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About DMstratz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    England (UK)
  • Interests
    Gaming, Gaming, Sleeping, Gaming

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  • Bio
    Hey Guys, add me to play on skype or team speak im not worried, will play any style to get the job done!
  1. DMstratz

    New Key

    Hey Guys, i was globally banned about a year ago (spawning items on MY FRIENDS SERVER and we all got banned as he forgot to turn BI off) so anyway i wanted to start playing Arma 2 DayZ again and dont want to buy a dodgy key ill just rebuy a copy of the game. but is there a way to get my banned key out. and put my new key in legitimately?
  2. DMstratz

    Wrong Blood Type.

    Hey Guys, just got a blood transfusion from a friend and I've quickly fallen unconscious.. He's given me an epipen and that has had no effect.. i didnt realise they had implemented blood types yet.. is there any way i can wake up / will i wake up eventually?
  3. My Rig: - i5-3570k - 8gb Ram - GTX 660Ti .. sorry i dont know more technical names for them all but i run at around 30-40 frames EVERYWHERE on the map (including cherno) on everything maxed out with no frame drops.. This has happened with other games but this one clearly works very well on my machine.. anyone else have the same?
  4. DMstratz

    Looking for players to play the SA with

    We're playing on skype, (names in signature) (we're english) if you want to play
  5. DMstratz

    Making Small Group of Players

    got some players already. playing now! add on skype! Skype - Doug.Mowat23
  6. DMstratz

    I finally found it...

    you do realise any sharp object now opens cans xD?
  7. Looking for a few players for a small squad. - Need Skype (or ts3 if you have a server) - Mature pref (im 18) - Speak English. Clearly understandable Im currently full geared and at Balota.
  8. DMstratz

    UK Players want to play? (skype)

    Bumping. Going to go online if anyone wants to play:) add:)
  9. DMstratz

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    I never said "server hopping" .. i made the point of spawning a NEW character in a low pop server.. never said swapping between servers to find one.. and regarding the bag in the tower.. it has been there almost 100% of the time when i have gone to balota
  10. DMstratz

    Forever Alone..

    exactly the reason i want someone to play with..
  11. DMstratz

    Why did I pay for this shit?

    2/10.. made me cri ;)
  12. DMstratz

    Forever Alone..

    Yes at some point it becomes a bit too many:/
  13. DMstratz

    Why is this not in the game yet?

    there are more important things to add then fixing combat logging
  14. DMstratz

    Forever Alone..

    they should add a "find a friend" section on the forums
  15. DMstratz

    Forever Alone..

    As much as playing alone enhances the experience.. i would like someone or a small group to play with and i was looking at the "recruitment" section and its dead.. Is there somewhere i can look for people to play with? also reply to this if you need people to play with.. i dont want to play alone ^^