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Everything posted by ThinShifty

  1. ThinShifty

    Really Bad Frame Rate

    I'm getting around 23Fps average on this game. My specs are a little better than the recommended, and far above the minimum requirements. I have no trouble running Battlefield on High settings with at least 45Fps, usually 50+ on High with some AA and other settings cranked to ultra. I've put Dayz on the lowest possible setting, with no AA, no post-processing, and everything on "Very Low" or Disabled completely, yet I still get drops to 19 in cities, and around 24 frames in forests. Is there any known bugs that cause this? Anything to fix it or is it just poor optimization?
  2. ThinShifty

    Really Bad Frame Rate

    I've tried all types of settings. Usually, increasing settings from low to high doesn't make a huge difference, I just lose maybe 3-4 frames on some things. Ambient Occlusion instantly chops off 10-11 frames. I'm playing in my native resolution. I dropped it down to something ridiculously low, looked like ass but still didn't improve my FPS. Haven't edited any .cfg shiz. Literally just downloaded from steam and played as is. I'll have to look in to it :D