was that although I've visited all the places I listed, so far I haven't seen any such stacks. Therefore I doubt that the unbalanced way in which the loot respawns is intentional.

    • Like 3

  4. The problem seems to be that people only want to loot Elek, Berezno, Cherno, and Svet, and put no effort into looting the places where all that loot has been respawned into.


    Example 1 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197963511292/screenshot/531747249736247807


    Nice generalization, I'm quite sure it's just that a lot of people don't happen to find such places.


    The places I've been to with my latest characters so far are:

    Solnichniy > Factory > Orlovets > Polana > Dolina > Staroye > Mogilevka >Nadezhino > Dubky

    And I didn't see any places with stacks of respawned loot. I call it luck and most of the time when I play, it's bad.

  5. so I wound up having to hit it in the chest with a crowbar over and over again until I died... doesn't something seem wrong with that?


    Yeah, apparently you're doing something wrong, because hitting a zombie in the head with fists even in the current experimental build is still relatively easy.



     I think they should immediately drop ALL production on misc. items (Backpacks, Clothing, Guns, etc.) and work on the core gameplay. That's how development works,


    Graphic designers should immediately drop what they are doing and concentrate on doing something that they are probably not qualified to work on? That's not how development works.

  6. i've ruled out spawning in. because who would log off in the hallway of the prison building?


    Hell of a lot of people. All kinds of stupid fits into that couple of million that forms the playerbase.

  7. No, I've examined this with friends ingame and thought about what it's like at a real-life jogging track.  Where people jog in tracksuits, not sprint with 40 pound backpacks.


    I have yet to do some real testing, but my first observation is that running is far too silent in the game. In real life, I swear you can hear joggers approaching at more than 100 meters away, depending on the ambient situation and the ground. In DayZ the range is considerably lower. Not to mention that, as I already said in another post, crawling is NOT silent at all in real life. Unless, of course, you crawl at a considerably lower speed, one that would make any motion sensor fail its' task.


    The only way to move stealthily is to move slow, preferrably in an upright (standing position), since your feet are your best tool at controlling noise related to movement. Not crouched, not prone, straight up. However, this too is dependent on several factors

    - Your own body weight and gear

    - The type of footwear (army boots are generally harder to sneak in than track shoes)

    - The type of ground (sneaking on forest = tricky, sneaking on pavement = easy, sneaking on gravel = impossible)


    I'm a bit confused as to why your lecture was directed at me. Since I only pointed out how it's never been a problem for me to hear footsteps from other players in my original message.


    you would at least think you could hear running or foot steps. 




    I always hear the sound of people walking and running, zombies walking and running but not always gun shots.


    This. I think the problem has to be from your side if you can't hear footsteps because that's one of the only things I have never had a problem with.
