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Everything posted by wud

  1. wud

    authetication time out

    OK, so maybe just give the server some time? And why are there people on, playing.. should they not have the same problem if it is a serverside-error?
  2. wud

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    actually.. yes indeed, i was 8) also, i am too lazy to read nearly 20 pages..at least now
  3. wud

    endgame zone

    i do not want to call you a pessimist, but .. i just think right now you are kind of fed up with that beta ;) i think there WILL be numlocks like in the epoch mod the idea of a "zombieinfested"/"special"zone where rare loot spwans is not one that i like.. every one would be there. why not..i mean there is the best loot ? just make it spawn very very rare and you´r good to go btw. i would build my base at a spot where snipers won´t hit me an i do not think that the base will vanish when you got shot at. or what did you want to say ?
  4. wud

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    anyone with the problem that when hitting a zombie, suddenlyx the fire button won´t work at all.. even with a gun.. only relogging seems to help.. should i creat a bugtracker or anyone already did ?
  5. wud

    endgame zone

    i can only say this is not Call of Duty nor Warcraft ..luckily this game is, for some, boring for some it´s adrenaline when they hear the sound of footsteps
  6. wud

    endgame zone

    and if you do not like camping.. go play in january when morde content for you actionguys are arround
  7. wud

    endgame zone

    in future, if you have everything u want/can loot.. go make a tent camp & start horting stuff i eagerly look forward barricading buildings or even build a base/fort and if that is not enough, start planting crops for your applefarm just wait if cars or even choppers come and start a race with friends.. be paitent.. wait and see.. for now whaere all that is not implemeted yet i am off fishing with a friend near our campfire on our nighttimeserver .. so long good night
  8. wud

    endgame zone

    please read the roadmap before posting .. and skillpoints&perma-loot U SERIOUS.. ORLY ?
  9. wud

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    yeah.. ?!?
  10. wud

    sawn off episode 931204

    i know it´s not the topic but.. may it be true, that the m1911 has the lowest dispersion ? imho far better than cr75/revolver/etc.. can anyone confirm this ?
  11. wud

    sawn off episode 931204

    single pellet per shell ? tested.. confirmed! will keep my hands of it, until fixed shotgun-drama 2 be continued wouldn´t be too bad if pistols would have a decent acuracy.. so, no 2nd weapon for me except for the fnx
  12. if you die or not.. a tent, is a tent, is a tent.
  13. wud

    Rarest of loot

    You know what i miss .. the freaking Reddot-Scopes for my Crossbow O_o ..not to mention the slug ammunition for the Shotty
  14. It´s persistent.. or not ? For me, its a way of hiding stuff that for WHEN I DIE i can retrive what i had saved for bad times. Whats the meaning of a permanent storage, when it degrades after the player dies ? Help me out.. maybe i´ll get it then..
  15. wud

    Invisible zombies strikes again

    just got nearly killed by something similar.. do not know if it was a Z´ but it certainly didi hit me twice and broke my leg.. :( happened to me three times in variouss buiuldings since .46 and also in exp .47 also i did not hear any sounds (punching/screaming from infected) or saw any shadow ?!?
  16. Just got followed by 2 Infected Went inside a building let one in and smashed the door to closed 1 infected entered,smashed his head with my axe, the second could not enter..because of the closed door :D pathfinding really seems to work now.. ;) :thumbsup: but.. infected still seem to ignore fences and stuff like that .. but no more walking throug buildingwalls for me here.. at least in my 10 minute-testing
  17. just threw my axe (yeah i did try) and fell down while doing so.. kind of funny
  18. wud

    How to use the long range scope?

    LR scopes have, like mostly any other scopes, a fixed zoom for instance the Huntings scope of my Grandfather had a 12x magnification while ACOC´s have views from 1.5x & 6x magnification..in dayZ ithink around 3,5 or 4x so nope, you cannot zoom while in scope view.. what you can do is change your fov setting ingame
  19. wud

    Amazing new arm dislocation feature

    actually it´s snake, my musty fellow <3 \edit That´s a Tigerswan
  20. wud

    Stopping power?

    You guys forgot to mention Joule where as a .45acp projectile would bring a force between 332–735J a 7,62x54R bullet would go more for 2920–4466 J and this all, like mentioned above, dependened on the size weight and shape of a projectile and many more factors like wind etc. i would consider a 12gauge slug in 50m distance a good "stopper" bcause it will not travel as fast than other calibres and so .. won´t go through "material" that easy
  21. Helicopters.. huhm they most certianly will controll like a Pumpkin, with implented software written by the most professional Hipster Guinea Pig out there. It´s not like ToH or Arrma 3.. more like playing Angry Birds with Voice commando and totaly 2015 with its social features like Super Awesome ingame Vehicle-Chat and shit.. will be great.. what you expect ?
  22. this poll: 1. would you rather have.. ..something that is allready implemeted, and will be more ? or ..something that will come, but is not implemented yet ? 2. ..something that is there, but not enough ? or ..something that could be everything ? 3. ..nothing or ..more this and that ..seriously, this poll might be created out of good intention but .. lets first get 64bit- and memoryfix then, after adding content that is on the official list, out of alpha& in to beta, and so, to bugfixing
  23. wud

    Game Suggestions

    - Coldness/Shivering-system
  24. wud

    Few Items I Believe Should Be Added

    and a few items the should be removed aehm.. reduced FOOD