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Everything posted by wud

  1. yeah, a concept of .. "where is everything?!?" imho there is one big problem,.. an that is that there is no survival at all too much food, to much ammo, too less harsh conditions/environment (coldness/sickness,etc.) but so far ..it is alpha after all
  2. your idea is good, except it has one big flaw. i hide guns i do not use for no one to find in bushes .. with your system we would have servers where no guns would spawn at all they would be at locations where you died and where i hid them.. -_-
  3. As far as i know you need to destroy the brain of infeced/zombies so i like the new "durable" zombie .. do not understand that people are complaing they are stil no match even if 5 of them are running around you Head..chop..head..slam..head..shot.. & things are down worst that happens is that i am bleeding and need to bandage no infection anyways .. so, no need for pills just my humble opinion and in that, z´s should hit harder
  4. same here edit\ @OP try to enter mainmenu and serverbrowser a few times .. works for me .. sometimes i am able to click fluidly for a few seconds only sometimes more no fix but a workaround .. only solution i found so far would like to know what is causing that .. its been this way for me since experimantal 0.44 and now stable my buddys do not experiance such a thing makes the menu close to unusable .. very frustrating edit\2 when all servers are loaded ist seems to be okay so it must have something to do with online refreshing/searching i iwll now lower my ping filter so that it won´t load that long hopefully that helps
  5. Instead of a dropdownmenue "Cancel action" i would like to have the possibility of canceling an action via W,A,S,D so that if a player performs an action, he/she HAS to stand still otherwise the action performing, will be aborted. So many times i bandadged a dude or tried do give salinebags and someone´s coming around the corner just to spray me with bullets and all i could do was watching as killed me slowly while i saw myself stuck in an animation. And as solution i mean not a way to press a key oder clicking on and option like "cancel action" as planed by the devs and shown here. I mean that EVERY action, may it be drinking or setting an IV-line, can be canceled through moving. Easy, more realistic, less frustrating.
  6. wud

    Night Time

    its a bug log out and in again ..tadaa day .. at least for about 15 minutes you will experiance that if you log out of a server that is fading to dark and log back in again its day again do not know what causes that .. but .. thats what we reproduce here edit\ same here http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/23ro8i/daynight_sync_still_totally_broken/
  7. wud

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    since latest stable we are eperiancing the bug where it is getting night after about +/- 10 minutes after relogging it is day again .. for about 10 minutes .. sadly unplayable we like nighttime though.. but not when its bright day for others -_- edit\ same here http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/23ro8i/daynight_sync_still_totally_broken/
  8. wud

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    as allways with patches that are about to release due to schedule wait for a hotfix ^^
  9. wud

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    yeah ^^ i do not want bitch arround in any way but i could wait a couple of hours for the stable-update in order to have a changelog BEFORE the actual release of a patch ´m jus´sayin
  10. farming hoe and pitchfork seems to make dmg like a woodcuttingaxe but more range (not that good inside buildings, but trying to kill inside is bad anyways) waiting for new physics/hitdetection to be released
  11. wud

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    same here since my pc is loading close to 400mb of data i would like to know what i am loading here i am not that type of guy who just loads stuff, not knowing what it is intel needed
  12. One hit of this little baby did kill Z´s So here´s your alternative ^^
  13. wud

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    there is not much at all to setup an ssd on win7 nowadays.. maybe disable energysaving, defrag & index .. i use my ssd as i would a hdd and ssdlife is predicting a lifespan up to 9 years .. and i used it 1 intense year allready even i do not give much about those prediction BUT my boot time is heavily increasing eventhough i have a (relativley) clean install ps since some winupdates i have an welcomescreen of 12 secs ... O_o ?!? earlier it didnt even popup more than half a sec
  14. wud

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    Having the same ssd as OP, i can confirm that it runs (only a bit but noticeable) smoother. Main thing, where an ssd helps with arma engine is not the fp/s but the huge ammount of data (i.e. textures) loaded ingame all the time, which reduces stuttering
  15. - zombiepathfinding - persistent stash - vehicles INCLUDING Helis - basebuilding - coldness +rare food - bugfixing /edit i just got that the op said only ONE thing !11!!111!1 so then i´d stick with more content
  16. wud

    Regaining blood is way too hard

    too easy to regain blood imho with this huge amount of food no survival-feeling :( miss the good old "i´m gonna diiie" tension from namalsk
  17. they are not very "protective" at all ^^ + when broken, up to 6 items are gone wear them often -_-
  18. wud

    Use melee and pistol from bike

    yeah.. you´re right
  19. wud

    Use melee and pistol from bike

    Give bikes first. Aaaaaand go.
  20. wud

    Remove hardcore crosshair

    Would vote Yes, BUT. we still need it to point out items to pick them up, don´t we ?
  21. wud

    My favorite server

    Interesting indeed. Mod wanted.
  22. and still wondering that the forum has no info on the eta.. while loading the build.. o_O /edit now it´s there
  23. can´t wait for physics can´t wait for cars. but .. wait.. didn´t play for 2 weeks now.. so .. huhm O_o ?!? back want intel but above of all a Roadmap for 2014
  24. Was a War-Veteran first, then a Helicopter-mechanic and medic.. But now, i am just a Hitchhiker.. standing on the street watching my Beard grow.