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Everything posted by Exorade

  1. Agora, parece que você não pode entrar em qualquer servidor. edit: Esqueça isso, é notícia velha. Tem certeza que tentou ingressar em um servidor estável?
  2. Exorade

    Hardcore in DayZ

    Right now all the spawn systems are a bit of a mess. But check back six months from now and there's a chance they'll be fixed.
  3. Exorade

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Is there any way to know which servers are 1pp and 3pp?
  4. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    *Roll eyes*
  5. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    Of course it's relevant. Those people didn't have a working stable version of the game from the start of the development process, for the consumers to play with, while developing different parts of the said game simulatenously. edit: Jesus Christ, ignorance is a bliss. Enjoy it.
  6. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    Are those early access games?
  7. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    Was it ever supposed to be anything other than a survival simulator game? Dean Hall in 2014: "So yeah, it's just keeping true to that hardcore survival and hardcore death, because that's kind of what Dayz is." Taking his words and yours in to consideration, it seems to me like a whole lot of people have been getting angry throughout the years, because their own expectations as to the direction of the game aren't met.
  8. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    *Roll eyes*
  9. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    Oh, please do.
  10. Exorade

    State of the Game?

    It's not unfinished if it's still in development. Read the status reports. I'm not sure why it's so incredibly hard for people to comprehend that if the game is going to be in early access, the development is obviously going to be slower than normal. edit: About that zombie remark, based on what you said, it seems pretty obvious to me that you haven't actually played 0.61.
  11. Exorade

    Arma 2 guns

    If you want to aim properly, use the ironsights. The reticle is for interaction.
  12. It always annoys me to see people post stuff like that about Dayz, especially on the forums, when it's quite clear that the development is still going forward. And you can read all about it on the said forums. https://forums.dayz.com/forum/134-developer-discussion-status-reports/
  13. Exorade

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    UK04 server restarted while we were walking near the NW airfield. Joined back and I logged in near Zelenogorsk where I first logged in today. :D
  14. Exorade

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Lucky you. I didn't see anyone for three hours.
  15. Exorade

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Played for two hours, the only problem I ran into was that kinda laggy, hard to explain gameplay. Everything else worked out pretty good. I loved the new gun sfx. Now, I have a nvidia gpu, my friend has a nvidia gpu too and he didn't run into any problems either. But another friend of mine who has a radeon gpu, said that his gpu started heating up in the queue screen and when he got into the game, his gpu crashed.
  16. Exorade

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Might be that they've just been playing with the female character. The female character's breathing sound has been way too loud for as long as I can remember, and it was that way also last time I tried the experimental, which was last thursday.
  17. Exorade

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Is there any other way to interpret this phrase? Pfft. You were talking about KoS in general before you brought up your "punch a guy in the face" example.
  18. Exorade

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    How high and mighty of you. You don't get it. That's cool, but don't call every single one of us retards just because we like to hunt people. Hemingway quote time
  19. Exorade

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    http://i.imgur.com/wD9f7FV.jpg I thought it was a graphical bug. Turns out that the concrete is physically missing. http://i.imgur.com/F7ycZY1.jpg
  20. Exorade

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Hmmm... No. About as dangerous and useless as berries. Which at this level of development will probably behave identically. Only difference is that mushrooms are easier to find in forests than say apples or cans of beans.
  21. Exorade

    starvation and dehydration ridiculously unrealistic

    Oh noooo! No doubt everyone already knows this but since no one has said it in this thread yet, I'll say it. It's an alpha. The fact that we're all playing it currently is a one big christmas miracle of a design choice. All this will no doubt be solved when the game enters beta, something like a year from now. So, if it's too much now, do come back when it's officially released.
  22. Exorade

    uk vest ruined in 2 hits

    It might have registered more hits than you heard. Shit happens, find another one.
  23. Exorade

    DayZ Spawn System...

    No thanks, I don't want to constantly run in to bunch of freshpawn because some lazy bums don't have any incentive to walk further inland on their own.
  24. Exorade

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    He said that they're "moving experimental servers to a new enviroment". Not "moving new enviroment to experimental servers". ;)
  25. Exorade

    How was your Day(Z)?

    http://i.imgur.com/VYFJAVe.jpg Got a couple of cars and drove all the way from Altar to Komarovo via Elektro and Cherno with plans to cross the oceans in a magnificent exodus to that prison island of recent legends. My friend told me it was possible. After all this in an alpha. My friends in the green car drove past the island and ended up drowning in the great blue depths. Myself and my other friend slammed in to a steep hillside and the car tumbled on its roof. I died, he was the only survivor. It was worth it though.