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About thag

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  1. thag

    Stable Update 1.09

    There is no point of playing on official servers, since they has no moderation at all and are full of hackers... nobody gives a ****
  2. thag

    Stable Update 1.08

    I don't see any troubles with this, the only thing that bothers me alot is that when i'm trying to cook meat on the campfire, i've got red temperature after few minutes and my health is starting to go down.... I find this super ridiculous, together with raining... Imagine playing game heavily based on realism, where u are dying to high temperature when sitting next to fireplace for some time, I don't know how devs, but when i was young I was sitting near campfire for nearly two hours, baking sausages but didn't noticed i would slowly dying from heat 😄 Also dying to hypothermia during Summer rain when you are fully geared, wearing waterproof jacket, army trousers, hiking boots and still dying to cold while running is Really stupid to me... Fix those weird temperature situations would be Quality of life improvement for the game.
  3. thag

    Stable Update 1.07

    Ye maybe thats the reason you will never find one... I mostly played on public servers just because i hate mods and prefer vanilla servers, but community servers is 99% modded with trader and other crap... But after yesterday i'm convinced that I will never play on Public again, just because it has no moderation at all, battle eye protection does nothing as there are reported cheaters by daily basis... Thats really sad fact, that only community servers keeping this game alive.
  4. thag

    Stable Update 1.07

    So, just logged after 6 months to see if something has changed... Get killed 2x times in a row along with my friend instantly by a cheater with infinite ammo... 10/10 - Opravte si tu hru, nebo ji radši někomu prodejte, Dík.
  5. thag

    Moving into 2020

    Dead game, zero updates since 2020, still in alpha stage... Only modders keeping it alive on steam. (its a true fact, wikipedia that)
  6. thag

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    Any ETA when the 1.03 come to live servers ?
  7. I'm wondering if someone still working on this game, apart from modders, because I've seen like no status reports or major updates like in months now... The game is in such bad state, flying cars, etc... that its a shame calling it full release. Dayz is stuck on the point zero since the December of 2018. I'm very very disappointed about Bohemia's development on this game, yet I was a supporter over 5 years and hoped that something would change after December 2018... But the opposite is the truth. If you have any sense left, please sell this Game to some other Game Company, who can maybe finish it in this Century. Thanks.
  8. But it's not a permanent solution, only blind shooting, without knowing if its fixed or not. They should implement some system that would backup every file and prevent wiping from anything that could happen, In Arma 2 Dayz mod, it works perfectly, I don't understand why they do not create something similar...
  9. well almost nothing new than the previous build, also the Main bugs such as persistence and heavy attack bugs are still intact... you guys sleeping in the office ?
  10. After a calm week, That Persistence bug happened again on Private server where I played and everything is lost AGAIN. When this shit will be fixed already ??? I'm really tired of this, you pushed beta after 5 years, and can't even fix this Gamebreaking bug of Disappearing structures!! People are quitting because of this garb, FOCUS ON THIS BUG ALREADY AS A PRIORITY !!!!! Nothing is more important than THIS !
  11. Did you tested this on this Exp. patch ? They said in the patch notes that it should be fixed now: Fixed: Able to walk through base building elements after a restart Also, on the latest stable patch you can't modify or remove any builded structure after server restart, does anyone tested this on this experimental yet ?
  12. thag

    Diabetes Issue

    Can we please get rid of those diabetic design, when u need to drink like every 2 jumps, or 10 minutes ?... I have nothing against survival but this current setting of thirst is just off the board, how can i enjoy rest of the game when i need to drink every fkin 10 minutes. Dying of water is now more common than dying to zombies/players and its not fun at all. Prolong the time when u need to drink atleast double and it well be QoL.
  13. thag

    Helicrash sites

    You guys are all blind. Fortunately your opinions means nothing, and i hope devs will take my topic in mind before releasing full game which still takes about few years with its current state. SA is out for 2 years and dayz Mod is still in better state...
  14. thag

    Helicrash sites

    You should not have to play on private servers with edited loot. I play only on public servers and never found decent loot like that. and to M1014 - That was on patch 1.7.6 i think where helicrash loot was bugged and spawn only those shotguns because 1014 wasnt even on helicrash loot table, which was fixed at patch 1.7.7 where they also removed my beloved snipers such as M107, and then it was ok again. (found a lot of FAL at 1.7.7) And now few minutes ago, i found russian helicrash (not smoking obviously) after server restart which was to be fresh spawned, and found only those things: Brass Knuckles, Green Cargo Pants, Spite. So not a single MILITARY LOOT. I dont know why am I bothering to carry 5x VSS mags, and 1x FAL mag. When i never find a single gun. This has to be about 30th crash i found without military loot. Im tired of those AKMS i found everywhere This is just not good at all, and should be changed.
  15. thag

    Helicrash sites

    Tell me whats the best, when you find fresh helicrash but with trash loot only. I see you never played Dayz Mod, where it was just ok. When you found fresh spawned crash there were atleast Bizon, FAL and if you're lucky you found M107/AS50 or on older patches L85/A2 with Termo vision. That was BEST DAY. Not like now with this crap, where crashes dont event have smoke. I never saw a single SVD, AUG or Vintorez from when its implemented, only trash. Doesnt even metioning the nervousness when you sneak between all those soldier zombies around, trying to take some loot, and hoping no one will shoot you there.